Chapter 1- nightmare

The night was deep, and a black SUV was parked at the corner of an abandoned factory district. The rows of low buildings stretched endlessly into the darkness, becoming yet another perfect cover, besides the night itself.

The vehicle was riddled with bullet holes; the Cadillac Escalade, worth millions, resembled a wounded beast. After enduring such an armed assault, despite its reluctance and fury, it had to rely on its exceptional performance and innate agility to carve out a bloody path and temporarily lie low here.

The scent of gunpowder, the metallic tang of blood, and the restrained, heavy breathing of a man filled the interior of the car in a silent, suffocating atmosphere. The rear window had been shattered by bullets, and though the night breeze blew in, it couldn't dispel the thick, almost solidified tension inside.

There were no lights. Her eyes were still blindfolded, her hands tied behind her back. Sophia Diaz knew only that she had been kidnapped. She was unaware of what had just transpired. Sitting in the back seat, she only heard the crackling noises outside, like fireworks during New Year's celebrations. The car jolted, and then the man beside her shielded her head, pressing her down. The scent of tobacco mixed with a crisp, unfamiliar yet masculine fragrance filled her nose.

There was something cold and hard digging into her back, causing pain. Later, she would realize it was the gun he had hidden on his body, which he drew to return fire through the window, all the while keeping half his body protectively over her.

The man who had kidnapped her was now protecting her.

Perhaps he couldn't let anything happen to her before achieving his goal?

The gunfight was intense. The attack had been unexpected, catching the kidnappers off guard. Some were even injured. The car had swerved and sped up to dizzying speeds to evade their pursuers before finally taking refuge in this abandoned factory area.

Sophia Diaz had no idea what this group of people planned to do next, but she knew this might be her best chance to escape.

The airport wasn't far; she could even hear the roar of planes overhead. As long as she could get out of this factory district and reach a crowded area, she would naturally be rescued.

"Mandy, how's your injury?" The man beside her spoke, his voice low and cold. She knew he was hurt too, but there was no trace of pain in his tone.

"It's nothing, the bleeding has stopped! Boss, are you injured too? Is the girl alright?"

The man in the front passenger seat, Mandy, sounded in bad shape. They had been ambushed at a gas station, and he had taken a bullet to the leg. Dragging his injured leg, he had managed to get into the car, but by now, he must have lost a lot of blood, and the bone might even have been shattered. Yet, he wasn't concerned about his own life.

Sophia Diaz could almost feel the dangerous gaze of the man beside her, the one called "Boss," sweeping over her before he answered, devoid of any emotion, "She's fine. It's just a minor injury on my part, nothing serious! It was my oversight today. I thought picking someone up wouldn't be risky, so I didn't bring my gear, and it gave them an opening."

Carrying a gun had been a habit since he was thirteen. The Glock 19 in his arms was kept under his pillow even while he slept. It was enough for self-defense, but against an enemy, it was somewhat inadequate.

The "gear" he referred to was his favorite weapon, the German MP5 submachine gun. When its firepower was unleashed, neither man nor vehicle could get close. How could they have ended up in such a dire situation?

"Boss, what do we do next? Are we still heading to the port?" Joey, who was sitting in the driver's seat, asked while quickly bandaging Mandy's wound.

"Yes, stick to the plan and head there tonight. We'll deal with everything else later. Mandy, let me take a look at your injury!"

The rear door opened, and the man beside her got out of the car, immediately lessening the oppressive atmosphere. Sophia Diaz struggled to sit up, noticing that the cloth covering her eyes had loosened. She rubbed it against the seat back until she finally freed herself from the blindfold.

With no one coming to rescue her, she realized she had to rely on herself to escape.

Having been in darkness for so long, her eyes adjusted well to the dim light. She slowly inched towards the door, hoping to make a run for it while they were distracted by Mandy's injury.

The abandoned factory offered plenty of space to hide. Even if they tried to find her, it would take time. These people were injured and preoccupied, unable to act openly. They would probably give up searching for her soon.

But reality proved her to be too naive. The moment her feet touched the ground, a hand as strong as iron clamps grabbed her arms. She turned back to see the man's face clearly—handsome with deep, defined features, eyes like dark pools under the moonlight, a high nose, and tightly pressed thin lips. His expressionless face was terrifyingly cold.

"Where do you think you're going? Trying to escape, hmm?" His voice was laced with a slight, mocking tone, the last "hmm" rising in pitch, adding a hint of danger, as if a predator was toying with prey caught in its claws.

Sophia glared at him defiantly, which served as a silent admission. Escaping was instinctual, her only belief now.

A gust of air came with a slap. The sharp sound echoed in the quiet corner, strikingly abrupt. Sophia's head snapped to the side from the force. Before she could react, she was thrown back into the car, lying sprawled across the rear seat.

Her face stung so badly it was going numb. She wanted to cry out, but the man pinned her down forcefully. His hand clamped around her jaw, rendering her unable to make a sound, and even breathing became difficult.

"Don't test my patience. I don't want to have to strip you bare right now! We went through a lot of trouble to bring you here, and unless I get what I want, there's no way you're leaving. So, if you're thinking of escaping from me, Capone, I suggest you save your strength and spare yourself the pain. I don't have any special consideration for women!"

So, his name was Capone. But she didn't know him, had no idea who he was or why she'd been kidnapped! The slap had left her ears ringing, and her mind was in turmoil. Fear surged within her; she wanted to cry but refused to shed tears in front of this villain. She could only bite her lip and hold back, praying that her family would come to rescue her soon, so they could tear this bastard to pieces!

The journey that followed was a nightmare for Sophia.

Once they were certain they had shaken off their pursuers, the battered car headed straight for the airport. However, they weren't boarding a commercial flight but a private jet.

After being slapped, Sophia was thrown into the back seat like a piece of cargo, enduring the car's speed and jolts in an extremely uncomfortable position. The tension and fear nearly made her vomit.

When she got on the plane, the feeling of despair intensified. She knew that once she left the city, the chances of being rescued would diminish, and escaping would become even more difficult. This realization made her struggle and resist even more fiercely.

"Let me go! Don't you people… do you even respect the law? Let me off this plane! I don't want to leave here!"

Her cheeks flushed red, and her eyes, filled with anger and anxiety, sparkled with vivid intensity. She looked like a small, cornered animal ready to defend itself.

Capone restrained her hands and feet. "The law? Are you well-acquainted with it? Then you might as well wait for it to come and rescue you. But today, you have to come with me, or I won't hesitate to do something far more unlawful!"

Sophia was indeed frightened; the man's dangerous aura was ever-present. But she was also somewhat stubborn by nature, and with the situation so dire, she had no choice but to fight with all her might. She was young, physically fit from regular exercise and outdoor activities, so she put all her strength into struggling, hitting Capone's injured area, and even kicked Mandy's bullet-wounded leg.

"It seems I really don't need to be polite with you anymore!"

Capone's lips pressed into a tight line as he pulled out the whip Mandy often used. He swung it hard at Sophia, the force so intense that the sound of it cutting through the air was enough to make one's heart race.

Sophia felt a sudden, searing pain on her side, as if she'd been shoved, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the floor. The whip's tip brushed against her cheek, stinging like a scorpion's sting, and she almost burst into tears.

As the whip was about to strike again, Mandy intervened. "Boss, that's enough! Just restrain her and get the plane off the ground. Cronus and the others are still waiting for us at the port!"

Capone's grip on the whip tightened and then relaxed. He tossed it to Joey beside him. "Tie her feet as well, use the seatbelt to secure her. If that doesn't work, give her a shot! I don't want to see her causing any more trouble!"

Hearing the word "shot," Sophia froze in terror. She knew that this man wasn't ordinary, and those involved in the underworld often dealt in arms, drugs, and gambling—the very things that could control people. If they intended to use drugs to subdue her, she would rather die than submit.

Fortunately, Capone seemed satisfied with her sudden quietness. He glanced at her briefly before leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes to rest until the plane landed.

However, when the plane touched down, the sounds of people outside reignited Sophia Diaz's hope of being rescued. She began struggling violently again and even bit Capone's arm.

He didn't resist, showing little sign of pain, merely waiting in silence for her to finish. Once she had exhausted herself, he slapped her again, then forced her into a waiting car, sealing her mouth with tape.