Sheba's Chamber

The bronze door was very close.

The door leading into Sheba's chamber.

The door shrouded in mystery that none of the guards had made even the slightest attempt to enter this forbidden lair.

Who in their right mind would see danger and meddle in it's affair?

But Aaron is one kid who's curiosity seem quite high to the point of wanting to evaluate something that can even harm his person.

No one could compete with him on that aspect..

Yet, yet.

Something told him in his spirit to turn around and never look back.

The dread he felt was on like any other.

He could not even make himself to grab the door's knob and twist it open.

What if he touches the door and, he was drenched in an unmistakable cold that snatches his life-force away?

What if he touches the door and an Incinerating heat consumes him?

What if the door is a trap that can cause the instantaneous demise of it's victim?

There was nothing that Aaron did not think.

There was no theories that he did not come up with.

Even the speculations of countless ways to die lingered in his mind, playing over and over again like a broken record.

With a deep breath, Aaron drew closer...

A shiver crawling down his spine.

Saliva draining from his throat.

A very sensitive feeling.

The feeling of death... The feeling, to die!

His hands inched closer, and he slowly touched the knob of the chamber.

He did not die.

His lifeforce was still intact.

The ominous feeling has completely vanished into oblivion.


Something was very wrong somewhere!

He could feel it. The unsettling feeling that had seemingly vanished had returned.

Slowly, he turned the door knob and pushed it open. It released a small creak and opened revealing a thick and obvious dooming darkness.

Suddenly, Ortega came from the open alley and into the narrow hall way.

But he froze seeing Aaron by Sheba's door.

"Boy, are you courting death? Come here and I'd give you an instant one. "

Aaron looked back and scoffed. For some reason, Ortega did not seem as harrowing as he had thought he was. Sheba is now the biggest that he would have to face sooner or later.

"You dare ignore me you pathetic swine?"

Many parts of his body was vibrating, creaking and popping due to anger and the fact that he cannot take action when facing Sheba's chamber.

Not even the guards had been privy to entering Sheba's chambers and this kid was planning to enter.

"Kid step back, you must be asking for a death wish!"

"Sheba is insane! You don't want to incur her wrath." Ortega tried to dissuade Aaron from stepping in, but Aaron could see that Ortega wanted to deal with him, by himself.

When Ortega realized that Aaron did not plan to step back, he immediately attacked. But, an ominous air flapped around and a piercing force struck Ortega to the ground.

He was not dead, but his heart had been pierced. As a wizard of curses he could reverse the effects of any curse and this hole in his heart was a curse. The only issue is that, it would take some time to reverse it's effect.

Aaron looked away from Ortega and then back at the open chamber, drenched in darkness from top to bottom, Aaron stepped in and the door closed behind him with a deafening bang.