Mordo Weave

Aaron panted heavily.

"This is..."

"The demon of dread had just tried to kill me. Or did this signify something else?"

Lao Lao placed a hand upon Aaron's shoulder and Aaron trembled. He had forgotten that the power of Illusion had wiped out Lao Lao's memory that retains Aaron's true identity.

The tension from the Mask and also the ability:

Where is my Eye has been the main focus lately.

What exactly did this mean?

And Lao Lao had brought him here. Meaning that he also had in mind to show Aaron the mask.

Aaron turned towards Lao Lao, his eyes stained with blood that replaced tears.

"You brought me down here. What are your reasons?"

Lao sighed.

"The mask has been on my mind for quite sometime now. And I heard that it has many abilities."

Aaron thought for a while.

Lao was right about the mask having many abilities, but he was also wrong about that too.