Soon the woman vanished from there , while Pralyatanka's anger surged seeing so many powerfull people and seeing Aysha beauty at place of being attracted he got angry and He unleashed a powerful attack without warning, but King Rohan remained unmoved, his indifference fueling Aysha's growing fear.

Just then, a voice boomed across the planet, echoing off the skies. "Halt, Pralyatanka! This planet and the entire galaxy are under the jurisdiction of the Sacred Destiny Palace. Cease your attack or face annihilation. Even your true king dare not challenge us, so retreat at once!"

Pralyatanka's assault faltered as he scanned the horizon for the source of the voice. Enraged and humiliated, he snarled, "Who are you what is your position?"

The voice responded, "We are the Sacred Destiny Palace, guardians of the existence after god at whatever position I am you can't dare to defy us. You trespass on our territory. Leave now or face the consequences."

Pralyatanka's face contorted in fury, but he knew better than to challenge the palace's authority. With a parting snarl, he vanished into thin air, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

Aysha breathed a sigh of relief as the tension dissipated,

soon The demigods, people, and many screens vanished, but the damage was done - over a million lives lost on both sides, with Pralyatanka's army suffering the most.

as the whole sky clear with no other being available another than indus kingdom people , the 12-year-old boy reappeared, his eyes aglow with an otherworldly power. "Pranam, Father-in-law," he said, bowing slightly. "I apologize for my tardiness. But why did you weaken your top 100 warriors? What was the purpose of this strategy?"

Aysha's eyes widened in shock, awaiting an answer to the boy's question.

Aysha was shocked, along with everyone else present. She had no idea what deal she had made or what was happening. Despite knowing about her seven lives, she was still unclear about the situation.

In her past lives, Aysha had lived on Earth twice, once in a modern era and once in a traditional era. She had also lived as a goblin on a distant planet, where her family died in an accident when she was just two years old. In another life, she lived as a human on a different world, dying at the age of 69, which was unusually short compared to the planet's inhabitants, who lived for millions of years. In that life, she met a vaid who adopted and taught her many things, and she received a treasure that she protected until her death. Her sixth life was her past life, and now she was living her seventh.

King Rohan smiled reassuringly at Raj. "Don't worry, Raj. One day, we'll regain our power and become strong again. This temporary weakness will help us break the curse from the tower."

Raj's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, yeah! I forgot. You've actually planned a very good strategy here, Father-in-law." He looked around at the four girls and asked, "By the way, which one of them is my wife? Let me guess."

Raj walked towards Aysha, who was lost in thought. "Is it you?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Aysha snapped out of her reverie, her eyes locking onto Raj's face. "Who...who are you?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Raj's smile faltered for a moment before he replied, "I'm your future husband and fiancé."

Aysha's eyes widened in shock as she looked at her parents, who nodded in confirmation. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she tried to process this unexpected revelation.

The room fell silent, with all eyes on Aysha and Raj. Then, suddenly, a bright light enveloped the planet, and 100 beams of light entered the bodies of the top 100 warriors of the Indus Kingdom, including Rohan, Suman, and others. Their cultivation began to decrease, a necessary step towards breaking the curse.

As the light faded, the room erupted into laughter and conversation. Aysha's face still glowed with a soft blush, and Raj's eyes shone with excitement and anticipation for their future together.

The major stages for the universe in which Aysha was right now were:

1 - 7 stages in which awakening chakra is required, where every stage is named differently in every world or race.

2 - It divided into 3 stages:

1 energy releasing out of body

2 creating structures and weapon from energy

3 mastery over energy

3 - There are many different paths from here; one can focus on body strengthening, energy control, or both, and any other way which they found, as there are some special training, and from there real cultivation starts.

As first 2 stages could be difficult for very normal people, but for like of s class and Aysha, who had gained a sss+ class blessing, they are work for 1 month - 2 month and some time even much less.

And on planet earth, this planet is also name earth, divided into 6 continent, 5 of which are biggest and one is very small one compared to them, but equal to an asian continent, whole other continent are equal to earth in area wise only land, while the 80 % of this earth is covered with water, but all words are connected with each other through portals.

As Raj gazed at Aysha, King Rohan declared victory throughout the kingdom, sending a wave of joy across the land. The commoners, unaware of the details, celebrated the end of danger, while cultivators who knew the truth felt a deeper sense of relief.

Within two days, balance was restored on planet Earth. Although the Indus Kingdom no longer had the strongest warrior, its army was unparalleled, with even common people possessing advanced martial arts skills and technology.

However, the strongest being on Earth was now King Arthur, ruler of the smallest kingdom or continent, with a tiny army but formidable power rivaling all other continents. His cruelty was notorious, as he exploited dark methods to boost his power by draining energy from women, forcing them to restart their cultivation. This included kidnapping powerful women from other continents, turning them into mere vessels for his gain.

Despite this, no kingdom could surpass King Arthur's power,

While the indus kingdom doesn't have strongest warrior his army is enough as the 116.8k-year time frame allowed cultivators to reach a certain level, but not surpass it. However, mastery of arts could still advance rapidly. The top 100 warriors, although weakened, had now reached their peak, equivalent to training for 116.8k years in that stage.