Chapter 1 Rebirth

 Ouch, it hurts too much! Pain so intense permeated Zhang Yi's entire body. It was not a feeling, but a reality that was happening to him. At this moment, he was being mercilessly trampled by his former friends and neighbors who he had trusted and helped. Blows and even sticks rained down on his body. In this materially scarce post-apocalyptic world, they even didn't care about the help Zhang Yi had given them and attacked him! As he was dying, he vaguely saw his ideal female figure, Fang Yiqing, standing behind the crowd, looking pitiful and shouting desperately, "It was me who made him open the door, the supplies should be divided to me more!" It was this woman who tricked Zhang Yi into opening the door and then killed him. Zhang Yi looked at her, filled with hatred and regret. He could only blame himself for being too stupid and kind, otherwise he wouldn't have become a stepping stone for others in this post-apocalyptic world. How much he wished everything could start over! At that time, he wouldn't show any mercy to anyone, only living for himself! Zhang Yi soon lost consciousness with a blackout. However, in the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the sofa. The hellish scene he had just experienced, the terrifying pain, were all vivid in his mind. Zhang Yi gasped heavily, and soon his entire body was soaked in sweat. "What's going on?" "Wasn't I killed by those beastly neighbors?" Coming to his senses, Zhang Yi began to take in his surroundings. The place was not unfamiliar to him; it was his own house. The comfortable temperature in the air, however, was so unusual that it left him feeling quite surprised. In the year 2050 December of the Gregorian calendar, Earth was hit by a global Cambrian explosion caused by the explosion of a supernova 500,000 light-years away. Global temperatures plummeted, and Zhang Yi's city of Tianhai had daily temperatures of -60 to -70 degrees Celsius, with snowstorms lasting for a month, submerging the entire city. It was said that in northern China, temperatures reached a terrifying -100 degrees Celsius or more, with the entire land buried in ice and snow. Mass extinctions of various forms of life occurred, and more than 95% of humanity perished in the disaster. Zhang Yi stood up and took out a half-bottle of water from the refrigerator. Drinking it down, he felt that it was nothing short of ambrosia. In the post-apocalyptic world, the only way people could obtain water was by venturing out into the freezing temperatures of -60 to -70 degrees Celsius to dig snow and melt it into water. This task was extremely dangerous and could easily result in death. After drinking the water, Zhang Yi opened his phone and looked at the time. It read "November 12th." There was still a full month until the end of the world. "It seems that I have been reborn," Zhang Yi took a deep breath and quickly realized what had happened. The experience of the past month could not have been a dream, especially the pain of being dismembered, which was too real. Zhang Yi raised his head, feeling a great sense of relief after surviving the ordeal. At the same time, a sharp and piercing light flashed in his eyes. He remembered the people who had killed him very clearly. This time around, he would definitely live a good life, without showing any mercy to those animals. Moreover, he would take revenge on those animals under the premise of ensuring his own safety. However, at the moment, Zhang Yi needed to consider how he could survive in the post-apocalyptic world that was about to arrive in a month's time. Zhang Yi's living conditions were still quite good. His parents had passed away many years ago, and he had inherited a house in Tianhai City, which was over 120 square meters in size. He also had over 2 million yuan in savings, which would have been considered quite comfortable in normal times. However, when the apocalypse arrived, there would be a huge shortage of supplies all over the world. The money in his hand would not last for long. After all, a person needs a huge amount of supplies to survive. In case he could prepare in advance, Zhang Yi not only wanted to live, but also wanted to have a certain quality of life in the future. He must balance his diet and entertainment, otherwise his mind will surely collapse over time. And weapons and equipment are also a must-have, only then can he protect his own safety and avenge his neighbors. At this moment, a faint white light suddenly appeared before Zhang Yi's eyes. He thought his right eye was a bit blurred, so he stretched out his hand to rub it. But suddenly, a strange idea popped up in his mind. It seemed that the faint white light was part of him, and he suddenly received information from the white light in his mind. Zhang Yi's consciousness instantly entered the white light at the thought. Upon entering, he found that it was a huge, white space that was beyond vast. The area inside was unknown, only blank space. "This is... an alternate space?" "It seems that I have gained some special abilities after my rebirth." Zhang Yi's heart suddenly brightened. It seems that the gamma rays have caused a mutation in his body, giving him extraordinary powers. With this huge space, it will be much more convenient for him to store supplies for the apocalypse. However, Zhang Yi wanted to know how much stuff could be stored in this space and whether there were any restrictions on the objects that could be collected. His consciousness immediately returned to his own room, and then he began trying to put things from his home into the space. He started with cups and basins, which were easily put into the space. Zhang Yi began trying to stuff the larger household appliances into it. The TV, refrigerator, washing machine, computer, air conditioner, and vacuum cleaner. The white space accepted everything, and it absorbed all of the things. And, as long as Zhang Yi had a thought, he could take the things out of the space. However, some objects that were subjected to strong external forces and were not independent, were difficult to put into the space. For example, if he wanted to dig up a piece of floor from the ground, there was no reaction. "The other space seems to have many rules, and I need to slowly figure them out." "But just the ability to store objects in this huge space can allow me to store huge amounts of resources!" He licked his lips, and a bold plan formed in his mind. Zhang Yi's job was as a manager of the South China warehouse for Walmart Supermarket. Walmart is the world's largest supermarket, with a wide variety of goods. It has three huge warehouses in China, located in the central, southern, and northern parts of the country. The three warehouses are terrifyingly large, especially the South China warehouse. It was built in 2040, measuring 1,500 meters long, 720 meters wide, and covering over a million square meters! It is the world's largest warehouse! It was once praised by the president of Walmart Greater China as the eighth wonder of the world! Of course, the world recognizes only seven wonders, and the eighth wonder is self-proclaimed, with thousands of them. But the area and storage capacity of the South China Warehouse are truly unparalleled in the field of warehousing worldwide. The supplies stored within it can supply the consumption of several cities and millions of people for a week. In other words, as long as Zhang Yi empties a warehouse's supplies and moves them into his own space, he won't have to worry about the supplies for the end of the world, and he can live very luxuriously. The most important thing is that Walmart's quality control is very strict. There are no low-end brands of inferior quality in the warehouse. Whether it's food, daily goods, or luxury goods, they are all well-regarded big brands. If Zhang Yi can empty a Walmart warehouse, not only will he not have to worry about the supplies for the end of the world, but he will also be able to live very luxuriously. As the manager of the warehouse, Zhang Yi is extremely familiar with every shelf and surveillance equipment and staff scheduling. Emptying the warehouse would definitely not be a difficult task for him. After making up his mind, Zhang Yi's mind was much lighter. "Gugu~" At this moment, Zhang Yi's stomach protested with a hungry sound. Zhang Yi patted his stomach and looked at the fried chicken rice he had bought from a store on the table. Zhang Yi rubbed his chin for a moment and finally shook his head with a smile, choosing to give up eating take-out. "In a month, it will be the end of the world. Many delicious foods should be eaten quickly, otherwise there will be no chance in the future. Why be so stingy to yourself?" He had endured a month of cold and hunger, and was now desperately hoping to eat some delicious hot food. What's the point of keeping money? After the end of the world, money will become worthless paper, so it would be better to spend it all now rather than wasting it. Zhang Yi turned around with a carefree expression, ready to find a high-end restaurant he used to be unable to afford to have a good meal.