Chapter 13 The Ice Age came

 Zhang Yi emptied the entire warehouse of Wal Mart in South China!

The materials worth tens of billions of yuan all entered his other space

And he pretended not to know anything and reported to the senior management of Wal Mart at the first time

Soon, the news spread throughout the senior management of Wal Mart in South China

A large group of leaders rushed to the scene in shock and called the police to handle the matter

Zhang Yi is not worried about being exposed

After all, in just two hours, tens of billions of materials in an entire warehouse disappeared. Such a thing is too unbelievable

Even if the police try their best to investigate, it is impossible to find out in a short time

However, he still pretended to be nervous and scared and cooperated with the police investigation

After a night of interrogation, Zhang Yi was released

The police are also very suspicious about this matter

Because they investigated the video inside and outside the warehouse

Although the internal video was turned off, it is impossible to steal millions of cubic meters of materials without leaving any traces

However, through the video surveillance around the warehouse, no trace of any vehicle passing by was found

In other words, the tens of billions of materials either disappeared out of thin air or... it was a trick played by Wal Mart itself

And by logical inference, it is obvious that the latter is more reasonable

After all, unless there is a supernatural phenomenon, it is impossible to explain how millions of cubic meters of materials disappeared in just two hours

As for ordinary employees like Zhang Yi, although they have also aroused some suspicion

But the logical problem of the disappearance of materials cannot be explained, even if there is a problem with internal employees, it is not the main contradiction

Zhang Yi was ordered not to leave Tianhai City for a short period of time and must cooperate with the police and internal investigations of Wal Mart at any time

Zhang Yi cooperated very well and was then released

After returning home, Zhang Yi took a look outside through the blinds of the french window

Today is December 8th, and there are still 4 days before the ice age comes

In the coming time, he only needs to stay at home and not go anywhere, and he can win the rest of his life easily

Thinking of the billions of dollars worth of goods in the alternate space, which included almost all the needs of life, Zhang Yi felt very reassured

He went back to the bedroom and lay down. After a night of hard work and cooperating with the interrogation, he was also a little tired


Zhang Yi slept until the evening, and when he turned on the TV, he saw the news about the theft of Wal Mart's South China warehouse

Due to the excessive and bizarre loss of materials caused by this theft, major news stations across the country have been competing to report on it

"Such a large warehouse was emptied in a few hours, someone must have stolen it!"

It must be done by insiders, most likely by the top management of Wal Mart itself, in order to defraud insurance

"That's millions of cubic meters of materials. Even if they are transported by trucks, it's impossible to finish in one night."

Zhang Yi smiled slightly, and no one would know the answer to this question before the end of the world

In the following days, Zhang Yi stayed at home and didn't go anywhere

He knows that there is not much time left for the world

For safety's sake, he won't leave his room without permission

During the investigation, the police and investigators from Wal Mart headquarters called him back and asked him some questions

Although they also suspected that Zhang Yi's behavior that night was somewhat strange

However, given the limited time frame of the investigation and the absence of conclusive evidence, they may have their suspicions, but it's impossible to apprehend Zhang Yi

During that period, some acquaintances did send messages to Zhang Yi, asking for inside information. However, Zhang Yi simply faked it out. Xiushu Network

Finally, the day of December 12th arrived

The gamma rays passed through the Blue Star at 2 o'clock in the morning, and only passed through for a moment, but the impact on the planet was devastating

Zhang Yi completely sealed the room several hours in advance, and then the fireplace began to burn

Because soon, with the depletion of energy, things like air conditioning and heating will completely fail

All means of heating can only be achieved through the most primitive means

At two o'clock, he sat on the sofa in front of the huge french window, holding a bottle of beer and staring out the window

Suddenly, a white light appeared at the end of the sky. It was clearly midnight, but the earth seemed to be brightening like dusk

But this light only lasted for two seconds, and then it went silent

Most people have already fallen asleep at this time, so they didn't notice the change in this moment

But Zhang Yi, who knew what it meant, felt cold all over his back at this moment

He gulped down the beer, and the refreshing Budweiser brought him a sense of calm

Zhang Yi thought and threw some good wood into the fireplace

He reached out and turned on the TV, watching the programs on the screen while waiting for the world to change

Only a few minutes later, the sky outside began to snow heavily

At first, the snowflakes were only the size of a fingernail, but within two minutes, they began to turn into heavy snowflakes!

The wind outside the window began to howl, and the snow outside the house seemed to become terrifying in an instant!

The whole city was suddenly covered by a heavy snow!

This is the power of nature. When it changes, it won't say hello to you

Zhang Yi's heart began to feel a little nervous

Although the safe house he built himself is perfect, he has experienced a cold ice end of the world after all, so it is inevitable that he will be a little worried

I don't know if this safe house with a cost of 8 million yuan can completely withstand the coming big drop in temperature!

However, as the flames in the fireplace burn brightly, the indoor temperature becomes extremely warm

Some even hot

Zhang Yi glanced at the indoor temperature and found it had reached 32.6°

Take another look outside, the overwhelming snowflakes have already submerged the entire city

Zhang Yi's heart is much more stable

But he didn't rush to sleep, he still wanted to observe the next changes

As for rest, there will be plenty of time later

Within half an hour, a thick layer of snow had accumulated on the balcony outside

Zhang Yi opens his mobile phone to check the news and finds that the news about the sudden drop in temperature has spread all over the Internet

The Internet is filled with complaints about the early arrival of winter this year, and netizens are shouting that they haven't had time to prepare winter clothes

"What the hell weather, why is it so cold with a temperature of more than ten degrees below zero!"

"I guess the roads will be frozen tomorrow, how can I go to work?"

Some people also expressed their joy

"After such a heavy snowfall, I don't have to go to work tomorrow, haha!"

Especially some friends from the south, they were even more excited to post photos of themselves with heavy snow

They said they had never seen such heavy snow in the south

Zhang Yi shook his head, saying that it was just the beginning

The snow will continue for three months and the temperature will be lower and lower

At that time, they won't have such a good mood to enjoy the snow.