Chapter 24 Aunt Lin's Threat

 Zhang Yi is playing games and eating imported snacks, leading a colorful life

The entire Tianhai City, or more than 99% of the world's regions, have been plunged into a state of water and power outages

The problem of water cut is slightly easier to solve

Those who can't stand it can go out and dig snow to get water

But power outages are the most unbearable thing!

The bodies of modern people are very delicate, and it is simply killing them to let them live in a low temperature of tens of degrees below zero!

Zhang Yi's neighbors are wailing in the owner group, and fear has made them choose to band together for warmth at this time, hoping that someone can bring them a glimmer of hope

Chen Zhenghao, who had his leg broken by Zhang Yi, was almost frozen to death at home with a broken leg

He has an injury and has to live in extremely low temperatures, which causes double damage to him

And his little calamities are even worse

Although Zhang Yi only used a hose to drench them

But at this temperature, there is no means of heating at all

The indoor temperature slowly approaches the outdoor temperature, reaching minus 50 to 60 degrees

Several people started to have high fever, the lowest temperature was 39°, and several were over 40°

Because they have no awareness of preparing medicine, there is no ibuprofen prepared at home

And it's impossible for them to go out to buy medicine in this weather

Therefore, they can only choose to fight it out

That's why Zhang Yi didn't shoot them at that time

It's much more satisfying to let them freeze to death in daily despair than to directly kill them!

Zhang Yi sat on the carpet, engrossed in playing the game

It was freezing outside, with the howling north wind mixed with heavy snow

But in the room, the temperature is 27°, the lights are bright, and there is no need to worry about food and drink, as everything is available for food and entertainment

If there is any shortcoming, it is probably the lack of a woman to accompany Zhang Yi

But Zhang Yi is not an idiot who is obsessed with sex

Having suffered losses from women in his previous life, he now prioritizes his own safety and quality of life above all else

Unless it's absolutely safe, he can't let anyone enter his safe house

In the end of the world, people's heart is something that can never be measured

He once saw a woman smash her husband to death with her own hands for a packet of instant noodles

At this time, Zhang Yi's phone lit up again

He took it with great interest and found that it was Aunt Lin who had tagged everyone in the owner group

Due to the current snowstorm, it has had a huge impact on everyone's life

"According to the official notice, the snow will continue for a short period of time."

"In order to help everyone weather the storm together, everyone can live with dignity in difficult times."

"So from now on, the neighborhood committee will collect the supplies of each household and distribute them uniformly."

This is an official order. Please cooperate with each household! Otherwise, if any household is selfish and disobeys the organization's arrangement, they will be punished by the organization afterwards

Don't think you are so capable that you can oppose our organization. Remember, you all have your own weaknesses

Zhang Yi sneered

It's the same routine as in the previous life

As a member of the neighborhood committee, although this aunt Lin doesn't have much power, she still has more information channels than ordinary people

She must have known that the end of the world was coming, and the official situation in Tianhai City had already been suspended

So she wanted to use trickery and intimidation to get everyone to give her the supplies they had

But Mrs. Lin's tactics are not very clever

After all, she's just an old woman with a middle school education

In fact, smart people can see that there is a problem in these words she said

Even if the government carries out unified regulation, it is impossible to issue such orders

However, there are more than 50 households living in their building, and there will always be some timid people who will listen to Aunt Lin's words out of fear

Zhang Yi doesn't plan to take care of this matter, just wants to see the excitement

Sure enough, this time, due to the tough tone of Aunt Lin's demand to confiscate the goods of every household, some people were finally driven to desperation

Wang Min, who lives on the 15th floor, is also a colleague of Zhang Yi. As a thrifty housewife, she often brings things home from the warehouse on weekdays

The neighbors know this

Mrs. Lin is going to collect the materials from each family. Their family definitely can't escape

Wang Min said, "Now that the snow has blocked the door, there is no way to go out. Each household doesn't have enough food for themselves. You have to collect and distribute it collectively. Is that reasonable?"

Another property owner named Sun Zhichao also said, "Everyone is struggling financially, and it's not easy to save some food. For you to confiscate it is too much!"

Granny Lin clenched her teeth and pressed the voice button with her fingers

I have said that now is a very important moment, so we should use extraordinary means

"The snow disaster will soon be over, don't worry. It's just to redistribute the supplies."

"At this time, many families don't have food. Are you so selfish?"

"You don't think about your neighbors much either!"

Some people have stockpiled supplies at home, while others are short of supplies

So those who lack supplies at home naturally come forward to support Aunt Lin

"Yes, we are all neighbors. Why not help each other at this time?"

"It's just some food and drink. Everyone can afford it on weekdays, but it's just that these two days are special!"

This is a decision made by the organization. If you don't comply, the consequences are not something that anyone can bear

In the WeChat group, two groups of people began to argue

Zhang Yi didn't say a word, and neither did Bai Lianhua Fang Yuqing or Lin Caining

Because there are still many materials in their family

But with their personality, they would never give it up

Zhang Yi's desire to watch a play was soon broken

Although he didn't speak, Aunt Lin took the initiative to send him a private message

"Xiao Zhang, you work in the warehouse, so you must have a lot of food and drinks at home on weekdays, right?"

I still remember the last time you bought three carts of things

Now that everyone is in trouble, it's time for you to show your spirit

Don't worry, we will definitely pay you back as soon as the snow disaster is over. Everyone will still remember your kindness

First, Aunt Lin created a buzz in the WeChat group, causing some timid people to panic

Then we can start to break through one by one

As long as you can deceive a family, you can get some supplies, which can help her and her grandson live a few more days!

And Zhang Yi, the warehouse supervisor of Wal Mart, was also targeted by Aunt Lin.