Chapter 66 The Warlords

 Zhang Yi stood on the balcony, leaning against the window. As long as the situation was not right, he could return to his room at any time

Chen Zhenghao and his little brother were both on the balcony next door, looking dizzy

But Zhang Yi cannot be sure if they really fainted

What if this is their joint plot with Zhou Kerbu to lure themselves into the trap?

It's possible that as soon as he goes over here, the people over there will get up and kill him!

Moreover, there is a distance of over ten centimeters between the two balconies

The fence made of stainless steel is particularly slippery on snowy days

If he climbs by himself, Zhou Ker could easily push him and cause him to fall from the 24th floor


Zhang Yi pointed his gun at Chen Zhenghao and others on the ground

Use these ropes and tie their hands behind my back

Also, I remember Chen Zhenghao had a gun on him, and he handed it over to me

Zhou Ke'er's face was full of speechlessness

She hadn't eaten for two days now, only drank a little water, and dragged ten people to the balcony, so she had no strength at all

Seeing Zhang Yi being so cautious that she didn't even want to come over and help, she bit her dry and cracked lips and angrily said, "You must be too careful too

Be careful when sailing a thousand year old ship, I won't let myself take any risks

Zhang Yi said calmly

Zhou Ke'er had no choice but to follow Zhang Yi's instructions at the barrel of his gun

She picked up the rope and firmly tied the hands of those people from behind

When she took out the handgun from Chen Zhenghao's pocket, Zhang Yi's muzzle was also aimed at her head

Remove the magazine from the gun and throw it to me

Zhou Ke'er looked at Zhang Yi and suddenly bit her lip, asking, "How can I trust you? What if you turn your face and don't recognize me after I finish these things

Zhang Yi said, "You have no other choice but to believe in me now. Only by believing in me can you possibly survive in this harsh environment

Zhou Ke'er pondered for a moment, realizing that she had no other choice but to trust Zhang Yi

If she cannot break her moral bottom line and eat people, she is destined to starve to death

Zhou Ke'er followed Zhang Yi's instructions and removed the magazine from the handgun, then threw it at Zhang Yi's feet

Zhang Yi glanced with his peripheral light and confirmed that it was indeed Chen Zhenghao's gun, before saying to Zhou Ker, "You go back to the room first

Zhou Ke'er cautiously returned to the room

She is also very nervous in her heart at this moment

Because if Chen Zhenghao and the others wake up, Zhang Yi can go back to her room, but she will definitely die

However, as Zhang Yi said, she had no choice

After Zhou Ke'er returned to her room, Zhang Yi did not rush to step over the balcony

He picked up Chen Zhenghao's gun from the ground

Glancing at the magazine, there were still three bullets inside

Zhang Yi threw the gun into a different space, then returned to the room and took out a water pipe from the bathroom

Then he leaned over to the dozen or so people on the balcony

The reason for not firing is twofold: firstly, to save bullets, and secondly, to prevent others from hearing the commotion and causing unnecessary trouble


Water gushed out from the water pipe and landed on Chen Zhenghao and others from a distance of three to four meters

From an indoor temperature of over 20 degrees to an outdoor temperature of minus 70 degrees, a temperature difference of nearly 100 degrees!

This makes the originally warm water column still emit hot air when sprayed out

But once it landed on them, it immediately began to freeze!

Zhou Ke'er in the room saw this scene and couldn't help but hug her arm tightly

Being frozen to death like this is indeed a very cruel thing

At this moment, due to the erosion of ice water, this group of people slowly woke up

Ice water has penetrated their entire bodies, causing them to freeze all over


A little Karami's frozen lips turned purple and she let out a terrified scream

He wanted to get up, but found his hands tightly tied behind him

And the ground was covered in a thick layer of ice, making him constantly slip and unable to get up

Chen Zhenghao also woke up with ice water washing his face

He looked shocked and suddenly realized that he had been drugged!

But now, he doesn't have time to investigate who drugged him

Because the cold water constantly washed over his entire body made him feel like he was falling into an ice cave, with a cold and piercing sensation all over his body, as if ten thousand needles were piercing every pore of him!

Everyone woke up and let out a scream of terror

But they struggled desperately, but couldn't get up no matter how hard they tried. With ten people crowded on the balcony, they would still get in the way of each other

Zhang Yi

Chen Zhenghao saw Zhang Yi spraying their water pipe from the balcony next door and let out a roar. m.

Zhang Yi finally came out of the room, and the unbreakable window opened a crack

Unfortunately, his hands are tied up now, and even his own life cannot be saved

You've already caused quite a commotion, it's time for you to die

Zhang Yi said coldly

Chen Zhenghao and a few others killed nearly half of the neighbors in the entire building, and even caught up with Zhang Yi

Keep him, he won't be able to fight Zhang Yi for long

Although Zhang Yi is not afraid, it is better to kill him for safety reasons

Zhang Yi wouldn't joke about his own life and fortune

What is safer than a dead person?

Chen Zhenghao and others struggled and roared with their last strength

However, they couldn't get up no matter what

Cold ice water poured onto their faces, into their mouths, and into their collars

Their clothes were soaked through and turned into hard ice cubes

Two minutes later, they lay on the ground and could no longer make any sound, only convulsing with bruises all over their bodies

Three minutes later, they couldn't even move because they had become ten large ice blocks

Five minutes later, this piece of ice became even larger and connected together to form a solid block of ice

Zhang Yi did not continue spraying water in order to save water sources

Frozen like this, without modern medical methods, it's impossible to survive anymore

Zhang Yi returns to the room and locks the french window

Then he changed out of his thick winter suit and called Zhou Ker

You have passed the test and can come over now

In the next room, Zhou Ker heard Zhang Yi's voice and finally let go of her restless heart

She trembled and said, "Okay, I'll be right there

She took her medical kit, opened the door as if escaping, and left this hellish room

Zhang Yi opened the quadruple lock of the heavy security door, took two steps back, and raised his right hand to aim the gun at the entrance

He turned his head and glanced at the surveillance footage to confirm that Zhou Ke'er's condition was not a problem, and then opened the last electronic door lock using a mobile app

You can come in now

Zhou Ke'er outside the door heard a voice, lifted her cold and pale hand, and pushed it hard

The door was heavy, and she pushed it very hard

But as soon as a crack appeared in the door, a warm current immediately surged and enveloped her

Zhou Ke'er's eyes gleamed with excitement

She hasn't felt this warm feeling for too long!

So she increased the strength in her hand, pushed open the door, and took a step inside

After entering the door, at this moment, she felt as if she had entered heaven!

The cold feeling that covered the whole body before is rapidly disappearing now

That mesmerizing warmth is like entering a bath

Slowly, she even began to feel an unbearable burning sensation

After all, she is wearing six layers of clothing now, and just the down jacket is wearing two layers

At the room temperature of 27 ° C in Zhang Yi's house, she couldn't bear the heat

So she didn't care about Zhang Yi aiming at her gun and hurriedly took off her clothes.