Chapter 75 White Phosphorus Bomb

 Zhang Yi's reaction was very quick. He climbed out of bed in his pajamas, immediately took the pistol from another dimension, opened the safety and held it in hand

He switched on his mobile phone and checked the surveillance footage outside

The living room is safe and sound

In Zhou Keri's room, she was now terrified and tightly wrapped in a quilt, hiding her head in the corner of the room

There is nothing wrong inside the house, Zhang Yi feels relieved

Then he looked outside through the monitor

Upon observation, he identified the dozen or so individuals who were acting suspiciously

The tools in hand are mainly shovels, as well as steel bars, wooden boards, and axes

But Zhang Yi's wooden board looked familiar. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be the red three-ply wood commonly used on construction sites

Zhang Yi clearly remembers that there were no construction workers in their building

However, in the next door 26#, there is a group of workers who work on nearby construction sites. There are about twenty people living in their company's rented house

After the smoke and dust dissipated, those people rushed to the door to check whether the blasting was successful

This appearance clearly indicates that they are well-prepared and their goal is very clear, directly targeting Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi's eyes were very cold, and it seemed that the news of his family's abundant resources had already spread to the outside world

Outside the door, Uncle Er and others were stunned to see the thick metal door intact

"Old donkey, what are you doing? This broken thing can't even open a door!"

The worker next to him angrily questioned the old donkey

The old donkey didn't expect such a result

He said, "This is not right! The explosives I mixed are fine."

"Maybe it's damp!"

Lao Lu is a good blaster in the engineering team, but he uses traditional methods

Although the explosives are loud, they have a significant power gap compared to those deployed by professional blasting personnel

Otherwise, even if the door of Zhang Yi's house cannot be blown open, it can still blow up the walls near his home

In simple terms, it is not very harmful but extremely scary

Zhang Yi confirmed through the mobile app that his house was not damaged, and he felt relieved

But at the same time, his anger was also burning fiercely in his heart

These people want to kill themselves!

Let them die first!

A group of people outside the door were still complaining, and some people had already tried to smash the door with their shovels

They didn't notice that a small window had been opened in the iron door above their heads

Zhang Yi lit the Molotov cocktail and threw it outside

The flames of the fire instantly burst into flame

Zhang Yi still couldn't get over his hatred, and took out several small white bottles from the space. Inside were nearly transparent white liquids

These are bottles of white phosphorus dissolved in sulfur dioxide, which is the simplest version of white phosphorus bomb

White phosphorus bomb is called "Hellfire". When burning, the temperature of white phosphorus bomb exceeds 1000℃ and can destroy all living organisms within a certain range

The explosion of white phosphorus bomb will produce strong light and splashing burning debris, which is difficult to remove in time if it touches the skin. The wound is even more terrible, not only causing horrific lethality but also producing a strong psychological shock

Internationally, the use of white phosphorus bombs is prohibited

However, Zhang Yi doesn't care about that. As long as he can effectively kill the enemy, he will use any means!

The incendiary bottle fell to the ground, and a raging fire broke out. However, its lethality is not particularly significant

The people who came through the snow layer were soaked in clothes and it was not easy to ignite. xǐ υm ь. ℃òm

However, the burning bottle formed a flame on the ground, which quickly evaporated sulfur dioxide and caused the white phosphorus dissolved in it to burn!

In an instant, a temperature of thousands of degrees was created in the air!

The flames splashed onto their clothes and could not be extinguished no matter how hard they tried

In an instant, the aisle outside turned into a sea of fire

Zhang Yi's move exceeded the expectations of these people, and they had no way to react in just a few seconds

Many people were burned by the flames of white phosphorus

The down jackets and cotton-padded clothes they wear are excellent burning materials


"Save me, save me!"

The piercing screams, as if coming from hell, are the most painful way for humans to die - being burned alive!

Even if an ordinary person is burned by a matchstick, it will cause excruciating pain

Not to mention every inch of his body was engulfed by flames!

Zhang Yi felt that it was not enough and took out his pistol again, shooting desperately outside!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

He didn't care about saving bullets, shooting like setting off firecrackers

Soon, one body after another fell down

Of the dozen or so people who came to attack, only eight bodies were left behind. Only five or six managed to escape

Zhang Yi didn't open the door to chase after him, but he still followed the principle of safety first

After confirming that those people were dead, he closed the shooting hole and turned on the air filtration system to prevent smoke from entering the room

Zhang Yi glanced at the gun in his hand and saw that all bullets were used up

He couldn't help shaking his head, "This thing is really not durable. Fortunately I didn't buy a machine gun, otherwise this shot would have used up hundreds of bullets!"

It seems that we have to find a way to get some hot weapons later

Before that, his sense of crisis was not so high

But today, these workers on the nearby floors used blasting to remind him

In the end of the world, those who can survive are not simple

The people I will face in the future are all tough characters

If one day an engineer with a large amount of explosives comes, he might be able to blow up his building!

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. After all, that dosage is too large for ordinary people to obtain

However, this also forced Zhang Yi to prepare for the future

"I will kill all of you, you dogs!"

Zhang Yi cursed fiercely

He walked to Zhou Keri's room and opened the door

Zhou Keri curled up in the corner, burying her head tightly between her snow-white legs

"It's okay."

Zhang Yi said to her

Upon hearing Zhang Yi's voice, Zhou Keri felt a sense of peace wash over her

Although this man is overly cautious and always appears indifferent

But now, he is the biggest warmth in Zhou Keri's heart

She looked up at Zhang Yi and said, "I'm not afraid. I just thought it was an earthquake and hid in the corner to be safe."

Zhang Yi laughed in silence

"24 floors, if there is an earthquake, you will be crushed no matter where you hide!"

Zhou Keer stood up and asked, "What just happened?"

Zhang Yi is sitting on her bed

Before Zhou Keer moved in, the place was very dull and there were no quilts on the bed

But after she moved in, the room had a warm and cozy atmosphere

Pink velvet quilt, yellow sheets

On the windowsill, hanging were her washed black lace undergarments and black silk stockings

It can be seen that she is a delicate woman

Of course, not only her own room but also the whole house including Zhang Yi's bedroom were cleaned up every day

Zhang Yi thought: It's really good to have a sensible woman around

If it weren't for the end of the world, such a woman couldn't marry without 18.88 million yuan in betrothal gifts.