Chapter 96 All Killed?

 After some thinking, Zhang Yi got a satisfactory answer

That is, as long as he sticks to Building 25 and doesn't go out, using the firepower in his hands and the strength of the safe house, even if people from other 29 buildings join forces, they can't do anything against him

To put it bluntly, in today's situation of extreme food scarcity and extremely cold temperatures, even walking a few steps outdoors under the chilly wind is a great ordeal for one person

Twenty people can't do the same amount of work as one person did in the past

My personal safety is not a problem. If worse comes to worst, I can ride my motorcycle out of the tight encirclement and use the weapons in my hand to fight guerrilla warfare with them, slowly wearing them down

"But it's too troublesome to do this. When will I kill all the people in 29 buildings?"

"But if I don't kill them, they will surely attack me."

Zhang Yi pondered carefully in his heart

Should I spend some time and energy to eliminate all the threats in my community, or should I find other ways

In a short time, Zhang Yi did not make up his mind

He glanced at his phone and decided to have a chat with Li Jian as well

He needs to see if all the posters have such an idea

Zhang Yi opened the chat box with Li Jian

He didn't respond to Li Jian, but Li Jian was very proactive in introducing their situation to Zhang Yi

Mr. Zhang, I came here with sincerity and hope to cooperate with you to build a harmonious home, an end-of-the-world utopia

"We have only five elderly people died so far in the 18th, and they died of complications caused by extreme cold temperatures."

"We all distribute materials through reasonable planning and get along very harmoniously."

"I think this is the best way to survive in the end of times, which preserves the fire for human civilization and also facilitates the reconstruction work after snow disasters."

Now, we lack effective food sources. In order to cooperate with you, as a price, we can provide manpower and material resources to try our best to meet your requirements

"And we can coordinate with other unit buildings for you to avoid conflicts."

After seeing Li Jian's introduction, Zhang Yi felt much more comfortable

You are worthy of being the financial director of a large group. Your emotional intelligence is much higher than that of Chen Lingyu, who works as a WeChat business owner

Clearly organized, concise statement of interests and concerns, and a tone that is neither arrogant nor humble

But what Zhang Yi cares most is the harmonious home he mentioned

It has been more than 20 days since the end of the world, but surprisingly, not a single person died in the conflict!

Zhang Yi looked at Zhou Keke, who was kneading his feet with great care. "Keke, do you know anything about the situation of 18#?"

Zhou Keri thought for a moment and said, "I have heard of some. It is said that the head of their building is a very charismatic person. After the end of the world, he united all the residents and adopted a unified distribution method of supplies, allowing most people to survive until now."

Zhang Yi sighed, "You are indeed a financial director. Managing accounting requires not only knowing how to manage but also understanding how to maximize profits."

In fact, Li Jian's approach is the most reasonable

Other buildings, such as Zhang Yi's 25#, have experienced a large amount of material waste due to conflicts and internal friction

In theory, if a person does not exercise, including mental exercises, the energy consumed in one day is very small and only eating one meal is enough

"Li Jian is a talent."

Zhang Yi sighed, but then said, "But it's still impossible to survive for a long time in the end of the world like this."

Li Jian's ability lies in establishing order, and through his influence at 18#, he has united everyone early on

But what if we are attacked by the outside world?

Those who are used to comfort and ease will only be slaughtered when they encounter the Tianhe Gang or Chen Zhenghao

This is similar to the fact that the ancient Central Plains civilization was defeated by nomadic civilizations many times

Without the protection of force, all stability and harmony are false

Zhang Yi asked, "What would you do if I didn't agree?"

Li Jian thought for a long time before replying to Zhang Yi

We hold the spirit of friendly cooperation and extend an invitation to you for cooperation

I deeply regret if you refuse. However, this does not mean that your thoughts will not change in the future, and I still look forward to the opportunity for our next collaboration

Zhang Yi smiled, this official reply seems very comfortable

"What, don't you choose to attack us at 25#? Or when other units are attacking, don't you choose to join them?"

Li Jian's reply is also very frank

Our military force is only used for self-defense, and we will not actively attack others

"It's not that we don't have the strength, but useless internal friction. The final result can only be a lose-lose situation."

Zhang Yi wanted to applaud him

Look at others. They are obviously timid, but they still speak so righteously

However, the Harmonious Home of No. 18 has spent half a month in the end times peacefully without having any courage to fight with others

Li Jian is a clear-minded person

He also knew that if Wan Yizhen really got into a fight with others, they would not benefit much even if they went over there

It's better to sit and watch the tigers fight

If Zhang Yi loses and the snowmobile falls into the hands of others, he can still seek cooperation from them

"Wait for my answer."

After sending this message, Zhang Yi went to find others in the friend request list

Before, there were too many people who wanted to add him as a friend and ask for supplies, so he directly ignored all the friend requests

But now it seems that everyone in the whole community, including every building, wants to talk with him and ask for his help in collecting supplies

Sure enough, Zhang Yi added the heads of several buildings later

The meaning they expressed is almost the same as that of Chen Lingyu and Li Jian

They all hope to cooperate with Zhang Yi and ask him to help them collect supplies so that they can survive. m.

However, the conditions they can offer are extremely limited

Only when labor, women and promises conflict do we not take advantage of the situation

The difference is just good or bad attitude, that's all

Zhang Yi lay on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling and murmured in a low voice: "There are only two choices now, war or peace."

"If we fight, then those who threaten me must be killed. It's not impossible to do this, but it will take too much time and ammunition."

"I will kill a large number of residents in all 30 buildings in the entire community, and I will run out of ammunition stored. The amount of ammunition reserves obtained from the police station is not too much, only more than one thousand rounds."

This is still a consideration under ideal circumstances. If they come to attack, I can kill them all, but if they hide inside the building and don't come out, I dare not risk going in

"Besides, although I have no psychological shadow about killing people, I am not a perverted butcher."

Most people in the community don't have much hatred towards me, and it would be a bit hard to kill them all

"Damn, maybe I will have mental problems by then."

Zhang Yi rubbed his temples, feeling that killing the entire community was not a good option

That's too troublesome.