Chapter 121 Harmony

In the next period of time, the focus of contradictions is not on Zhang Yi's side.

But between other unit buildings and within each unit building.

Through a negotiation, Zhang Yi successfully made cracks appear in their loose alliance.

And by using the condition that there are only ten portions of food for each building, he also created huge hidden dangers inside them.

Later, he will observe when the contradiction occurs and in what form it occurs.

But no matter what the result is, it is only beneficial to Zhang Yi and there is no harm.


Sure enough, as Zhang Yi expected, after Wang Qiang, Huang Tianfang, Li Jian, Chen Lingyu and Zhang Yuenian returned that day, contradictions erupted!

When the five people were still negotiating with Zhang Yi, some people started to lead people to try to attack Building 25# regardless of their lives.

If it hadn't been for being deterred by Zhang Yi's sniper rifle at that time, then in the end, the five of them would definitely not survive!

So the five people were all suppressing their anger.

After leaving Building 25#, these people began to settle accounts with those who made the decision at the beginning.

Throughout the afternoon, there were continuous screams in the entire community, and bloody purges began!

But the next day, life seemed to return to calm.

No matter how many people died, those who survived still had to continue to struggle to survive.

And people from each building also sent people to sweep the snow on the central square.

Zhang Yi knew that those building leaders must have tacitly concealed the matter of "ten people's portions of supplies".

Otherwise, most residents would not go downstairs and work so obediently.

Today's wind and snow seem to be a little less than usual.

Thousands of people in the entire community can gather so harmoniously after a long time. And the purpose is not to scramble for supplies but to work together!

Everyone was holding tools. Looking at the neighbors in the community who were also working around, the smiles on their faces were a bit awkward at first, but then became warm.

"It's been a long time since we came out together like this!"

"Before the snow disaster came, our community was so lively!"

"Yes. At night, everyone would come out for a walk. I remember you have a big golden retriever. It's very cute!"

"Oh, yes! Our A Jin is so obedient. It's so obedient that it makes people feel distressed. Even if you hit it with a stick or cut it with a knife, it won't bite. Alas~"

"Hehe, let's not talk about it anymore. After the snow disaster is over, we can raise another one!"

"I'm afraid that at that time, only polar bears can be raised."

"Let's work quickly! Our building leader said that the more work we do, the more food we will get."

"Yes, yes. We have to work. Let's also experience the life of farmers!"

"There will be hope in this life in the future!"

An old man looked up at the sky. The sky was a gloomy grayish-white. But he always felt that he could see a faintly visible sun.

As if the snow clouds would leave soon, and the bright sunshine would eventually shine for thousands of miles and dispel all the cold.

"There is a peace agreement in our community. We don't have to fight all day long. We can also have enough to eat and wear warm clothes."

"This life is getting better and better!"

The old man said with a gratified smile.

The atmosphere in the entire community became extremely harmonious. Everyone was chatting and laughing while working.

Although the wind and snow were still continuing, everyone had something to look forward to in their hearts and didn't feel so hard.

Even because there were more people, the temperature had risen a lot. 琇書蛧.

Building leaders like Wang Qiang brought their subordinates and were responsible for supervising the work on the side.

And the neighbors were already used to it. They didn't even think it was wrong that they could enjoy the most resources without doing anything.

As a manager, only Li Jian was still working hard with his head down.

Unlike the happy appearance of others, his face was solemn. He kept his head down in silence and shoveled the snow hard.

Zhang Yi walked downstairs fully armed. Seeing this scene, the corner of his mouth slightly curled up.

"Oh, Zhang Yi, are you going out to find supplies?"

Huang Tianfang from the neighboring unit building waved at Zhang Yi from a distance and greeted him. At the same time, he didn't forget to hold up two fingers to remind Zhang Yi not to forget the cigarettes he promised him.

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "Yes. Everyone is working. I can't be idle either! Don't worry. Your cigarettes will not be missing."

From another direction, Wang Qiang's voice from Building 21# also came over.

"Zhang Yi, can you do it alone? If there are too many things and you can't handle it alone, I'll go with you!"

Zhang Yi laughed and said: "Look at what you said. Don't I have a snowmobile? Carrying it with that, no matter how many things there are, it can be handled!"

"That's it. Wait for me to come back! By the way, tell everyone not to slack off and work hard. When I come back, I will check the progress!"

"If the work is not done well, food will be deducted!"

Zhang Yi said with a strong smile.

Then, he pretended to go to the back garage. Soon, the sound of the engine came. He rode the snowmobile and left in a grand manner.

Watching Zhang Yi leave from afar, Wang Qiang's face was a bit gloomy.

"Where is his car parked? I've searched everywhere around and there is none at all!"

And Huang Tianfang murmured in a low voice: "So that thing is called a snowmobile, not a sled!"


Zhang Yi left the community. Looking back at the harmonious scene in the community, he felt inexplicably very ironic.

But he didn't have time to feel sorry for those leeks.

Although they had no grudges against Zhang Yi, their large number was a threat.

Letting their people solve the problem by themselves was beneficial to Zhang Yi and harmless.

On this trip, Zhang Yi didn't go straight to the supermarket. Instead, he came to Tianhai Pearl Shopping Mall in Tianhai City.

Tianhai Pearl is a famous old shopping mall in Tianhai City with a history of seventy years.

In Tianhai City, where every inch of land is precious, the commodities in Tianhai Pearl are known for their good quality and low prices.

The main body of Tianhai Pearl is a 12-story shopping mall building. There are almost no big brand stores inside. Most of them are small shops of twenty or thirty square meters.

There are many shops selling cheap jewelry and counterfeit clothing.

In addition, there are also shops selling underwear, hardware products, and hemming pants.

Zhang Yi came here because he knew there was a veterinary store here.

After coming to Tianhai Pearl, the main body of the building was also stuck in the snow, showing its upper body.

Zhang Yi found a suitable position and broke in through the window.

Since these were basically cheap commodities, Zhang Yi was not interested. He ignored other shops directly and headed for that veterinary store.

Soon, he found that veterinary store.

Zhang Yi smashed the glass with a crowbar and entered. Then he began to search through the medicine cabinet.

Now it's not ancient times. You can't buy arsenic in a pharmacy.

You can buy deadly pesticides at places that sell pesticides. But with such a strong smell, it's only good for fooling ghosts.

But there is one thing that is colorless and odorless but has a very strong lethal ability. That is rat poison!