Chapter 130 Leave None Alive

The magazine of bullets was quickly used up. Without time to reload, Zhang Yi directly threw the submachine gun on the ground.

Then he drew two police pistols from his waist with both hands.

Those people couldn't run fast in the snow. Zhang Yi shot one by one and they all died from being shot in the head!

In less than twenty seconds, almost all the people on the scene were dead!

There were still a few people standing in the snow with trembling legs, raising their hands high, looking terrified and pleading.

"Zhang Yi, we are not their accomplices. It has nothing to do with us!"

"I swear, I swear this matter has nothing to do with us! Don't kill me!"

Zhang Yi remembered these building leaders.

When Wang Qiang and others made a move just now, they didn't act.

So this matter is probably not related to them.

So, Zhang Yi pulled the trigger in his hand.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The heads of several building leaders were instantly pierced with a hole and then fell on the snow.

Zhang Yi aimed his gun at the last person still alive, Chen Lingyu, the building leader of Building 9#.

At this time, Chen Lingyu was so scared that she defecated and urinated in fear. Tears and snot flowed together.

"Zhang Yi, this matter really has nothing to do with me. I beg you to believe me!" mǒM.

"I still have a thirteen-year-old daughter. She is abroad. I want to survive and wait for her to come back."

Zhang Yi looked at her coldly. After two seconds of silence, a gunshot took her life.

On the white snow, a large area was now stained red with blood.

Only Zhang Yi was standing. Around him, more than forty corpses were lying in disorder.

Even in the end of the world, Zhang Yi had never killed so many people at one time!

He knew that most of these people might not have participated in the murder of him.

For example, Chen Lingyu, for example, other members of the patrol team.

But Zhang Yi had no choice.

He would not allow anyone who was suspected of harming him to live.

If he let the tiger go back to the mountain today, it will definitely become a potential danger in the future.

Only the dead are the safest.

"You will all die sooner or later. Living is so hard. Why don't I send you to heaven!"

Zhang Yi held a gun in his hand and exhaled a puff of white smoke.

"From this perspective, I helped you get rid of the pain. You should thank me."

If these deceased neighbors knew about it underground, they would probably say: I really thank you!

After killing all the enemies, Zhang Yi's gaze swept around.

Such intense gunshots had long attracted all the neighbors.

They lay on the windows and looked at this cruel battlefield. Their eyes were full of awe for Zhang Yi.

Some people were also relieved and grateful for what Zhang Yi had done.

Zhang Yi's gaze was directed at Buildings 26# and 21#, which were the territories of the Tianhe Gang and the Wild Wolf Gang.

Wang Qiang and Huang Tianfang couldn't escape. They launched the attack on Zhang Yi first.

Originally, their subordinates were at the door. Waiting for the boss to make a move, they would come over and snatch supplies.

But when Zhang Yi took out that black M4 carbine, they were afraid.

Zhang Yi's gaze made them even more afraid.

Xiao Lu, the second in command of the Wild Wolf Gang, was extremely cold. His voice trembled as he retreated backwards: "Retreat, retreat quickly! Don't attract this devil over!"

A group of small minions who were scared out of their wits fled into the corridor in panic.

Zhang Yi didn't care about them. Instead, he walked straight to Uncle You.

Not far away, the corpses of Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei were lying there. More than a dozen holes in their bodies were still gushing blood.

These two people were once loyal underlings of Zhang Yi and had charged forward for him many times.

But now for some reason they betrayed him.

However, Zhang Yi didn't care.

He thought it was normal for anyone to betray him, even Uncle You and Zhou Ke'er.

But after today, Uncle You's position in Zhang Yi's heart will become higher.

At least, he can be worthy of entrusting some important things to him.

"Uncle You, are you still alive?"

Zhang Yi squatted down halfway. While looking around to prevent someone from sneaking up, he tentatively felt Uncle You's pulse.

"There is no pulse!"

Zhang Yi was shocked!

But soon, he remembered that he was still wearing cut-resistant gloves. It was impossible to feel the pulse!

Zhang Yi had to turn his body over.

On Uncle You's body, the traces of three blood-stained places were clearly visible.

The bullet didn't hit the heart. Zhang Yi didn't know if he could still be saved.

But in any case, Zhang Yi had to try!

At least after trying, even if Uncle You died, the guilt in his heart would be greatly reduced.

He took out a tube of adrenaline from the different space and stabbed it hard into Uncle You's chest.

Then, he shouted towards Building 25#: "Come and help!"

At the door of Building 25#, a group of neighbors were standing there in fear.

They were all stunned by Zhang Yi's god-like performance just now. Until now, they still didn't dare to approach.

Zhang Yi's cold gaze swept across all of them and woke these guys up.

A group of people were afraid of Zhang Yi and quickly came to help.

"Carry the person up and send him to my house! Be gentle. If you bump or drop him, I will burn you as paper people for Uncle You!"

With Zhang Yi saying this, how dare those neighbors not be careful?

When carrying Uncle You, they were more careful than holding their own father's head.

And Zhang Yi held two guns in his hands and followed closely behind them.

When they reached the seventh floor, everyone suddenly heard a burst of crying.

"Big Brother You, what's wrong with you? You mustn't have anything happen! If something happens to you, how can we mother and daughter live?"

I saw Xie Limei running downstairs with her child in her arms, crying like pear blossoms with rain.

Zhang Yi noticed that when Xie Limei was crying, Uncle You's eyelids seemed to move a little.

Zhang Yi couldn't help sighing in his heart: Old You, you are a bit too kind! But then again, if you weren't so kind and loyal, maybe the first person I would kill back then would be you.

People who can't be used by him and are extraordinary in skill will become a huge threat.

Zhang Yi must kill them!

However, now Zhang Yi owes Uncle You a huge favor and it's not good to get angry at Xie Limei.

The neighbors knew the relationship between Xie Limei and Uncle You and made way for her one after another.

Xie Limei came to Uncle You's side with her child in her arms. And deliberately stood in a position relatively close to Zhang Yi. Then she burst into tears.

"Husband! Open your eyes and look at me! I am Limei. You promised to marry me in the future!"

"And the baby. You said you want to watch her grow up to eighteen years old with your own eyes. Then after the end of the world, our family of three can live well together."

"Husband!!!" (There is a five-second long note here).

"How can you not keep your word!!!" (Same as above).

"If you leave, how can we mother and daughter live in the future? You might as well take us mother and daughter with you."

"Why did you show off your ability? Blocking bullets for others shows your loyalty. But are you worthy of us, the orphan and the widow?"


Zhang Yi got goose bumps all over.

Xie Limei didn't mention him at a single word. But every sentence was about him.

On the surface, Xie Limei was crying for Uncle You. But in fact, she was telling Zhang Yi: Uncle You blocked the bullets for you. If something happens to him, you have to take care of our mother and daughter for him!