Chapter 13

"I really wish to stay and watch you strip, I wanna check if your b**bs are really big like KK said" Ricardo said naughtily.

"Get out!" She yelled and they all left the room.

She got dressed and came out to them.

Ricardo was the first to laugh, then Newton and Fransisco joined too.

The trousers is bigger than her, one will think she was thrown inside it, giving her a funny look.

"What?" She smirked.

"I lack words to express what you look like right now" Ricardo said and rushed out before November could get him.

Newton followed him and when November made to follow too, Fransisco held her back.

"Your shoe laces, you might fall" he said and bent in front of her.

He tied the laces and November almost blushed as he did.

He stood and she slightly bit her lip as he placed an hat on her head.

"Pickle" he said, and she smiled as they both left the house together.

Mr Mahesh is right in front of it, trying to kill a fowl but he's having difficulties with it.

November looked at all the guys and saw they're all not ready to help.

They surely don't even know how to do it.

"Cowards" she said and walked to Mr Mahesh.

"I'll help" she said.

"Really?" He replied, taking the knife from him.

"Is she for real?, She'll kill a fowl?" Newton said.

Ricardo blinked while Francisco just smiled.

November threw the knife up and it landed back on her palm, then she pinned down the legs of the fowl and the feathers, she held the head and placed the knife on the neck.

"She'll do it" Ricardo said.

November smiled before cutting off the head at once.

"Nah, nah, how could a girl kill a fowl!" Ricardo said again as November looked up and smiled at them.

"Should I start fearing her?" Newton said.

"Let's go, cowards" November winked after washing her hands.

She led the way to the garden while they followed behind.

They got there and she could already see mouses running around, cute white ones.

The garden is full of varieties of fruit trees.

"Shall we get to work?, President what's the price for the one who catches the highest?" She asked.

"I'll grant three wishes for whoever it is" Newton replied.

"Really?, Now I'm enthusiastic, how many minutes?" She asked.

"Thirty minutes" Newton replied and November rushed into the garden.

"Who do you think will get the highest?" Francisco asked.

"November" Newton said.

"Me" Ricardo said.

"I bet on November too" Fransisco said.

"Let's see about that" Ricardo replied and they all entered the garden too, searching with their mini cages in hand.


Ricardo was the first to come out, then Fransisco.

"The two N aren't out yet?" Francisco asked.

"Here" November came out, sweating so much.

Newton came out last and they all dropped their cages.

"Who's counting?" Newton asked and Ricardo volunteered.

He started with Newton's cage.

Newton got 15

Francisco got 13

Ricardo got 10.

November bit her lip gently as Ricardo opened her cage

No movements from the cage so he turned it upside down and all the mouse fell out dead.

She actually killed them before catching.

She got twenty but they're all dead.

They all turned to her and saw a catapult with her.

"You brought a catapult along?, What the f*ck" Fransisco said shockingly.

"I brought it from the hostel, they were too stubborn to catch so I catapulted them all like tak!, tak!" She replied with a funny but cute expression.

Ricardo laughed, suddenly admiring the cuteness.

"Seriously what can you not kill" Newton said.

"Do you even have something you're scared of?" Fransisco laughed.

"You got the highest number but you killed them all, bravo!" Newton said.

"Let's go get them again,let's start afresh, I won't kill them this time" she said, dropping the catapult.

"I'm tired" Ricardo yawned.

"Ricardo come on" she said sweetly and Ricardo smiled.

"So now you know how to call me real name crazy girl" he smiled.

"New Dawn, I mean Newton, francophone.... Fransisco I mean" she blinked.

"Stop naming everyone" Fransisco said.

"Let's go again, fighting!" She said energetically.

"Kiss me first" Ricardo said naughtily.

"I'll rather kiss a dead goat" she replied.


"Bye hotties!" She blew them kisses and entered the garden again.

"Why is she suddenly acting cute" Ricardo said.

"She has always been cute" Newton replied and they both looked at each other.

Fransisco passed by their middle, bringing them back.

They entered and the search started again.

November got six within the first ten minutes but she was determined to get more.

They're darn hard to catch and craftiness is the only way to make a good catch.

She got six more after ten more minutes.

"14 minutes left" she said, checking the time.

She got to a certain point in the garden and saw something like boundary.

The garden ends there but she kept going, far away from the garden.

The mouses are even much more in that part.

"Yes!" She said happily, calming down to catch as mush as possible as she ran around.

Her excitement ended when she found herself beside a river, her eyes widened.

She must have been too engrossed with the catch to realize when she got there.

"There's... there's a river here?" She said and turned her back on it immediately.

"November help me!" Blair's voice echoed in her ears and she started shaking as she turned back slowly.

She started imagining Blair in the water, struggling and calling for help.

"November!, Save me!" Blair shouted and the mice cage fell from her

Her mouses escaped as she started moving towards the river, looking at Blair who's still struggling not to drown.

"Blair.... Blair" she whispered, stepping into the water.

The water covered Blair's head and she stopped struggling as she started drowning.

"Blair!" She shouted and jumped into the river.

Her imagination of Blair ended immediately and she started drowning instead.


The three guys came back to the starting point and waited for like ten minutes but November didn't show up.

"What's going on?, Why is she not back?" Newton asked.

"Call her number" Ricardo replied.

Newton got her number and dialled it but it's off.

"Something is not right" Fransisco said and Mr Mahesh appeared.

"Where's the newbie?" He asked.

Newton was the first to run back into the garden, then Ricardo.

"She's nowhere to be found" Fransisco said and ran off too.

Mr Mahesh joined in the run.

"November!" Newton called as he ran around, searching desperately for her.

"Witch!" Ricardo yelled in urgency.

"Pickle!" Fransisco shouted.

They all ran into each other as they searched frantically till they got to the boundary.

"That's the end of the garden" Mr Mahesh said but they all crossed it without minding.

"November!" Newton shouted loudly.

They got to the river and stopped.

"Let's go back, it's dangerous here" Mr Mahesh said.

Newton suddenly noticed weird movements in the river.

His eyes stayed there and when he saw glaring footmarks that led to the river, he got scared.

"November" he muttered and didn't hesitate to jump in.

"That witch" Ricardo whispered and jumped in too.

Francisco made to jump in but then he remembered he can't swim.

He took two steps back sadly, watching as Ricardo and Newton swam to save the Pickle.

Ricardo caught up with Newton in no time and swam past him as he's a faster swimmer.

Newton stopped swimming and just watched till Ricardo got to her.

He dived in and wrapped his right hand round her tummy, swimming out afterwards.

He got to the shore and dropped her on the ground gently.

Newton came out too and Ricardo breathed incoherently as he stared at her unconscious body.

"I'll resuscitate her" Newton said and knelt on her other side.

"I'll do it" Ricardo replied.

"Let me" Newton said.

"Just make her breath already!" Fransisco said loudly and Ricardo held her nose with his left hand, he bent over to her and Newton closed his eyes as Ricardo placed his lips on November's.

He blew a large amount of air into her mouth and raised his head.

He caught his breath for a second before doing it again.

He did it the third time and November coughed back to life, vomiting some water as her eyes opened.

"November, are you ok?" Newton quickly asked.

"Can you see me?" Ricardo asked, waving in front of her.

She looked tired and weak, so much that she couldn't even speak a word.