Chapter 6: The Fight

Inside that office blood everywhere Eren on the other side of the room and four chief surprised what just happened , Monika said " All along you where just acting that you liked this island , that you want to bring change , I have been a fool to trust a stranger." Eren began to take one step forward and he said " See Monika I intend to keep this island but I want every human on it to die in this hands like inserts , but don't get me wrong but that will happened and it just began." Eren laughing. All a sudden chief the chief of Solvia began to say " You know what I'm not going to stand here and do nothing and do nothing" he began to run towards Eren and Monika shouted "Fuji don't!!!" Eren's eyes began to glow red and in an instant Fuji exploded around then Eren with the red glowing eyes and a smile looked at the chief of Rernal and he said "Well you know what's next" Monika said "Wai…" The chief of Rernal exploded around the room.

The room covered with blood and Monika and Zomina also covered looked in Eren , shocked and scared Eren began to walk towards them both and he said "Don't be pumpkin's , I won't kill you right now , maybe I may even consider offering you to join me and help me rule and rebuild this island , especially you Zomina" Then Eren stopped and Zomina looked at with an angry face and he said "Do you know why , I have special powers? , it's because my role when I was born was to protect this island from people like and as the chosen one to protect it , I will die protecting this island , and now I'm going to give it my all to make sure that I kill you right now." Zomina's have gold-ish flames and his eyes turned gold and Eren began to say "Knew you where going to say that , that's why I like you." Eren's also began to get flames around the hand's but the flames around his hands where red. They looked at each other , Eren with a smile and Zomina with a angry face and they started running towards each other.

When they reached each other both of them released a power punch at each other's faces and they got back , and Eren said "Not bad but I expected more effort." Then he smiled and he ran towards Zomina and he jumped and he shaped for a punch and when he was about to land that punch Zomina blocked it "Wow your bones ain't broken , your strong." Said Eren then Zomina in his mind said "This guy is powerful but I knew from the beginning that he's powerful , and the worst part is that I'm not sure that I will be able to pull this fight of , but I have to try for the sake of the island and my daughter." Zomina began to running towards Eren streaming.

"Let's get things interesting." Said Eren then he pointed his hand in the roof of that room there where in and , in his hand came a flame ball shooting towards the roof in flash of a speed and that flame ball went through the roof and it reached out side of that place they where in and when it reached the sky the flame ball exploded and the sky turned red for a moment. Not even after minutes the flame ball exploded , the sky was filled with gaint burning rocks coming towards the island and back in the place where Eren , Zomina and Monika are in the soldiers began to enter that room and they saw the blood everywhere and saw Eren and Zomina fight like hell , and they began to to charge to that fight running and Eren looked at the all , at the same time they all exploded and blood plashed around the room , Eren and looked at Zomina again and charged at his and they continued to fight.