In the stone chapel of St. Charles Academy, a private school nestled in the remote hills of Vermont, more than 300 girls, all wearing the academy blazers and skirts, sat on one of two sides of the long aisle surrounded by proud parents and waited. The door opened and a stone-faced older woman with gray hair and glasses followed by a group of teachers with old and new faces.

The old woman with glasses stood by the potentate while the teacher sat behind her. She opened her mouth to start the same speech every year" Ladies and gentlemen, girls. One hundred years ago, in 1867, 5 girls sat in this room and were asked the same question that greets you at the start of each semester. Girls, what are the 4 pillars"?

The souffle of feet broke the silence when the girls in uniform stood up. 16-year-old Talia Abbot, one of the few not wearing a school uniform, hesitated to stand up with the rest of the girls but her mother nudged her to stand up. She awkwardly raised her face blank and angry. She watched silently as the girls around her shouted in unison "Confidence! Determination! Practice! Excellent!

The old woman nodded satisfactorily. The girls sat down after the chapel fell silent again and she started to speak again. "In her first year, St. Charles Academy graduated 2 students. Last year we graduated fifty-one. And more than seventy-five percent of those went on to the Ivy League. This kind of accomplishment results from fervent dedication to the principles taught here. This is why your parents have been sending us your sons. This is why we are the best preparatory school in the United States. 

The chapel rang out with the noise of applause. She continues. As you know, our beloved Mrs.Hanson of the English department retired last term. You will have the opportunity later to meet his replacement, Mr. Todd Anderson, who has graduated from the school Welton. And who, for the past several years, has been teaching at the highly-regarded Crestwood Heights Academy and also wrote a poetry collection in his spare time". Mr. Anderson leaned slightly forward as an acknowledgment of his introduction. Mr. Anderson was in his early 20ish and had dark blond hair and blueish-green eyes was about medium-high and average-looking. He appeared to look respectful and scholarly, but Mr. Parker eyed the man suspiciously. "Well, that concludes our ceremony" the women spoke out. The crowd roared with applause once again. 

The students and their parents filled out of the chapel onto the clean and pristine ground of the school. The weathered stone building of the Vermont private school stayed hidden from the outside world. Like a vicar on a Sunday morning after church Mistress Agatha Thorton watched students and parents say goodbye. Charlotte's mother brushed her hair out of her daughter's face. Katherine's mom pulled her into a light-hearted hug. Mr. Parker stood stiffly adjusting his daughter's achievement pins on her school blazer. Talia Abbot stood alone lightly kicking a rock with her heels. Her parents were chatting nearby, paying no attention to their daughter. Mistress Agatha started to approach her. The young girl stared at the ground as if she wanted to disappear into it. The mistress got closer trying to see her nametag. "Ah Miss Abbot, you have got some big shoes to fill. Your sister was one of our best. "Thank you, Mrs," she said faintly. Mistress Agatha moved on greeting and smiling at the students and parents. She stopped when she reached Mr. Parker and Nora and she put her hand out to shake her hand, "We're expecting great things from you this year Ms. Parker". "Thank you Mrs. Agatha". "She won't disappoint us," the girl's father said to the headmaster. "Right Nora". "I'll do my best". The headmaster walked away. Nora noticed the young girls with tears in their eyes and began to go back home but the parents acted cruelly. She watched the car pull out and leave and the older classmen dragged the young girls away. As the rest of the older and younger girls head across campus to the dorms, Nora Parker approaches Talia Abbot who was walking alone, and offers a handshake. "I heard we're going to be roommates with Nora Parker," she said. "Talia Abbot, she said softly in return. They walked in awkward silence. "So why did you leave your previous school"? "My sister went here". "So you're THAT Abbot". Talia nodded and groaned.