Chapter 35: Call me Tentacle Senpai

Chapter 35: Call me Tentacle Senpai

Sidenote: No comment over Chapter title, I had no more inspiration 😭

Lina jolted awake, her heart pounding from the vivid dream she had just experienced. She found herself drenched in sweat, her breaths coming in sharp, uneven gasps. Her eyes darted around the dimly lit cell, taking in the surroundings. The dream had been unsettling—an imposing figure in blood-red robes, with tentacles sprouting from his back and a massive red eye hanging from his belt. The authority and power emanating from that figure were palpable, and the weight of his words, "Child, you carry my legacy and a measure of my power. Use it wisely," echoed in her mind. The sensation of the red mark he had left on her forehead lingered as she looked at the clock: 5:24 AM.

Determined to shake off the remnants of her disturbing vision, Lina swung her legs over the edge of the bed and made her way to the small bathroom in her cell. She took a brisk, cold shower, hoping the icy water would clear her mind and prepare her for the day ahead. After drying off, she dressed in the black combat sweatshirt emblazoned with the Omega-7 logo on her left shoulder, paired with tactical pants and sturdy military boots. The uniform felt both foreign and reassuring, a symbol of the new chapter in her life.

As the clock struck 6:00 AM, Colonel Mendoza arrived at her cell, his presence commanding respect. He was accompanied by Dr. Samuel Turner, a young researcher with a calm demeanor and an air of professionalism. Dr. Turner introduced himself as a mid-level researcher who would be officially joining Omega-7 to work on SCP-8888. He carried a briefcase with various documents and equipment, indicating his preparedness for the task ahead.

Colonel Mendoza nodded in acknowledgment and led Lina and Dr. Turner through the labyrinthine corridors of the facility. The atmosphere was bustling with activity as personnel and agents moved purposefully from one task to another. The trio reached the cafeteria, where various MTF teams were already seated, enjoying their breakfast. The familiar faces of Omega-7 members greeted Lina, and she noted their camaraderie as they exchanged jokes and stories over their meals.

After a brief but friendly breakfast, during which Colonel Mendoza introduced Dr. Turner to the rest of the team and discussed the day's agenda, the group began to head towards the training area. The facility's layout became more utilitarian as they approached their destination, with walls lined with various types of combat and training equipment.

The corridor leading to the training arena was vast and echoing, filled with the sounds of clashing metal and the hum of machinery from ongoing exercises. Colonel Mendoza, Lieutenant Kovacs, Dr. Turner, and Lina finally reached the entrance to the arena—a large, open space designed for rigorous combat training and simulations. The area was set up for both individual and team exercises, with various obstacles and targets strategically placed throughout.

Colonel Mendoza, with his authoritative air, gave a brief overview of the training schedule for the day, emphasizing the importance of rigorous preparation for the challenges that lay ahead. As they entered the arena, the atmosphere shifted to one of focused anticipation, the members of Omega-7 ready to begin their training for the day.


As they stepped into the training arena, the spacious room was abuzz with activity. Various stations were set up for different combat drills, and the sound of clashing weapons and the rhythmic thud of heavy bags being struck filled the air. Colonel Mendoza, Lieutenant Kovacs, and Dr. Turner led Lina to a quieter corner of the arena, where a few mats had been laid out for more controlled exercises.

Dr. Turner, carrying a clipboard and various notes, looked over at Lina with a calm, encouraging demeanor. He approached her with an air of professionalism mixed with a hint of enthusiasm. "Alright, Lina," he said, "we'll start with some basic mental exercises to help you get in tune with your abilities. It's essential to learn how to focus your mind and channel your power effectively."

Lina nodded, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. She was eager to understand her new abilities but was still grappling with the idea of using them. Dr. Turner guided her to the center of the mat, where she was to perform the exercise. He instructed her to sit down and adopt the Lotus position, a traditional meditative posture that involved crossing her legs and placing her hands on her knees.

"Let's start by calming your mind," Dr. Turner said, his voice soothing yet firm. "Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try to clear your thoughts and create a sense of inner peace. It's important to silence the chaos of your thoughts."

Lina followed his instructions, taking deep breaths and trying to relax. She could hear the distant sounds of training exercises but focused on the rhythm of her breath. The minutes passed slowly, and Lina found herself trying hard to let go of her lingering doubts and the stress from the previous days.

After a few moments, Dr. Turner's voice broke the silence. "Now, I want you to imagine something for me. Visualize a new arm growing from your back. It's not a literal arm but more of an extension of your energy and power. Picture it growing from your spine and extending outward."

Lina opened her eyes slightly, a frown forming on her forehead. The concept seemed bizarre and far-fetched. She thought about questioning it but decided to follow his guidance, as she was determined to understand her abilities. She closed her eyes again and pictured the imagined arm emerging from her back.

Suddenly, she felt an intense heat radiating from her forehead. Her body temperature seemed to rise rapidly, and her sweat-shirt began to feel tighter around her torso. The sensation of warmth was accompanied by a strange tingling sensation spreading down her back.

Her heart started to race, and she could feel her breaths quickening. The warmth intensified, and she felt a peculiar stretching sensation as if something was pushing out from within her. Her eyes flew open, and she turned around abruptly, driven by the sudden, overwhelming feeling.

To her utter shock, she saw a vibrant red tentacle protruding from her back. It was a long, sinuous appendage with a smooth, glistening surface, writhing slightly as it extended outwards. The sight was both mesmerizing and terrifying. Lina's mouth fell open in surprise, and she let out a loud cry of astonishment.

Her reaction was immediate and visceral. She scrambled backward, her heart pounding as she tried to process what she was seeing. The tentacle, seemingly alive and pulsating with an eerie glow, moved with a certain fluid grace that was at once foreign and oddly familiar.

Dr. Turner, who had been observing her carefully, stepped forward with a reassuring expression. "It's alright, Lina. It's part of your power manifesting. This is a significant step in understanding and controlling it. The tentacle is a physical manifestation of your internal energy, and with practice, you'll be able to control it more precisely."

Lina, still in shock, glanced at Dr. Turner, then back at the tentacle. The surreal sight of the appendage slowly retracting back into her body was both incredible and unsettling. She tried to steady her breathing, feeling a mix of awe and fear.

Dr. Turner continued to speak in a calm, measured tone. "This process will take some getting used to, but it's an essential part of harnessing your abilities. We'll work on controlling this manifestation and understanding its full range of potential."

Lina nodded, her mind racing with questions and concerns. She had expected her training to be intense, but this was beyond anything she had imagined.


As Lina stared in bewilderment at the retracting tentacle, Dr. Turner offered her a reassuring nod, signaling that the next phase of her training was about to begin. The tension in the air was palpable, with Lina still coming to grips with the surreal events unfolding before her eyes. But there was no time to linger on her shock; her training needed to continue.

"Alright, Lina," Dr. Turner said, his voice a mix of encouragement and instruction. "Now that we've established that you can manifest the tentacle, it's time to learn how to control it. The first step will be something simple—just try to move it. We need to get you familiar with how it feels to command this new part of yourself."

Lina nodded, her heart still pounding. She closed her eyes, focusing on the spot where the tentacle had emerged. A wave of determination washed over her as she summoned the same sensation that had brought it forth before. Slowly, she felt the heat return, this time more manageable, more controlled. The tentacle reappeared, slithering out of her back like a serpent awakening from a long slumber.

"Good, very good," Dr. Turner praised, taking a few steps back to give her room. "Now, try to move it side to side. Think of it like an extra limb. The more you practice, the more natural it will become."

Lina focused intently, willing the tentacle to sway. At first, it wobbled clumsily, twitching in an unpredictable manner. But as she concentrated, the movements became more fluid. The tentacle began to glide from left to right, albeit with a slight delay in reaction. It felt strange, like learning to use a muscle she never knew she had.

Lieutenant Kovacs, who had been silently observing, stepped closer. "That's it, Lina. Try to smooth out the motion. Imagine it's part of your body, like your arm or leg. Feel the connection."

She nodded again, her brow furrowing in concentration. The tentacle responded more readily this time, its movement becoming more deliberate. She began to experiment, testing its limits by making it curve in various directions, twirl, and even mimic the motions of her arms.

As Lina grew more confident, Dr. Turner introduced a new challenge. "Now, let's see if you can perform some specific actions. Try to make it reach out and pick up that box over there." He pointed to a small, weighted box on the floor, about ten feet away.

Lina glanced at the box, then back at the tentacle. It was one thing to move it randomly, but to execute a precise action was another matter entirely. She took a deep breath, visualizing the tentacle extending towards the box. To her amazement, the tentacle obeyed, stretching forward like a snake. It hesitated just above the box, wobbling slightly as if unsure of what to do next.

"Focus," Dr. Turner urged. "Picture your hand grabbing it. The tentacle will follow your intent."

With renewed determination, Lina imagined the tentacle curling around the box. Slowly but surely, the tentacle wrapped itself around the object and lifted it off the ground. Lina's eyes widened in surprise, and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. She was starting to get the hang of it.

"Excellent," Dr. Turner said, visibly pleased with her progress. "Now, let's try something a bit more challenging. I want you to perform some more intricate movements—circular motions, sharp turns, maybe even a few jabs."

Lina's smile faded slightly as she focused on the new task. She directed the tentacle to move in a circular pattern, and although it started a bit rough, the movement soon became smoother. She tried a few quick jabs, the tentacle darting forward like a striking cobra. Each movement was more precise than the last, and Lina felt a surge of pride with each successful action.

After several minutes of practice, Dr. Turner introduced the next exercise. "Alright, Lina. Now that you're getting the hang of basic movement, we need to see how effective it is in a combat scenario. Let's start by having you attack that wall over there." He gestured to a thick metal wall that was set up as a target.

Lina's eyes widened slightly. The idea of using the tentacle as a weapon felt daunting, but she knew this was the next logical step in her training. Taking a deep breath, she turned her focus to the metal wall. The tentacle retracted slightly, coiling up like a spring before she unleashed it with all her might.

The tentacle shot forward with surprising speed and force, its tip colliding with the wall with a loud *clang*. The impact left a noticeable dent in the metal, and Lina felt a strange mix of satisfaction and unease at the display of power.

Dr. Turner and Lieutenant Kovacs exchanged a glance, both of them clearly impressed. "That's impressive," Dr. Turner said, nodding approvingly. "You've got quite a bit of power there, Lina. Let's push it a bit further. I want you to focus all your energy on the very tip of the tentacle and strike again, this time with the intent to pierce the wall."

Lina's heart raced. She knew this was going to be difficult, but she steeled herself for the challenge. She drew the tentacle back again, this time visualizing all her energy converging at its tip. The tentacle seemed to respond, its color darkening slightly as it tensed with concentrated power.

With a sharp exhale, Lina released the tentacle, directing it towards the same spot on the wall. The tentacle shot forward like a bullet, its tip glowing faintly with a red hue. The impact was instantaneous and far more violent than before. There was a loud, metallic screech as the tentacle's tip punched through the thick steel, leaving a jagged hole in the wall.

Lina gasped in shock and awe, unable to believe what she had just done. The tentacle slowly retracted, leaving behind the evidence of its destructive power. She stared at the hole, her mind racing with the implications of her newfound ability.

"Very good," Lieutenant Kovacs said, his voice filled with approval. "That kind of precision and power will be invaluable. But remember, control is key. You need to be able to modulate your strength, use just enough force to get the job done without wasting energy."

Dr. Turner nodded in agreement. "Let's move on to testing its durability. We'll see how well the tentacle holds up against different types of attacks."

He motioned for a few assistants who had been waiting nearby. They approached with various weapons, ranging from small-caliber firearms to heavier, more powerful guns. Lina watched nervously as they set up targets and prepared to fire at the tentacle.

"Don't worry," Dr. Turner said, sensing her anxiety. "This is just to test the tentacle's resilience. We need to know its limits so we can strategize accordingly."

Lina took a deep breath, nodding as she manifested the tentacle once more. It uncoiled and hovered in front of her protectively, almost as if it was aware of the impending test. The first assistant fired a small-caliber round at the tentacle, the bullet striking it with a soft thud. The tentacle barely flinched, absorbing the impact without any visible damage.

"Good, good," Dr. Turner muttered, taking notes. "Now for something a bit more intense."

The second assistant fired a higher-caliber round. This time, the tentacle quivered slightly, but it held firm, the bullet ricocheting off its surface and embedding itself in the wall behind Lina. She flinched slightly at the sound, but the tentacle remained intact.

Dr. Turner seemed satisfied with the results so far. "Now, let's push it to the limit," he said, signaling the third assistant. The assistant hefted a much larger firearm, aimed, and fired a single, powerful shot.

The bullet slammed into the tentacle with a resounding crack, and this time, the tentacle recoiled sharply, a small tear appearing near its base. Lina winced, feeling a faint echo of pain in her back where the tentacle connected to her body. She quickly withdrew the tentacle, cradling the injured part in her hands as it slowly began to heal itself.

Dr. Turner and Lieutenant Kovacs both stepped forward, examining the damage. "It's still vulnerable to high-caliber rounds," Turner noted, jotting down more observations. "But it's impressive how quickly it heals. We'll need to work on improving its resistance, but this is a very promising start."

Lina, still catching her breath from the ordeal, nodded. She felt a strange connection to the tentacle, almost like it was a living part of her, rather than just an extension of her abilities. The thought was both comforting and disconcerting.

"Alright," Dr. Turner said, his tone signaling the end of the session. "I think that's enough for today. You've made incredible progress, Lina. We'll continue to refine your control and explore the full potential of your abilities in the coming days."

Lina nodded, still processing everything that had happened. The day had been filled with revelations, each more shocking than the last. She looked at the tentacle, now fully retracted and healed, feeling a mix of fear and fascination. This was only the beginning of her journey, and she knew there were many challenges ahead. But for now, she allowed herself a moment of pride in what she had accomplished, even as the weight of her new responsibilities loomed large in her mind.


In the dimly lit room that served as his private quarters within the heart of the site, Léonard stood behind a massive, polished desk, its surface adorned with meticulously organized documents and a single monitor. The soft glow of the screen illuminated his face, casting deep shadows across the sharp lines of his features. On the screen, the live feed from the surveillance cameras showed Lina in the middle of her exercise, her tentacle slicing through the air with precision and force. 

Léonard watched intently, his eyes narrowed in concentration. Behind him stood his personal guard, the stoic and imposing commander of Resh-1. His presence was as formidable as ever, a silent sentinel whose very being radiated an aura of unwavering loyalty and strength. Léonard appreciated his guard's silent but ever-watchful demeanor; it allowed him to focus entirely on the task at hand.

After a particularly impressive display from Lina, Léonard allowed a rare, slight smile to curve his lips. "She's progressing well," he murmured, his voice low and thoughtful. His eyes remained fixed on the screen, where Lina's tentacle retracted after piercing through a thick metal wall. "Very well indeed."

The commander of Resh-1, ever attentive, took a step forward. "Agreed, sir. She's showing a remarkable level of control and power for someone so new to this." His tone was measured, respectful, but there was an undertone of genuine approval in his words.

Léonard leaned back slightly, crossing his arms over his chest. "What do you think, Commander? Will she be ready when the time comes?"

The commander considered this for a moment before nodding. "Yes, sir. But she's still fragile, mentally and emotionally. The transition from civilian to an operative with her... abilities is never easy. She needs to be toughened, not just physically but psychologically."

Léonard's gaze shifted from the screen to the commander, his expression unreadable. "And what would you suggest to that end?"

The commander met his gaze directly, unflinching. "If I may, sir, I suggest a more personalized approach. Right now, she's under a lot of pressure to meet expectations—yours, Omega-7's, even her own. But what she needs is something to solidify her resolve, something that will boost her morale and give her a sense of personal achievement. Perhaps an assignment where she can demonstrate her capabilities in a controlled environment, with a real sense of danger, but one she can handle with the training she's received so far."

Léonard listened carefully, weighing the suggestion. "A field exercise, then? Something to test her skills and prepare her for the real challenges ahead?"

"Exactly, sir," the commander affirmed. "It would give her a chance to prove herself in a more tangible way, and at the same time, it would help her see the progress she's made. It's one thing to practice in a controlled environment—it's another to apply those skills under pressure."

Léonard nodded slowly, turning back to the monitor as he considered the commander's words. "Very well. I'll have Dr. Turner and Colonel Mendoza arrange something suitable. Something that will challenge her, but won't overwhelm her just yet."

The commander inclined his head in acknowledgment, his eyes flicking back to the monitor where Lina was now retracting the tentacle, visibly exhausted. "She's got potential, sir. We just need to shape it correctly."

Léonard's gaze softened slightly as he watched Lina struggle with her fatigue. "Indeed," he murmured, more to himself than anyone else. "We need to make sure she's ready when the time comes."

With that, Léonard turned off the monitor, the room falling into a deeper shadow as the screen went dark. He pushed back from the desk, signaling the end of their conversation. "Thank you for your input, Commander. See to it that the necessary arrangements are made."

"Of course, sir," the commander replied, already mentally planning the next steps as he followed Léonard out of the room.


Meanwhile, back in the training area, Lina was struggling to maintain her composure. The mental strain of controlling her newfound abilities was weighing heavily on her, and the fatigue was beginning to show. Her body ached, and her mind was reeling from the intensity of the exercises.

Colonel Mendoza, always alert to the condition of his team, noticed her growing exhaustion. He stepped forward, placing a firm but reassuring hand on her shoulder. "That's enough for now, Lina. You've done well."

Lina looked up at him, her eyes heavy with fatigue but burning with a quiet determination. "Thank you, Colonel," she managed to say, though her voice was strained.

Mendoza gave her a small, approving nod before turning to the rest of the team. "Alright, everyone. Let's take a break. We'll head to the cafeteria for some lunch and regroup there."

The members of Omega-7, equally tired but still buzzing with energy, began to gather their gear. Lina followed them, grateful for the break. As they made their way to the cafeteria, she couldn't help but replay the morning's events in her mind. The power she had wielded was unlike anything she had ever imagined, and the responsibility that came with it was equally daunting.

As they entered the cafeteria, the familiar clatter of trays and the low murmur of conversations greeted them. The sight of the other MTF units mingling with each other brought a sense of normalcy that Lina found comforting, even as she still felt like an outsider.

Lina found herself a seat with the rest of Omega-7, who were already digging into their meals. The conversation flowed easily among them, light-hearted and full of camaraderie. They laughed and joked, the tension of the morning's exercises temporarily forgotten.

But Lina's thoughts were elsewhere, her mind still grappling with the enormity of what lay ahead. As she absentmindedly pushed her food around her plate, she couldn't shake the lingering question that had haunted her since the moment she had awakened that morning—what was her true purpose here, and could she ever live up to the expectations placed upon her?

The buzz of conversation around her faded into the background as she lost herself in her thoughts, the weight of her new reality pressing down on her shoulders.

Omega-7 was gathered together in the cafeteria, their trays of food spread out before them as they relaxed after the morning's intense training. Lina sitting among them, still trying to process everything she had learned and experienced. The atmosphere was warm and lively, filled with the sounds of clinking cutlery and light-hearted banter. The team was clearly close-knit, sharing jokes and stories as they ate, but despite the camaraderie, Lina couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, knowing that every move she made was under scrutiny.

As she tried to focus on her meal, the sudden crackle of the intercom interrupted the chatter in the cafeteria. The voice on the other end was calm but authoritative. 

"Dr. Turner and Colonel Mendoza, please report to the Site Command immediately."

The room fell silent, the casual conversation halting as everyone turned their attention to the announcement. Mendoza set down his fork, his expression hardening slightly. Dr. Turner, who had been sitting near the end of the table, visibly tensed up, his face paling at the unexpected summons. Lina noticed the nervousness in the researcher's posture, the way his hands trembled slightly as he pushed back from the table.

Without a word, both men stood up. Mendoza gave a curt nod to the team before heading out, with Dr. Turner following closely behind. The rest of Omega-7 exchanged glances, the sudden interruption leaving an uneasy feeling in the air.

As Mendoza and Turner made their way through the corridors of the site, the tension between them was palpable. Turner's anxiety was almost tangible, his thoughts racing as he tried to anticipate what awaited them at Site Command. Mendoza, on the other hand, remained outwardly calm, but the seriousness of the situation wasn't lost on him.

When they arrived at the command center, the sight that greeted them immediately set them on edge. Two Resh-1 agents, clad in their imposing tactical gear, stood guard at the entrance, their presence a clear indication that someone of immense importance was inside. Dr. Turner's anxiety spiked as he realized what this meant. The Administrator was here.

The two agents stepped aside wordlessly, allowing Mendoza and Turner to enter. Inside, the atmosphere was thick with tension. The Administrator, Leonard, stood in the center of the room, dressed in his signature black suit and the enigmatic white mask that concealed his face. He was deep in conversation with the Site Director, who looked visibly nervous in the presence of such a high-ranking figure.

As Leonard's masked gaze turned towards the new arrivals, both Mendoza and Turner instinctively stiffened, their nerves betraying the weight of the situation. The Administrator's presence was imposing, and despite the mask, it was clear that he was analyzing them closely.

"Colonel Mendoza, Dr. Turner," Leonard began, his voice calm yet carrying an unmistakable authority, "how is the training with SCP-8888 progressing?"

Dr. Turner, still visibly nervous, hesitated for a moment before speaking. "The training is... progressing, sir. Lina is showing potential, but it's a lot for her to take in so quickly."

Mendoza, though more composed, could also feel the pressure of the moment. "She's adapting well, Administrator. Her abilities are manifesting more strongly now, and she's responding well to our guidance."

Leonard nodded slowly, his masked face revealing nothing of his thoughts. "Good. This is crucial, as we have a new assignment for Omega-7." He turned slightly, his attention fully on the two men before him. "We've detected increased activity of SK-Bio Type 007 entities in the Black Forest. Your task is to capture ten of these entities for study. Once you've reached the quota, you're to eliminate any remaining SK-Bio entities in the area."

The gravity of the mission was clear, and both men nodded in understanding. Mendoza felt the weight of the responsibility, knowing that this would be Lina's first real test in the field. 

"The objective is to assess SCP-8888's capabilities in a live environment," Leonard continued, his tone measured. "Prepare your team. You deploy tomorrow morning. Brief them thoroughly. This will be a chance to see what SCP-8888 can truly do."

"Yes, sir," Mendoza replied firmly, his mind already racing through the preparations that would need to be made.

Leonard turned his masked gaze towards Dr. Turner. "I expect a full report on SCP-8888's performance after the mission. We need to understand its potential fully."

Dr. Turner nodded quickly, still trying to steady his nerves. "Of course, Administrator. I'll ensure everything is documented."

With that, Leonard gave a final nod of dismissal, allowing the two men to leave. As they exited the command center, the weight of what had just been ordered settled heavily on their shoulders.

Returning to the cafeteria, Mendoza gathered the members of Omega-7. The team, still finishing their meals, looked up as the Colonel approached, sensing the change in atmosphere.

"We've got a mission," Mendoza announced, his tone serious. "I'll brief you all in detail, but for now, finish up and prepare yourselves. We deploy tomorrow morning."

The room was silent as the weight of his words settled in, the team quickly realizing that this was going to be a significant test for all of them—especially for Lina.