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Aaron waited for her to continue.


Stellar shook her head, and opened her mouth;

"She said you are here to take her back, and She's asking if you can take us both out of here... If you can, then I'm ready."

Aaron and Protean blinked a couple of times in surprised, Aaron then moved forward, held Emily's chin and raised her head to face him.

"Are you scared of me?"

Emily looked at his blue eyes in confusion, but shook her head vigorously.

"Well... At first, I am, but not anymore."

Aaron smiled, and asked again;

"Why can't you say what's on your mind then? I swear to you with my Li--"

Emily quickly closed his lips with her hand. "No, my Prince... I... I'm not worth you, swearing anything with your... Life." She chocked saying the last word.

"Prince?" Stellar's eyes widened. "You didn't say anything about this girl! Why didn't you tell me he's a prince?"