Chapter 47: Rain, Laughter, and Revelations

The croissants were warm, flaky, and utterly delicious, and Olivia couldn't resist stealing a bite from Ethan's plate every now and then. "Hey! Get your own," he teased, though he didn't really mind. Olivia just winked and took another bite.

Emma soon returned from the kitchen with a pot of tea, the one she always made for Olivia to energize her after long days. "For you, Liv," Emma said, smiling as she set down the tray.

"Oh, Emma, you're the best! I've missed this," Olivia said excitedly, pouring herself a cup. The tea's familiar scent wrapped around her like a warm hug, reminding her of simpler days.

As they sat together, enjoying their tea and croissants, a soft pitter-patter began to sound outside. It took a moment for everyone to realize it was raining. The gentle drizzle quickly turned into a downpour, but instead of retreating inside, they stayed put, watching the rain through the glass dome of Ethan's beautifully designed garden. The orchids and white roses, sheltered by the dome, swayed slightly, as though dancing to the rhythm of the rain.

"This is magical," Emma said softly, her eyes fixed on the rain-soaked scene outside.

"Ethan, this garden is stunning," Alex added, genuinely impressed. "You've got quite the eye for design."

Ethan smiled but was soon distracted by the sight of Olivia sneaking off. Without warning, she slipped through the door and stepped out into the rain, letting the water drench her completely. She closed her eyes, lifting her face to the sky, her arms outstretched as if embracing the storm. Her wet hair clung to her skin, and her white dress slowly became translucent, but Olivia didn't care. She laughed, twirled, and soaked in the moment, reveling in the freedom and joy the rain brought.

Ethan's eyes widened as he took in the scene. "What on earth is she doing?" he muttered under his breath, but his voice was laced with admiration. He'd never seen her so carefree, and it took him aback.

Before anyone could say a word, Ethan was already out the door. He marched through the rain, determined, and when he reached Olivia, he swept her off her feet—literally. He hoisted her over his shoulder, ignoring her protests and kicking legs, and carried her back inside.

"Ethan! Put me down!" Olivia half-laughed, half-protested, batting her arms against his back.

"Nope. You're getting out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold," Ethan declared, his voice playful but firm.

Emma and Alex burst into laughter, watching the whole thing unfold. Olivia pouted, but Ethan was determined. He brought her upstairs, dried her hair, and helped her into a cozy sweater and leggings.

"Thanks, but I could've handled that," Olivia muttered with mock indignation.

"Sure you could," Ethan teased, planting a soft kiss on her forehead before they both headed back downstairs.

As they reached the living room, they were met with a surprising sight. Emma had just leaned in and kissed Alex—soft, tentative, but full of meaning. Alex, caught off guard, hesitated for just a moment before wrapping his arms around her, deepening the kiss.

Ethan smirked, pulling out his phone to record the moment. "Got it!" he announced mischievously.

Emma's face turned beet red as she quickly hid behind Alex, while Alex—who was just as flustered—tried and failed to hide his embarrassment. "Ethan! You didn't!" Alex groaned.

"Of course, I did!" Ethan chuckled, sending the video to Alex's phone. "You'll thank me later."

Olivia giggled at the scene, happy for her friend but also finding the entire situation hilariously awkward. "Emma, you're blushing so hard! I didn't think I'd ever see you like this!" Olivia teased, pulling Emma out from behind Alex and giving her a tight hug.

Emma smiled, though she was still blushing. "Okay, okay. Let's pretend that didn't just happen."

Ethan grinned, though his mind was already spinning with other plans. "Why don't you both stay the night? It's pouring outside, and besides," Olivia said, turning to Emma, "I've missed you."

Alex, however, seemed a little hesitant, shuffling awkwardly. "I'm not sure it's a good idea..."

Olivia noticed his discomfort and quickly reassured him. "Don't worry, Alex. You'll be sleeping with Ethan in the guest room, and Emma will stay with me."

Ethan's face dropped in mock disappointment. "Wait, what? That's totally unfair!"

Olivia nudged his arm playfully. "You'll be fine. Besides, you and Alex can plan the proposal while Emma and I catch up. You've got everything worked out, right?"

Ethan sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes in mock defeat. "Yes, ma'am," he said, chuckling as he saluted Olivia.

With the sleeping arrangements settled, the boys headed into the kitchen. "Alright, ladies, you're in for a treat. It's our turn to cook, and you can relax with some hot chocolate and a cozy movie."

Olivia and Emma squealed in excitement, quickly setting up a pillow fort in the living room, just like they used to when they were kids. They surrounded themselves with fluffy pillows and blankets, reliving childhood memories as they settled in with their hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows, of course.

Ethan watched Olivia from the kitchen, a small smile tugging at his lips. He had always seen her as this strong, resilient woman—a tough nut to crack. But now, watching her laugh and play like a child, he realized just how much she had endured. Olivia had grown up without parents, raised in an orphanage, and had a secret benefactor who had supported her education until she was eighteen. But when she became an adult, she had turned down all further help and had built Carter Couture from the ground up—on her own.

Ethan's chest swelled with admiration. She's not just strong, he thought. She's extraordinary.