Chapter Title 55: The Past Unveiled at the Pierce Estate

The drive to the Pierce estate had been quiet, each member of the group lost in their thoughts about the impending dinner. As they pulled up to the grand house, the tension thickened. Ethan stepped out first, helping Olivia and then Emma out of the car. Alex followed, adjusting his jacket nervously. 

The estate loomed before them, old but grand, a place filled with both memories and conflicts.

As they made their way up the stone steps, the front door opened, and Aunt Linda appeared, her face lighting up with joy. "Ethan! Olivia!" she cried out, rushing toward them with open arms. She wrapped Ethan in a tight hug, then turned to Olivia with tears brimming in her eyes. 

"I thought you wouldn't make it, just like the last time," Linda sniffed, hugging Olivia now and wiping a tear away. "You're finally here."

Ethan patted her back softly. "Anything for you and Pops, remember?"

Linda nodded, her smile widening. Then her gaze fell on Olivia's baby bump. "Do you mind?" she asked softly, and Olivia, smiling, nodded her approval. Linda placed her hand gently on Olivia's stomach, her eyes bright with wonder. Olivia was only four months along, so the baby's movements were still undetectable, but that didn't stop Linda from beaming at the thought of the new addition to the family.

"Oh, I can't wait to meet this little one," she said, looking back up at Olivia with adoration.

After a brief moment, Linda turned to Alex and Emma, who stood by, watching with soft smiles. "And congratulations to the two of you as well!" Linda gushed, pulling Emma in for a hug. "An engagement! What wonderful news!"

"Thank you, Aunt Linda," Emma replied, blushing as Alex nodded along.

"I'm so happy for you both. You're going to be a beautiful bride," Linda said warmly, giving Emma one last squeeze before turning back to lead them inside.


The inside of the Pierce estate felt like stepping into another world. The air was tinged with the faint smell of medicine, and the soft ticking of a grandfather clock filled the silence. Linda led them down a long hallway to the room where Henry Pierce, Ethan's grandfather, rested. The room smelled faintly of antiseptic, the scent of a makeshift hospital. Henry lay on the bed, propped up with pillows, his frail body a stark contrast to the vibrant man Ethan had grown up admiring. He could still walk and move about, but his sudden fainting spells had led to home treatment.

As soon as Henry saw Ethan and Olivia, his eyes lit up with recognition and joy. With some effort, he pushed himself off the bed and walked toward them, though his steps were a little slow.

"Ethan! Olivia!" Henry called out in a raspy but warm voice, wrapping his arms around both of them when they reached him. He kissed Olivia gently on the forehead. "Thank you," he whispered, his eyes full of gratitude, "for giving me a great-grandchild. I didn't think I'd live to see the day."

"You're going to be here to spoil this little one rotten, Pops," Ethan smiled, though his voice carried a slight tremor of emotion. He hugged his grandfather tightly, knowing how much this moment meant to him.

Emma and Alex watched from the side, their hands intertwined. Emma whispered softly, "You can see how much Ethan loves his grandfather."

Alex nodded. "Henry's the only real family he's had. It's good to see them together."

Just as the atmosphere seemed to settle into a peaceful reunion, the door swung open, and in walked Mathew Pierce, Ethan's father. The air immediately grew thick with tension. Mathew's eyes swept the room, landing first on Ethan and Olivia before narrowing with disapproval.

"So," Mathew sneered, "you come all the way here and visit Henry first instead of your own father?"

Before Ethan could respond, Linda stepped forward, her protective stance unmistakable. "Mathew," she said sharply, "if you dare speak to them like that again, you'll find yourself escorted out of your own house."

Mathew's mouth tightened, but he said nothing more. He was clearly not ready for a confrontation with his sister.

At that moment, Patrick, Ethan's stepbrother, appeared in the doorway. Unlike Mathew, Patrick didn't come in with a sneer. Instead, his face turned pale the moment he laid eyes on Olivia. His usually confident demeanor faltered, and he stammered, "You? You're... here?"

Olivia tilted her head, narrowing her eyes as she studied him. Recognition flashed in her expression, followed by a smirk. "Oh, it's you," she said, her voice laced with amusement. "Fancy seeing you here, Patrick."

Ethan, sensing the tension between them but unsure of its source, shot a puzzled glance at Olivia. "You know him?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Olivia gave him a sidelong look, clearly intending to explain later, but before she could answer, Linda intervened. "Come on," she said, placing a gentle but firm hand on Olivia's arm. "Let's get to the dinner table before things escalate."


Dinner was a lavish affair, but despite the grandeur, the atmosphere at the table was tense. Ethan and Olivia sat close, with Emma and Alex beside them. Mathew, sitting at the head of the table, eyed them with barely concealed contempt. 

Linda, as always, played the role of peacemaker. She had prepared a special soup for Olivia, made specifically for pregnant women to ensure proper nourishment. "Here, dear," she said kindly, setting the bowl in front of Olivia. "I know you'll enjoy this."

Olivia smiled gratefully, appreciating the variety of options laid out before her. She picked through the meal carefully, savoring every bite. "Everything's perfect, Aunt Linda. Thank you," she said, beaming.

Meanwhile, across the table, Alex and Emma quietly tried to keep the conversation going, steering it toward lighter topics. "So, Henry," Alex said, addressing the older man, "we were thinking of naming our first dog after you."

Henry chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "A dog named Henry? That's something I'd like to see."

Emma chimed in, "We just need to convince Alex to let me get one first!"

Their playful banter helped ease some of the tension, and even Ethan managed a laugh. Olivia, though still aware of the undercurrent of tension in the room, felt comforted by the warmth from her friends.

As the dinner drew to a close, Ethan and Olivia handed over the gifts they had picked out earlier. "For you, Grandpa," Ethan said, handing over the leather-bound journal and fountain pen. Henry's eyes misted over as he accepted the gift, his hand trembling slightly.

"And this is for you, Aunt Linda," Olivia added, offering the silk scarf. Linda's face lit up as she ran her fingers over the delicate fabric. "It's beautiful, Olivia. Thank you."

With their gifts exchanged and goodbyes said, Ethan and Olivia finally prepared to leave the estate, the tension of the evening still lingering but manageable. As they stepped out of the house, the air felt lighter, and Olivia breathed a sigh of relief.

The storm at the Pierce estate hadn't completely passed, but they had weathered it together.