Chapter 57: The Secret Crushes

As laughter faded and the atmosphere settled back into a cozy rhythm, Alex leaned back on the couch, a playful glint in his eyes. "You know," he began, a mischievous smile creeping onto his face, "this whole story about Patrick reminds me of something from high school."

Ethan raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What are you getting at, Alex?"

"Oh, come on," Alex said, his tone teasing. "You must remember how terrified you were of approaching Olivia back in the day? You had the biggest crush on her."

Ethan's expression changed from amused to mortified as he glanced at Olivia, who was now wide-eyed and curious. "What?" she exclaimed, unable to suppress a smile. "Ethan? A crush on me?"

"Oh, give me a break!" Ethan groaned, covering his face with his hands. "That was years ago, and I thought I'd kept that a secret."

Emma, unable to hold back her laughter, chimed in. "Oh, you did not! It was so obvious! Ethan would practically turn into a stuttering mess whenever Olivia walked into the room. I mean, who could blame him? You were so cute back then, Liv."

Olivia's cheeks flushed a shade of pink as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Okay, okay! This is embarrassing. But really, Ethan had a crush on me?"

"Didn't I just say that?" Alex laughed. "He was so afraid you'd snap his arm like Patrick if he even looked at you wrong. That's why he never approached you!"

Ethan shot a glare at Alex, though there was a playful smile tugging at his lips. "You could have kept that to yourself."

"Why would I do that?" Alex shrugged, still chuckling. "But wait—Olivia, didn't you have a little crush on him too? You two were practically the worst at hiding it."

Olivia, trying to maintain her composure, squirmed a bit. "Well, maybe I thought he was kind of cute, but I didn't think he'd ever notice me. And I definitely didn't think he'd reject Jenna for me!"

Emma's eyes lit up with mischief. "Oh, this is juicy! Olivia, you were the reason he broke things off with Jenna!"

Ethan nodded, a hint of pride in his expression. "It's true. I realized I couldn't be with Jenna when I knew my heart was elsewhere. I didn't even know it was you at the time, but I could feel that I just wasn't ready for a relationship that didn't feel right."

Olivia looked at Ethan, her heart swelling with affection. "That's really sweet, but it's still surprising to hear. I always thought you were just focused on your career back then."

"Focused and terrified," Ethan admitted, chuckling. "I mean, you were the most amazing girl in school. Who wouldn't be scared?"

Emma interjected, her voice teasing. "Oh, the two of you were like a couple of lovesick puppies! I remember the school dance—you couldn't take your eyes off her, Ethan."

"Stop it," Ethan laughed, trying to dismiss the attention. "You're making me blush."

"Not as much as Olivia is right now," Alex teased, giving Olivia a playful nudge. "And then there was the time you helped her with that business project, Ethan. You practically swooped in like a superhero."

"Oh my gosh, I'd forgotten about that!" Olivia laughed. "You were so nervous when you presented, but you knocked it out of the park."

"Only because I had you cheering me on from the front row," Ethan replied, his eyes softening as they met hers. "But honestly, it was nerve-wracking."

Emma leaned in closer, her excitement palpable. "You know, you two really were perfect for each other even back then. It's so cute to see it come full circle now."

"Thanks, you two," Ethan said, shaking his head but unable to suppress his smile. "This is all so embarrassing, but I guess it just proves how long this has been brewing between us."

Olivia leaned into Ethan, her heart full. "Well, I'm glad we finally figured it out, even if it took us this long. The past may have been a mess, but we made it here in the end."

"Yeah, a happy ending for the two secret crushes," Alex said, raising his glass. "To Olivia and Ethan!"

"To Olivia and Ethan!" Emma echoed, and they all clinked their glasses together, laughter ringing through the room.

As the banter continued, Ethan and Olivia shared a glance filled with warmth, knowing that their past was now a part of the beautiful journey they were on together. Whatever storms lay ahead, they would face them side by side, stronger together than they had ever been apart.

As the laughter faded into a comfortable silence, Emma leaned in closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You know, Olivia, while we're on the subject of secret crushes, I have to spill a little tea myself."

Ethan raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh? What's that?"

Emma took a deep breath, relishing the moment. "Well, back in high school, Olivia wasn't the only one with a crush. You see, there were times I caught her looking at you, Ethan. Like, *really* looking."

Olivia's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? No way!"

Emma nodded earnestly. "Oh, absolutely! She would blush every time you walked past, and I remember her talking about how she thought you were 'so smart and handsome.'" Emma chuckled. "It was adorable. I thought for sure she'd confess her feelings."

Ethan chuckled, feeling a warm rush of affection for Olivia. "Really? You had a crush on me too?" he asked, a teasing lilt to his voice.

Olivia crossed her arms playfully, trying to maintain her composure. "Okay, maybe I had a bit of a crush. But I thought you were out of my league! I was just some girl trying to find my place."

"Trust me, you weren't out of my league," Ethan replied softly. "I was just too scared to admit how I felt. I thought you would never see me that way."

Emma interjected, shaking her head. "You two were like those characters in a cheesy romance movie. Both of you wanted to say something but were too afraid. If I could have nudged you two together back then, I would have."

"Right?" Olivia added, her laughter blending with Ethan's. "But we were both too focused on school and our goals to really explore any feelings."

Ethan sighed, looking thoughtful. "I remember when you brought me the merger contract. I was so excited. I wanted it to be real—not just a contract, but a real partnership. I could feel it in my gut that it was going to be something special."

"See?" Emma exclaimed, her excitement palpable. "You were ready to take that leap even then, Ethan!"

"Yeah," Ethan continued, glancing at Olivia. "When you walked in with that document, my heart raced. It was more than just business to me; it felt like a chance for something deeper. I wanted to believe that it was more than just a merger—it was a way to finally bring us together."

"Aw, you two!" Emma cooed, her voice teasing yet sincere. "This is so sweet! You could have had your own reality show, 'High School Heartthrobs.'"

Olivia rolled her eyes, but a smile broke through. "Okay, okay! Enough with the nostalgia! It's nice to know we weren't the only ones hiding our feelings."

Ethan looked at Olivia, his expression earnest. "I think it was all part of the journey. If we hadn't gone through all that uncertainty, we wouldn't appreciate what we have now."

"True," Olivia agreed, her heart swelling with warmth. "I'm just glad we finally got here, even if it took us a few detours along the way."

With a newfound sense of understanding, they shared a moment of silence, basking in the realization of how far they had come. Their laughter and playful banter reflected a deeper bond, one that was forged through shared experiences, fears, and ultimately, love.

As the conversation turned lighter again, Ethan found himself marveling at how beautifully life had unfolded, allowing him and Olivia to not only find each other but also build a future filled with promise. The past was a memory, and the present was a gift they both cherished deeply.