Chapter 76: Steps Toward Healing

It had been weeks since Ethan's reunion with Olivia and Eva. The air of confusion and pain was slowly giving way to something new—something hopeful. Though they still had a long road ahead of them, Olivia was determined to help Ethan recover fully, both physically and emotionally. She poured her heart into every moment, leaving no stone unturned in helping him regain his strength.

Every morning, they followed the same routine. Olivia would wheel Ethan outside, where the warm sun would greet them with its soft rays. They'd work on his physiotherapy exercises together, Olivia offering encouragement, pushing him gently when he seemed tired, and celebrating the smallest victories.

"You've got this, Ethan. One step at a time," she'd whisper, her voice laced with patience and love.

Ethan, sweat dripping down his brow, would grit his teeth, his muscles straining, but he never gave up. Not with Olivia by his side. Each day, he stood a little taller, held his balance a little longer. And every day, he felt the fire in his heart reigniting—not just for himself but for Olivia and Eva.

They didn't spend all their time in therapy, though. There were also playdates with Eva and Max, moments where the weight of the world seemed to disappear. Ethan watched in wonder as Eva giggled, her curls bouncing as she chased Max through the park, her little hands grasping for his. 

On one such afternoon, Ethan was sitting on a bench, leaning slightly forward as he watched the children play. Olivia sat beside him, her eyes bright with laughter as she observed their antics.

"Max is getting faster every day," Olivia chuckled, watching as Max dodged away from Eva's grasp.

"Eva's going to catch him any second now," Ethan responded, a proud smile tugging at his lips.

He looked over at Olivia, and for a moment, their eyes locked. In that quiet second, something passed between them—an unspoken understanding, a shared joy. He reached for her hand, squeezing it softly. It felt like old times, before everything fell apart, before the accident.

"Thank you," he whispered.

Olivia blinked, her smile faltering slightly. "For what?"

"For sticking by me. For believing in me even when I didn't deserve it."

Olivia looked at him for a long moment, her voice soft when she finally replied, "You've always deserved it, Ethan. I never stopped believing in you. And I never will."

Ethan's heart swelled with emotion, but he kept his gaze forward, watching their daughter in the distance. Eva turned and waved at them, her face bright and innocent. 


One morning, after weeks of steady progress, Ethan decided it was time. He didn't tell Olivia his plan; he wanted it to be a surprise. 

That day, while Olivia was distracted in the kitchen making breakfast, Ethan slipped out of his wheelchair, gripping the edge of the table for balance. He took a deep breath, pushing the nerves aside. His legs, though shaky, held him up. The exercises had paid off. 

He took one step, then another. His legs trembled, but they didn't give way. With determination burning in his chest, he crossed the room, grabbing onto furniture for balance when he needed to, but never once stopping.

When Olivia came out of the kitchen, she froze. Ethan stood there in the living room, holding a small bouquet of white roses in his hands, the same flowers he used to bring her in the early days of their love. 

Her breath caught in her throat. "Ethan..."

He grinned, his eyes shining with pride and love. "I told you I'd do it, Liv. I told you I'd walk again."

She couldn't speak. The tears spilled from her eyes, uncontrollable, as she covered her mouth with her hand. Every emotion she'd held inside for the past few years—every heartbreak, every moment of doubt, every ounce of love—came rushing back to her all at once.

Ethan slowly stepped forward, extending the roses toward her. "These are for you. Just like old times."

Olivia took the flowers, her hands trembling. She lifted her tear-streaked face to look at him. "I—I don't even know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," he said gently, reaching out to wipe away one of her tears with his thumb. "I remember how much you loved these roses. And I remember how much I love you."

The floodgates opened, and Olivia collapsed into his arms, the bouquet of roses crushed between them as she sobbed into his chest. "I thought I lost you, Ethan. I thought I lost everything."

He held her tightly, his lips pressing against the top of her head. "You didn't lose me, Liv. I'm here. I'm always going to be here."

She cried harder, the relief, the joy, and the heartache all pouring out at once. For so long, she had carried the burden of holding their family together, of protecting Eva, of guarding her own broken heart. But now, in Ethan's arms, she felt that weight begin to lift.

"You did it," she whispered through her tears. "You walked again."

He smiled, pulling her even closer. "I did it for you. And for Eva."

As if on cue, Eva came bouncing into the room, Max trailing behind her. She saw her parents hugging and immediately puffed her little cheeks in mock anger.

"Hey! This isn't fair, Mommy!" Eva said, her hands on her hips. "You guys always forget me when you are hugging!"

Everyone in the room burst into laughter, the tension dissolving as Eva climbed into Ethan's lap, throwing her arms around both her parents. Max followed closely behind, jumping onto the couch and trying to join the group hug.

It was messy and chaotic, but it was perfect.

Olivia looked up at Ethan, her heart full. She had waited so long for this moment—for the family she had fought so hard to protect to finally be whole again. Ethan kissed the top of her head, and she smiled through her tears, knowing that they were finally on the road to healing, together.

And this time, nothing would break them apart.