Chapter 6: The Reveal

TW: Language, Violence, Graphic Sexual Content. Demian sighed as he ate his breakfast, it had been three days since he had seen or heard from Malfoy, even though he received the letter the night before, he still hadn't made an appearance. He scanned the great hall, looking for him, but only locked eyes with Higgs who seemed to be pursuing his attention more and more since the day prior. Demian quickly looked back down at his food when he realized. It wasn't that he wasn't attracted to him, in fact he was quite the beautiful man. His soft features accompanied by the broad shoulders he possessed, that muscular body from the consistent quidditch training over the years, and his somewhat gentle persona in comparison to the other Slytherins made him question if he truly was making the right decision ignoring him. But the truth was, he couldn't stop thinking about Draco, his feelings for him were that of raw desire, it was more than physical attraction that drew him to Malfoy, he felt connected to him in a way he couldn't explain. At least Higgs never intentionally made you jealous. He thought to himself. Thinking back on the multitude of times that Draco had dangled Pansy in his face to get a rise out of him. Draco is the kind of evil who wouldn't think twice about ruining someones life. Those words echoed through his head from yesterday and he did his best to shake them off. He looked up again when he finally saw Malfoy walking into the great hall, just moments before they were supposed to be in class. He grabbed a quick pastry and attempted to walk out without hesitation, but Astoria got up from her seat and chased after him. Demian watched this unfold, a jealous Pansy sat at the end of the table, oddly just as distressed as he was. What the fuck was going on? His friends were waving their hands in his face, "Helloooooo." He finally snapped out of it. "What's going on guys." "We're going to Hogsmeade later, do you want to come with us?" "Maybe, what time are you planning on going?""Dunno, probably around 5 or so." "Alright, I might meet you guys down there, but I've got somewhere to be, I'll see you later." Viviana watched him, curiously, as he got up from the table and immediately left the great hall. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*When he exited to the hallway, he caught a glimpse of Astoria and Draco, she was tugging at the sleeve of his robe and smiling, he seemed tense. He decided it was best to avoid them seeing him, so he stayed within earshot and kept his back turned to them, hoping neither one of them would notice. "So, am I going to see you later then?" She said to him, in a somewhat flirty manner that made him feel like he might toss his breakfast at any moment."I don't know, I'm rather busy tonight, but maybe." He said with little emotion in his voice. "I really don't have time for this Astoria." "Well, you better make fucking time." She hissed at him. He scoffed, "Sure thing, dearest." He said sarcastically, but Demian couldn't distinguish the difference. Without saying a word, he turned and looked back at the two of them, Draco caught his eye and he saw a sadness he wasn't familiar with. He walked away, skipping his next class and going back to his dorm. When he entered, Silas knew he was upset and quickly jumped up into his arms, that familiar purring bringing him comfort as the tears kept welling up. He refused to cry over something so silly, after all he didn't even belong to Draco. A singular night spent together does not make a relationship. Saddened, he sat back down at his desk and tried to continue working on his ring, he was several weeks out from finishing it, even if he dedicated what little free time he had to it. Silas stayed in his lap as he sat at his desk, toiling away mindlessly to forget about what he had seen in the hallway. Demian begrudgingly went to his afternoon class, though he felt sick to his stomach and wasn't much in the mood. He hardly looked at Malfoy during, he begged Peter to sit next to him, although he tried to protest, he could tell his friend needed him, so he agreed. For the first time, Penny actually felt saddened, and Demian kept catching her looking over to see if Peter was paying her any mind. Malfoy kept his gaze on Demian almost the entire class, but Demian pretended not to notice and left almost immediately after dismissal, going back to his dorm and silently working on the ring. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*It was nearing 5, he wasn't sure if he wanted to go to Hogsmeade or not after the morning he had, but he felt bad ignoring his friends request, he hadn't been spending as much time with them since he was wrapped up in his boy troubles. A knock at the door broke his concentration and he sighed deeply, getting up and going to answer it. He half expected to see Malfoy, but of course, there before him stood Higgs. "Hey um...listen, do you want to go somewhere with me tonight?" "Actually, I've already made plans, I'm going to see my friends at Hogsmeade in about 15 minutes.""Oh...I see." He said sadly. Demian studied his face and felt a pang of guilt hit his stomach, he thought he finally must forgive him for what he'd done as he seemed genuinely hurt and upset about the entire ordeal. "Do you want to come with me?" A grin appeared on his face, those perfect teeth flashed at Demian, and he replied, "Fuck yeah I would." Demian laughed and quickly put his shoes back on, as he left the room, he caught a glimpse of that small metal raven with the silver eyes, a token he had been trying to ignore for the last few days and he began the walk to Hogsmeade with Higgs. Higgs was barely taller than him, yet at times had made him feel so small. His soft complexion was peppered with a few freckles over the bridge of his nose and the setting sunlight finally revealed those to Demian, which he had never noticed before. "So, why Hogsmeade?" he asked. "Your guess is as good as mine, truthfully, my friends just invited me, and I couldn't say no." "Heh, well, I haven't been in ages." " either." Demian shivered, he hadn't dressed as warm as he wanted to for the excursion and the nights were getting seemingly colder and colder. As they closed in to Hogsmeade, it was fairly busier than usual, the lights were just coming on and the streets seemed to illuminate as they walked up. Sitting outside of Honeydukes at a small table were his friends, including Viviana and they all waved him over, except her.Peters eyes grew wide as he realized who accompanied Demian, and Mordred pretended not to care, popping some Berties Every Flavor Beans into his mouth by the handful. Viviana seemed intrigued, but slipped her arm into Mordreds and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Hey guys." He said to them."Hey Demian....Higgs." They said, almost in unison. Higgs replied, "What's up, I don't think we've properly met, seeing as you know, I'm in Slytherin and it doesn't seem like half of you associate with any of us." He laughed, jokingly. "I mean, half of you are dickheads, let's be honest." Peter replied, also laughing. "I won't deny that's true." They all shared a smile and the two of them sat down. "So you've already been to Honeydukes then, what's next?" "We're going to Madam Puddifoot's tea shop after this, it's rather cold and would be a romantic way to warm each other up, I think." Viviana said, smiling up at Mordred who did not protest. "Well, you heard the lady, I'm going to drink some tea." "Yeah, fuck that." Peter said. "I'm going to Zonkos, I'm trying to have fun not drink some fucking tea." Demian and Higgs laughed. Mordred got up and held Vi's hand, they made their way over to the tea shop. "I think I'm going to go to Gladrags for a bit, do you want to join me?" Higgs said. "Sure." Demian replied. "Fuck you guys are all so boring, tea and clothes shopping? I might as well have taken this trip with my mum." Peter said, jumping up from the table and making his way to Zonkos. Peter and Demian laughed as they got up, walking over to Gladrags. They had just set out all the fall clothing, rows and rows of light sweaters, scarves, gloves, and layered trousers adorned on the seemingly floating mannequins. Demian walked around the store, smiling and lightly touching some of the soft fabrics, he found a beautiful dark scarf with a blue and silver trim draped over the mannequin in the back corner. He studied it for a while before making his way to the front of the store. A mannequin dressed in the house colors of Slytherin, wearing black trousers and a loose-fitting sweater with the snake emblem fashioned in wonderful stitching made him sigh. He had quite missed Malfoy, but he shook his mind free of those memories and looked up, spotting Higgs coming his way. "Hey, have you had your fill?" "Yeah, I think I have." They turned to leave the store and as soon as they stepped for outside, Higgs shoved a small bag into his chest. "Here." "What's this?" "I saw you looking at it in the store...I don't know." He peered in the bag and saw the scarf, he smiled and looked up at Higgs whose face was flushed, his hands shoved in his pockets. "It's getting cold, and I figured you could use another one, since you for some reason decided not to wear one tonight." Demian laughed and took it out of the bag, slipping it around his neck, he instantly felt warmer and more secure. "Thank you..." He said, somewhat shyly. "Yeah, you're welcome." They walked out together and saw Peter coming out of Zonkos, Mordred and Viviana were still having their "romantic night" Demian assumed. Peter was holding a small bag. "Got some dungbombs for my little brother, about to trick him into using them on my mum." He laughed.Demian and Higgs smiled. "So, are the two lovebirds still drinking their fucking tea or what." Peter said. But before either one of them could answer, Vi was storming out of the shoppe, looking upset as she headed back towards the castle, alone. Mordred tried chasing after her, but she ignored his calls and kept walking, eventually he gave up, defeated, and came over to his friends. "She's a proper bitch sometimes, eh?" He said to Demian. "What the hell happened?" He replied. "I dont know! We were drinking tea, she was people watching out the window as we chatted and she must have seen something, she wouldn't tell me what was wrong, she just got up without a word and left me sitting there alone, drinking fucking tea I didn't even want!" "That's weird....that's proper weird." Peter responded. "What do you think she saw?" Higgs said. "I truly haven't a fucking clue." Mordred said. Demian touched the scarf around his neck looking up at Higgs with a tinge of worry in his eyes. Higgs stared back, somewhat confused."Fuck it, let's go. We'll walk behind her and make sure she gets back okay." The boys agreed and made their way back towards the castle. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*They watched Viviana climb the steps into the castle and with the sun finally set, decided it was time to part ways. Mordred and Peter said they were going to the great hall to get a bite to eat before bed, and Higgs asked if Demian wanted to come back to the Slytherin common room, just to talk. Even though he felt a tinge of worry, he agreed. They walked together and Higgs opened the door to the common room, "Basilisk" He said, and the both of them gained entry inside. Surprisingly it was empty. The two of them sat down on the dark leather couch, the fire roaring made Demian feel warmed, and he unwound the scarf from his neck, setting it in his lap. "I didn't know you had such a soft side, Higgs." he said, dropping the thoughtful gift down.He scoffed, his cheeks burning from the words, "Whatever...I just...thought you would like it." He stammered. "So I've decided to try out for the Quidditch team again." He suddenly said. Demian was surprised. "Really? What made you want to do that." "Honestly, I just miss it. Ever since Malfoy took my spot as seeker, I lost all my confidence, but I figure it's time to try again, its been over 2 years. I've wallowed in self-pity for long enough." "I think you're right, you're so concerned with your reputation among the other Slytherins, maybe they will stop looking at you like you've been demasculinized by Malfoy if you get back on the team." He laughed a little bit and Higgs face looked flushed again. "Hey...fuck you." He said softly. "I hope you make it." Demian said to him."Yeah, me too." Higgs moved closer to Demian on the couch, he could feel his body heat as his thigh pressed against his own and he looked up at him, those dark eyes staring back at him intensely. Almost instantaneously they were interrupted, a jarring voice he was familiar with said, "Well, what the fuck do we have here?" Malfoy said. He was casually eating an apple, he took a bite with a loud crunch and flashed that devilish grin at Demian after he swallowed. "The fuck do you want Malfoy." Higgs said. "I mean, I could be asking you the same question, Higgs." Higgs rolled his eyes and stood up, facing him. "Don't you have somewhere else to be Malfoy, if you couldn't guess, we're fucking busy." Demian kept silent and watched the flames of the fire, avoiding the confrontation. "Busy? Looks to me you were two steps away from getting busy." He laughed again and took another bite of the apple, watching Demian with furious eyes. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" "I think you know exactly what I mean, Higgs. You're a fucking faggot too." Without hesitation he stepped towards him, balling up his fist but before he had a chance to get near him Malfoy used his free hand to pull his wand out, pressing it against Higgs neck. "I suggest you rethink what the fuck you're about to do, before you regret it." Higgs smirked, he looked unphased. "I don't fear death Malfoy, and you'd never risk getting kicked out of your precious school for actually doing anything more than a mild curse." He pushed the tip of his wand further into his skin and whispered to him, "You have no idea what I'm capable, or how badly I wish to be out of this school." Demian couldn't help himself, after hearing that he watched Malfoy, the rage he saw behind his eyes was matching equally with the sadness in his. Higgs just laughed. "Whatever you say." He smacked the wand away from his neck and looked back at Demian. "I think I'm going to turn in for the night, obviously we won't get any peace here. Do you...want to come with me?" Demian bit the inside of his lip nervously, he wrapped the scarf around his neck again and stood up, responding back, "I think I should get home for the night, it's getting late anyways. Thanks again for the scarf, I'll...see you later Higgs." He looked a little sad, but he nodded. "Catch you later, Valentino." He scowled at Malfoy and pushed past him, Malfoy chuckled, "Yeah go to fucking bed. Night Princess." He said. Higgs didn't respond and Demian made for the exit, before he reached the doorway, he felt that familiar grab on his wrist, only this time much more forceful than before. He was pulled back and his arm was pinned above his head against the wall, Malfoys eyes staring deeply into his eyes, they burned with madness and intensity he hadn't seen before. "What the fuck are you doing with Higgs." he said, angrily. Demian flexed his fingers, the grip he had on his wrist was tighter than he had ever felt before, he stared up at him, he was several inches taller than Higgs. "Fucking nothing, let me go Malfoy." He refused, "Don't you ever fucking lie to me." His free hand unwound the scarf from his neck, and he dropped it to the ground. "You're coming to my room, now." "Fuck you Malfoy." He struggled to free himself, but before he had the chance Malfoy was pulling him down the hallway to his dorm, they passed Higgs room and Demian felt that pang of guilt again, the scarf lying on the floor near the stairwell.Malfoy pushed the door open hastily and pulled Demian in with him, shutting it securely with his foot. "Thought you didn't like Higgs, Demian? What other fucking lies have you told me." Demian scoffed, "I haven't even seen you in days, I hardly see why it's any of your business what I do or who I see." That only enraged him more, he stepped close to him and held his face in his hand firmly. "Why yes, it is my business, half-blood. I've decided that you belong to me, and there's no going back after that." "I belong to you? Fuck you." Demian whispered back to him. "The hand around his chin slid down to his neck, a pit formed in his stomach when he thought Malfoy was about to squeeze, but he didnt....He slipped it to the back of his neck and forced his lips against Demians, hungrily. Startled, he kissed him back, he was being pushed toward Malfoys bed, slowly, when he reached it, a hand pressed against his chest and forced him down. He fell into his mattress and looked up, Malfoy didn't hesitate and climbed directly ontop of him. Flashes from black lake entered his mind and Demian felt his trousers tightening, his face instantly turned red and Malfoys panting made him even more turned on. "What...what are you doing Malfoy." He covered his mouth briefly with his hand, "Shhh..." He said. Demian shivered, Malfoy took his shirt off and exposed his muscles, one of Demians hands ran down the front of his chest, admiring his figure until he made it to the crotch of his trousers, where he felt he was entirely hard. Malfoy groaned softly and pushed himself into Demians hand, he leaned in by his ear, and Demian could feel his labored breathing against his neck. He rubbed him through his trousers, his groaning getting louder, Demian could tell he was much bigger than he was, and although he felt insecure for a moment, his lust was more concerning. Malfoy moaned into his ear, "I will make you mine. And I will have all of you." This sent shivers down his spine, and he swallowed nervously, the anticipation welling up inside him. Malfoy pulled off Demians shirt, exposing his pale soft skin, he was a bit leaner than himself, and he liked it that way. He undid his own trousers and slid them down, a large imprint of his erection pressed against his tight boxer briefs and Demian couldn't help but look, it excited him even more and Malfoy noticed, smirking. He slid Demians trousers down next, his smaller but equally aroused cock fit firmly in his hand and he gripped it possessively, rubbing it a few times until moans started escaping his lips. "I love when you moan for me." He said through his labored breathing. He continued rubbing Demian through his briefs and leaned over to his nightstand with his free hand, he pulled out a small bottle of lube and popped the lid with his thumb, sliding Demians boxers down with the other hand he poured a small amount onto his cock and started sliding his hand up and down, leaning in to listen closer to his gasps of pleasure. "I want you to be louder, Demian." Demians lip trembled at the sound of his name leaving Malfoys lips, he choked out some louder moans as he felt a hand sliding up and down the length of his swollen cock. Malfoy stroked his length several times before sliding his thumb across the slit of his head, back and forth while he listened to the moans in between his soft pants of pleasure. He quickened his pace and gripped his cock in his hand once more, watching Demians face twist with pleasure, they locked eyes and his lips opened, he muttered, "D-Draco..." Malfoy reached up and ran the thumb of his free hand across Demians lips while still stroking him with an even quicker pace, he could feel Demian throbbing in his hand and he studied his face, listening intently to every noise escaping his mouth. His breathing quickened, he moved his hips with Malfoys motions and slid his arms around his neck, still staring into his eyes. "I..I'm going to cum." He whimpered, and Malfoy kissed him deeply, refusing to slow down his stroking as Demian released, shooting streams up onto his own stomach and into Malfoys hand. He gasped, stuttering a few last moans into Malfoys mouth, his heart beating quicker than he's ever known it to before. He kissed him again, catching his breath and pulled Malfoys face closer, until their foreheads touched. He opened his eyes, and that silver gaze paralyzed him again. Malfoy finally spoke, "You're mine, Demian." He brought his cum soaked hand to his own mouth and licked one of his fingers clean, before leaving the bed to get a washcloth from his dresser, he wiped the rest of his hand clean and then went back to bed, using it to clean up the mess that was made on his own stomach. Demians face was hot with embarrassment, when he worked up the courage he finally spoke. "I...I've never done that, with anyone before." "I know, half-blood." He said, kissing him again while he slid the boys boxers back on. "You're staying with me tonight." Demian didn't argue, Malfoy pulled him into his chest and he rested his head, listening to his heartbeat until he finally shut his eyes and fell asleep. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*The next day Demian woke up before Malfoy, he looked up and smiled, gently stroking his cheek. He really needed to piss, and he climbed out of bed, sliding his trousers back on and slipping his shirt over his head. He looked down and saw a crumpled note under Malfoys bed, and curiosity got the better of him. He picked it up and read Malfoys future. Tears welled up in his eyes, he suddenly felt ill and then he heard him sit up. "Demian?" He said, quietly. But before he got an answer, he crumpled the note back up and tossed it on the bed, leaving without a word. "Fuck." Malfoy muttered under his breath.With his future revealed, he knew it would be even harder to convince the boy he wanted, to stay with him.