Chapter 8: Hallowe'en

TW: Language, Sexual Content, Drinking, Drugs.Demian couldn't sleep lately. Throughout the week he watched as both men he cared for were in the arms of a woman, one he either knew of, or knew very well. Viviana was now sitting at the table with the Slytherins. Her and Astoria seemed to be getting rather close, and this irked Demian ever more. He made his way to the great hall for breakfast. He couldn't stop thinking about the note he'd read in Malfoys dorm, those words haunting his dreams and it was certainly adding to his inability to sleep. Married.He shook his head, trying to rid himself of that nasty thought.He hadn't spoken to Malfoy since the week prior, and any glimpse he caught of Higgs was met with a scowl from the new parasite latched to his arm, Viviana. Why am I so jealous?He knew better than to focus on anyone other than Draco, his words echoed through his head. You belong to me.He sighed. He ate slowly and Mordred seemed even more down than him, Peter on the other hand was on cloud 9. He had finally gotten Penny to accept his proposal of going steady, and she now sat with them, rather than at the table with the other Hufflepuffs. Truthfully, she was great. She tried to cheer them all up over the past week, she even made a trip to Hogsmead and brought them all back treats, which Demian admits was nice. She poked at Mordred, "Come on, cheer up, I've never eaten at such a sad table." She looked over at Demian as well."You too." Peter wrapped an arm around her waist and continued eating. "For real, you guys are acting proper depressed, it's really killing the aura." He kissed Penny on the forehead. She smiled and looked up at him, leaning into his protective grip. Demian sighed again, watching them. "You guys are making me sick, I'm going to class." Penny playfully threw a scone at Demian. "Bye, fucking loser." Peters word echoed through the hall as he left.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* He made his way to his morning classes, this time, it was Divination. Not his favorite class, as he didn't really see himself as the guy who had any type of good luck. He sat down, gazing at the empty teacups, it seemed they were in store for Tasseography today. Fucking tea leaf reading. Professor Trelawney instructed each student to pour a cup of tea and wait for it to steep, at least 5 minutes. During those grueling 5 minutes, Demians stomach twisted in knots while he envisioned the worst possible outcome. Flashes of Draco and Higgs filled his mind, and he didn't know how he was going to deal with the possibility of receiving even worse news after his week. He watched the clock, "Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick" It never seemed to end.Finally, he began sipping his tea. The rest of the students, including Higgs seemed to be happy and expecting great outcomes. Demian felt like he was about to get The Grim. Malfoy chose not to take divination, he liked to leave some mystery to the world, or so he said. Demian sipped his tea again, he finally had about a teaspoon left, he looked into his cup and swirled it gently. Finally, he felt he could make out a shape.A...heart?The professor made her rounds, "Oh Demian! Love! That's so sweet."Viviana rolled her eyes, and Higgs exclaimed, "An X?""That simply means stop, young Higgs, many interpretations can be seen." Professor Trelawney said.He looked confused, his eyes scanned Vi, and then Demian. Demians eye caught his for a split second, and Viviana scowled, giving Higgs and disapproving nod and he immediately averted his gaze. After a while, class was dismissed, and Demian made his way back to his room. Hallowe'en was tonight, a feast was scheduled so all evening classes were dismissed. Demian hadn't a costume, but his father sent him a mask that he had crafted. A fellow artist, as well as chef, he loved to send gifts of things he'd made throughout the year. It was quite the beautiful mask, anyways. He had befriended some of the local ravens and made a mask entirely from real feathers and black jewels, it was slender, not too flashy, just how he liked it. He wrote his parents a quick letter,"Hello Mum, and Dad,I'm having a wonderful year at Hogwarts, and even got the divination of love in Tasseography today. Although Vi hasn't forgiven me yet, I think there's a chance that I may have found someone new. Silas is doing well, lazy as usual, and Peter and Modred send their regards. I've somehow managed to stay out of trouble, but truthfully, I miss you guys. I hope to visit soon for winter break. Happy Hallowe'en.I love you. D."He folded up the letter and decided he would wait til tonight to ask Peter is he could use Fredrick to send it to his parents. He then tied his mask over his face, the black raven feathers meshed with his charcoal-colored hair, his green eyes shining brightly through. He tried to smile, but he couldn't. Instead, he put on his shoes, heading outside to see the giant pumpkins in the courtyard that the groundkeeper grew every year.On his way outside, he was suddenly grabbed by his wrist, his heart stopped for a moment, he thought it was Malfoy. He was quickly pulled into a broom closet, a dim light illuminated the inside and as his eyes adjusted, he finally realized it wasn't Malfoy at all. Higgs."What the fuck do you want?"Higgs bit the inside of his lip nervously, "I...I just wanted to say I was sorry.""Again?" Demian replied."Yes..""Well I don't forgive you." He went to turn around and Higgs pleaded."Please. Don't go yet." Demian sighed, he looked at him through his dark mask. "You have five minutes." "That morning you left the Slytherin common room, you didn't come back just looking for the scarf, did you?" Demian remained silent."Tell me the truth Demian." He looked down, ashamed."No." "Why were you there?" He asked, curiously. Demian again, didn't reply. "Please tell me the truth, and I will do the same in return." He swallowed nervously."Because I never left, why are you suddenly dating Vi?" Higgs looked even more confused, but he replied, "Truthfully I don't even know what happened, a few days before the Quidditch tryouts she sent a letter to my dorm admitting that she liked me and asking to meet. I was originally going to tell her no, but after not hearing from you for a while and seeing you that morning-" he trailed off, "She kissed me, and after that she basically hasn't left my side.""Did you sleep with her?" Higgs remained silent. "Who did you stay with the night you slept in the Slytherin common room?"Neither one of them answered and Demian went to leave the closet, but he was grabbed again, "Was it Malfoy?"Demian froze, he couldn't respond. Higgs took the silence as a confession and he sighed deeply, Demian could see his eyes glistening. Without another word, he pushed past Demian and exited the closet, leaving him alone with his thoughts. After a few moments, he finally gathered his strength and left the closet, he made his way for the courtyard, where huge pumpkins littered the grounds, fireflies illuminated the sky and fires roared all around. The commotion allowed Demian to slip in without any suspicion, he saw Viviana and Higgs, they seemed to be arguing. He walked down the path, looking at around at all the festivities, laughter filled the air, but Demian could hardly smile. Where are you Malfoy.After a while, Demian decided to skip out on the feast, he hadn't the spirit to enjoy anyones company tonight, he went back to his room and watched out the window as dozens of students had a wonderful time together.Peter and Mordred stumbled in, arms full of candies and treats from the feast, they dropped them on Demians bed. "We didn't see you, so we brought the party to you." They both exclaimed. For the first time all day, Demian didn't have to force his smile, and he looked up at his best friends, grateful. "Thank you.""You're welcome, dickhead." "How did you know there was a masquerade after party tonight?" The boys pointed out the mask sitting on the desk. "What do you mean?" "I mean there's a masquerade after party, we each bought a mask down at Hogsmeade tonight, but we never saw you. So how did you know?""I didn't, my father sent it to me, since I told them I didn't want a costume this year.""Well you're in luck, because we're about to go, put it on." Demian sighed."Put it the fuck on." Peter said. "Alright, alright, I'm coming." He slipped the mask back on once more, sighing before following his friends to the after party.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*When they arrived, the sweet smell of pumpkins filled the air. Floating jack-o-lanterns acted as the lighting, tables full of pumpkin flavored sweets and savories seemed to go on for miles, in the center of the room, a large pumpkin shaped cauldron was brewing with all manners of intoxicating beverages. He watched as students walked up, dipping the ladle in and pouring their drink of choice into their cups. Demian wasted no time, he immediately grabbed a cup and started drinking. It was much better tasting than the decade fermented pumpkin juice from the first night, and he sighed with relief. Peter was holding Pennys hand, they each had a matching mask, but in the colors of their own house. "How fucking cute." Demian said sarcastically and flicked the corner of Peters mask with his fingers. "Fuck you." Peter responded playfully. "Smoke?" He said. "You know it." The three of them headed out to the balcony, where they shared a cigarette. It was a beautiful night; the moon was in clear view and seemed to be closer than ever. They could make out the craters, it illuminated the air in such a mystical way. They could even see the outlines of the giant pumpkins on the ground from its brightness, and Penny sighed wistfully. "It's beautiful, Peter." They shared a kiss and Demian tried not to recoil in disgust. He rolled his eyes, but thankfully the moon wasn't bright enough for Peter to notice. Demian looked back in at the party, taking another drag off his cigarette, and then he saw him. Malfoy. He was wearing a black suit, with green accents. His mask had a snake wrapping around it, it was slim and hardly covered any of his face but accented his silver eyes and hair wonderfully. He had rings on tonight, which Demian had never seen him do before, he looked up and caught him staring. They locked eyes and he took a long drag off a joint. Astoria was nowhere to be found, which striked him as odd but he wasn't going to argue with it. Demian knew this was his chance. His chance to get the truth. "I'll see you guys inside." He said to them, leaving the two lovers in each others arms, bathing in the moonlight with one another.Demian kept his eyes on Malfoy, he refilled his drink and downed it in one go, pouring himself another. Malfoy continued smoking, watching him inquisitively. Eventually, Demian made his way to the exit and suggested he was going to leave, he saw Draco finally put out his joint and follow him. Higgs stared from the other side of the room, Viviana chatting with the other Gryffindors, watching the ordeal. Demian exited to the empty hallway, it was dark and even the paintings were asleep for the night. His head was swimming, in just the short time he had been there, he drank more than enough to feel something. He placed his hands on the wall and began to walk, dragging his fingertips along. He finally heard someone exit, he pretended not to notice and kept walking until he found his way into the third floor, he entered the Secret Meeting Room, through the painting on the left. A small candle adorned the table, he lit it with his wand and sat down on the small couch, he sipped his drink, waiting. Finally, what seemed like ages later, he heard someone enter through the painting, the room was small enough that he was immediately able to see it was Malfoy. "There you are, half-blood..." He said in a whisper. "Tell me what's going on Malfoy?" "I know you're angry" He began, "But my fathers wishes don't change anything. The marriage is simply for power and blood purposes, I don't even like her. We have hardly shared breakfast, let alone anything else." Demian wasn't thoroughly convinced. "Did you fuck her already?" "She's barely fucking 14 Demian, of course not." He replied. "Will you actually marry her?" He asked. "I don't want to." "But will you?" "I don't know, Demian. Going against my father is dangerous on its own, you don't know him like I do. You don't know what he's capable of. But right now, it's all appearances, and nothing else." Demian sighed again. "Please, Demian..." He pleaded. He sat down on the couch next to him, Demians heart began to race, and he felt that possessive touch gripping his wrist, another arm slipped under his legs and pulled him into Malfoys lap. His face felt hot again. Demian positioned himself on his lap, facing him and the two looked at each other through their masks, Malfoy smirked and reached his hand behind Demians head, undoing the lace holding it up. "Let me see you." He said. The mask fell between them, and Malfoy took Demians face in his hands, kissing him deeply. Demian relaxed, his hands fell to Malfoys chest and he kissed him back, Malfoy gripped his waist and pulled him against him, tilting his head so that he might kiss him deeper. Demian used this time to reach behind and undo Malfoys mask, tossing it to the side with his own. "You're mine." He whispered against Demians lips, pressing his thumbs into his waist with moderate pressure, a small moan escaping, which made him smirk with pleasure. Malfoy kissed him again, pressing his tongue against Demians and gently started rocking his hips back and forth, Demian could feel him growing underneath him, he let out another moan, his face flushing even deeper from embarrassment. Malfoy unbuttoned his own shirt, slipping it off with his jacket top and tossing it to the ground, before gently sliding Demians off over his head, he tightly wrapped one arm back around his waist and used the other to slide his fingertips through his dark hair, tangling his hand in it. "A-ah..." He groaned. Malfoy planted soft kisses down his chest, and Demian tilted his head back, biting his lip while goosebumps scattered across his skin. Suddenly, Malfoy looked up, a light was shining at the entrance of the room, just behind the painting. "Fuck!" He exclaimed, but he didn't throw Demian off, he simply waited to see what would happen. Demian turned his head, still sitting on Malfoys lap, the two of them watched with anticipation, and Higgs stepped in the room. He stood there for a moment, before clapping his hands together a few times. "I fucking knew it." He said. "So that's where you went that night, Demian?" He didn't say anything, Malfoy simply gripped him tightly and scoffed. "Yeah, that's where he went that night." He said."And you called me a fucking fag, Malfoy." "And? Do you think I didn't see you stumble out of that stall a few weeks ago, looking guilty as all hell? Do you think I don't notice you staring at him, all day, all night? Do you think I don't have proof, that you've been lusting after him?""Proof?" He said, confused. "That's right, anything you have on me, you've done the same, I'd hate for your new girlfriend to find out what happened at that party, that you were fucking dosing people and trying to have your way with them. Do you think she'd stay with you knowing you were a predator?""Fuck you Malfoy." Higgs stared at Demian, who had since slipped off of Malfoys lap and was putting his shirt on, silently. "Aren't you going to say anything Demian, anything at all?" Higgs exclaimed. He remained silent, and Malfoy smirked at him, putting his hands behind his head and spreading his legs apart on the couch. "He belongs to me, Higgs, so go back and play pretend with your little girlfriend. Keep your fucking mouth shut, if you know what's good for you, and perhaps I won't tell anyone about your little escapades either." "You think you've won, Malfoy, but the truth is, I care far less about my reputation than you do." Higgs said. He gave Demian a disappointed look, and turned around, leaving the room. Demian felt sick, he had no idea what would happen now that Higgs knew the truth. He feared the retaliation from Malfoys father more than anything, but he could care less about what his classmates thought about his choice of lover. "What will we do, if he tells your father?" He scoffed again, "He won't tell my father shit, and even if he did, I would just deny it." "What if he tells Astoria?" Malfoy remained silent for a moment, "You let me handle Astoria." He said. "Will you stay with me tonight?" Demian whispered. "Heh, you haven't got a choice, now come back to my room."Demian obliged, and the two went back to his dorm, he half expected to see another unwanted guest, but to his surprise, it was empty. Malfoy undressed, and got into bed, Demian followed in suit. He climbed into bed and laid his head back on his chest. The familiar rhythmic thumping soothed him, and he felt fingers stroking his hair, before he knew it, he was asleep.