Chapter 13: Just Like Old Times

TW: Explicit sexual content, language, violence.Malfoy offered for Demian to stay with him that night, but he decided against it. He still wasn't fully comfortable and wanted to sleep in his own bed. Surprisingly he had no nightmares that night, and he slept soundly. The next morning, while Peter and Mordred were getting ready for class, a knock was heard at the door. "What the fuck?" Peter said. He opened the door. "Oh." He swung the door open and revealed Higgs. He awkwardly waved. "Hey guys...can I talk to Demian?" Peter shrugged his arms and signaled for Mordred, they both left for class."Demian...I'm so sorry for not saving you that day, I tried so hard." He sat down on the bed next to him. "I feel terrible for what happened to you. You fell from so much higher than I did, I basically woke up the next day fine but when you didn't wake up, the guilt ate at me. All I could think of was you, and how badly I fucked up."Demian just stared at him, sadness in his eyes."It's okay, Higgs." He finally said. "The truth is...I lost some of my memories that day, I haven't been the same since, but Dumbledore said in time that they would return."Higgs eyes went wide. " lost your memories?" "Yes..." He responded. "You don't remember what happened between us?" "Not" Higgs looked sad, but he tried his best to smile. He put a hand over Demians and squeezed comfortingly. "It will be okay, I know you will recover. And I'll wait...for you to remember." Demian bushed a little. "We're we?...." "What?" He said."Were we together?" "No...but I wanted to be." He said boldly. Demian blushed more, he looked up at him and studied his face, his heart began to thump against his chest. "Thank you. For trying to save me." Higgs just smiled at him, bringing Demians hand to his mouth and kissing softly. "I need to get to class. I'm glad you're okay, Demian." He said. And he left. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*Demian spent most of his time in bed, he thumbed through his books, but couldn't concentrate. He went to his desk and sat down, a letter was waiting for him from his parents, who he thankfully still remembered. He opened it, "Darling Damien, Dumbledore wrote after your fall and when you woke up, we would have came straight away but he assured us you would be okay. Father and I have been thinking of you every day, and that love of yours you have supposedly found. We hope that you feel better soon, and choose to visit for break. Either way, we support you, we love you, and we can't wait to see you again. Mum and Dad. "A box of sweets was sent, freshly made from his father, surely. He took a pastry from the box and ate it, cherry filling spilled into his mouth, and he smiled, chewing happily. He wrote back to his parents, assuring them he was okay, and promising to visit soon. He finished his pastry, petting Silas and brushing the crumbs off his clothes with his free hand. He decided to go for a walk that night, reacquainting himself with the halls of Hogwarts, he made his way to the castle courtyard. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*He went to an open bench, several students were outside enjoying the evening, he sat down and observed them all, a feeling of emptiness in his heart as he struggled to regain his memories. He saw Pansy outside; he felt a rage burn within him from nowhere. Why do I feel this way?He thought to himself.He tried to shake that feeling and suddenly, someone was sitting next to him. He looked over, and saw Malfoy. "Hey half-blood." He said. "Hey..." He responded quietly. "What are you doing out here?" "Just getting some fresh air. For some reason, when I look at that girl over there, I feel rage." He pointed at Pansy. " too." He said. "What has she done?" "Well, for one, I used to fuck her." Malfoy said. Demian felt a stab of jealousy in his gut, he looked up at him with a furrowed brow. "There's my jealous boy." He said quietly. Demian blushed a bit. "Other than that, I'm not sure she's done anything besides be a proper cunt on occasion." He said. But Demian could feel in his gut it was more than that. He sighed and felt a protective hand on his thigh, squeezing. He looked up at Malfoy, who was smiling at him. "Come back to my room with me...Please." Demian nodded and followed Malfoy to the Slytherin common room.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*When they entered the room, Malfoy locked it behind them. He took Demian by the hand and guided him to the bathroom. "What's happening?" He said, softly. "I figured you needed to relax." Malfoy responded. He started to run a bath, testing the waters with his fingers. He looked up at him and commanded, "Get undressed." Demians face went red, "W-what?" "You heard me, take your clothes off." Demians hands trembled a bit, but he listened as he was told and got undressed, slowly. "Do you really not remember being with me?" He said. Demian just shook his head, and Malfoys eyes filled with sadness once more. "Then we will just have to make new memories." This made him smile, nervously. He stood there, completely nude, waiting for the water to fill up, while Malfoy started to strip his own clothes. He watched, and bit his lip, shallowly exhaling as he studied the man in front of him. When he finally stripped his briefs off, Demian looked down, unable to stop himself and his stomach twisted in knots. Malfoy just smirked, "That's something you've quite enjoyed looking at, in my experience." He said, holding out a hand. Demian laughed softly and took his hand, they both got in the tub, and he settled between Malfoys legs, the steam coming off the water engulfing the room. He exhaled, relaxing back into his chest. He felt soft fingers running through his hair, and he closed his eyes, sinking further into the water. "Demian..." Malfoy said softly. He opened his eyes and looked back at him, "Yes?" He responded. "I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you. I blame myself every day for not catching you." Demian looked sad. "It's not your fault..." "It is my fault. I know that what happened to you wasn't an accident. And I'll find out who did this to you." He reached out and touched his cheek gently, caressing it with his thumb. "I promise you I'll get revenge." Demians thoughts went back to Pansy, and he felt sick. "I can't stop thinking about that brunette in the courtyard..." "Do you think she had something to do with it?" Malfoy said. "I don't know...but I think we should ask her." A devilish smirk broke out on Malfoys face, and he nodded in agreement. "And we shall."He continued stroking his hair softly, wrapping his arms around Demian from behind and pulling him into himself, securely. Demian slid his own fingers into Malfoys and held his hand, the two of them enjoyed their time together, relaxing for a while in each others arms. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*That night, he slept in Malfoys room. The next morning Malfoy was already awake when his eyes finally opened, he blinked a few times, "What's going on?" He said, rubbing his eyes. "I'm going to ask Pansy what the fuck she knows." He responded boldly. Demian quickly sat up. "Without me?" He said. He turned around, buttoning his last few buttons and sliding his robes on. He walked to him and cupped his face, planting a deep kiss on Demians lips before whispering. "Yes...I'll be back shortly, I promise." And Demian watched him leave, worry overcoming him as he laid in Malfoys bed. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*Dracos POVHe left the room, determined to find out whatever Pansy knew. He walked quickly to the common room and could hear her unmistakable laugh. She was sitting with Crab and Goyle, he walked up to them and spat, "Get the fuck out of here boys." Without a second thought, they stood up and left, leaving them alone. "What's this about?" Pansy said, looking up at him. Before a response even left his lips, he grabbed her by the arm forcefully, "Hey! Get your fucking hands off me!" Malfoy ignored her and continued dragging her all the way to the prefect bathroom.She scoffed as he pushed her inside, finally letting her arm go. "Now are you going to tell me what this is about?" "Did you do it?" Malfoy said, a blank expression on his face. She laughed, twirling some hair around her finger innocently, "Do what?" Malfoy lost control, he pushed her against the wall and engulfed her neck in his large palm, squeezing a bit. She smiled and hoarsely said, "Just like old times." "This isn't a fucking game, did you push him or not." "Well look at you, the great pureblood prince cares about someone.""Answer me." His grip around her neck tightened and she placed her hands around forearm, preparing for the worse. "I didn't fucking push him." she choked out. "The who the fuck did?" She just smiled, licking her lips. "You know it's hot when you're dominant, it's why I always liked you Malfoy." Anger flashed in his eyes and he let her go. She rubbed her neck and caught her breath, still smirking. "You're fucking him, aren't you?" She said with confidence. Malfoy remained silent. "I can't believe this, you're burying your dick in a fucking mudblood. A mudblood with a fucking cock." She laughed. "Yeah, I am." This answer shocked her, she didn't expect him to agree so easily. He turned to her and stepped close, towering over her he tilted her chin up and spoke while holding eye contact with her, "And you want to know the best part? He feels so much better than you ever did." Tears stung her eyes and she swatted his hand away from her face, "Fuck you. "Now tell me what the fuck you know." She wiped her eyes, anger overcoming her, "The truth is Malfoy, I wish it was me. I wish I could take credit for pushing that filthy creature to the ground. The only thing that would have made that moment sweeter for me, is them pronouncing him dead right then and there."Without another second, he pulled out a small vial from his pocket and took her face in one of his strong hands, she tried to protest but he forced her mouth open and dumped several drops from the bottle in her mouth. She choked, trying to spit it out but he forced her lips shut, tears staining her eyes again, and she finally swallowed the bitter Veritaserum. "You fucking faggot." She hissed when he finally let her face go. "Now, tell me what the fuck you saw that day."Her lip trembled as she tried to fight it, "I....I heard you fucking Demian.""And?" She tried to put her hand over her mouth, but Malfoy ripped it away, forcing her to the ground and pinning her arms down. "TELL ME, NOW!" He shouted. She gritted her teeth, and quietly she said. "I gave Astoria a note, saying you were fucking Demian. She...she's the one who pushed him." He wrapped both hands around her neck, watching her gasp and claw at his arms, the anger in his eyes was fierce as he stared down at her, tears streaming down her cheeks. He watched the fear overcome her, she choked and kept reaching up, trying to grab anything she could but he leaned back, allowing her no satisfaction. "Just like old times, huh Pansy?" He said, emotionless. She stared up at him, and the light started to slip from her eyes, just as she was on the brink of consciousness, he released her. She inhaled sharply, grasping at her own neck in disbelief and the tears wouldn't stop. " almost killed me." She said, unable to control her gasping. "Remember this, the next time you think about interfering in my fucking life. And if you tell a single soul about this, I won't let go next time." he said, sharplyHe finally got up, leaving Pansy shaking uncontrollably on the ground, still feeling her own neck.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*Demian sat there anxiously, waiting for Malfoy to return. Eventually, he heard the door click behind him. He looked up, eagerly. "Well?" Malfoy sighed, recounting what he had just done. "It wasn't her. But she knew who it was." Demian watched him, curiously. "Who was it?" "It was Astoria." He replied. "Pansy heard us...fucking. And she slipped Astoria a note. The jealousy made her push you that day." Malfoy sat next to him and rubbed his temples with his fingers. "I'm sorry Demian. I caused all of this." Demian rested a hand on his thigh, looking up at him. "No, you didn't...I chose to be with you." Malfoy tried to smile, but his face remained emotionless. Demian noticed, and climbed into his lap, facing him and putting his hands around his neck. "So...we've already fucked then?" Malfoy looked up, surprised by his boldness and for the first time, his own face went hot, he rested his hands on Demians hips. "Only once, but yes." "Remind me how it went again..." He said quietly. Malfoy studied his face and the lust overcame him, those mere words made his trousers get tighter and he pulled Demians body against his firmer, so he could feel. "You never have to ask me twice." Demian breathed shallowly, and leaned in, kissing Malfoy while rocking his hips. He could feel him already, even through all his clothes and Malfoy continued holding onto his waist, guiding his movements. Malfoy bit Demians lip, a soft moan escaping his mouth as he slid one of his hands up the back of Demians shirt, what little nails he had dug into his pale skin and he gasped. "A-ah..."Demian tugged at Malfoys robes, he threw him back onto the bed and eagerly stripped himself down to his briefs, pulling most of his partners clothes of as well when he was done. "Come back to my lap." He commanded, and Demian obliged. Malfoy positioned himself on the bed as Demian put a knee on either side of him, his firm erection pressing against his core through the thin fabric separating them. He let out a soft moan after feeling him and sat down with all his weight. Malfoy groaned in anticipation, moving his hips back and forth, his erection slid against him, and he began to pant, eagerly kissing Malfoys lips again. "You belong to me..." Malfoy said and Demian responded, "Fuck me then..." Draco bit the inside of his lip and leaned over, keeping Demian in his lap, he fumbled with the drawer next to his bed, his hand trembling from anticipation. Soon, his fingers found he familiar bottle and he motioned for Demian to remove what little he had on. He did, and then tugged at Malfoys until they were down, tossing them to the floor. He looked at his swollen member, swallowing hard and studying its size."W-wow..." Demian said, this made Malfoy smirk, and he let out a quiet laugh. "Get the fuck over here." He climbed back into position, and Draco doused his own cock with lube, dripping a bit in his hand he reached around and rubbed it onto Demians core, he gasped and blushed as he was maneuvered over Malfoys large cock, and without notice he pushed into him, full length. Demian choked out a louder moan, he shut his eyes tightly, the pain overwhelming. "N-ngh...." He said under his breath, and Malfoy began helping him move, he watched Demians body closely, trying to control himself. Slowly, the pain began to turn into pleasure, Malfoy guided Demians movements, he slid in and out of him slowly, letting him adjust. Demian felt his own cock throbbing, he looked down at the beautiful boy underneath him and slipped a finger under his chin, "Kiss me, Draco..." Draco leaned up, still helping Demians motions and his tongue explored his mouth, each time he engulfed his entire length, he moaned against his lips. The two continued to kiss, and Malfoy started to arch his hips with the rhythm, forcing himself even deeper, Demian felt Malfoy graze against a sensitive spot, and he let out a loud gasp, his cock twitching in pleasure. "F-fuck..." he choked out, and Malfoy took note of this, he quickened his pace and kept arching his hips at that same moment, the sensitive spot being grazed repeatedly, he glanced down and watched Demians cock twitching, gulping softly as he tried to control his own cum. Demians breathing became ragged, he slid his arms around Malfoys neck and started bouncing his hips, eagerly. Malfoy gasped and stammered, "D-Demian're going to make me cum." He kept bouncing his hips, the tip of Malfoys cock rubbing against that pleasurable spot once more, he felt warmth overtaking his body and suddenly, without warning, he came all over Malfoys stomach and chest. moaning louder than he ever had before. Malfoy felt hot fluid decorating his skin and he lost control, holding Demians hips in place he buried himself as deep as he could and came inside him, gasping and panting. "Oh my god...Demian..." He said through shaky breaths. "Fuck that was so hot." Demian leaned into Draco, his chest still rising and falling rapidly, he listened to his quickened heartbeat and tried to match his breathing. "I've never felt anything like that in my life..." Demian finally said. "Me either." Malfoy replied, draping an arm over him. "Draco..." Demian said quietly. "Yes?" "Please, never leave me..." He said under his breath. "I'm going nowhere." He assured him. "Except to class, because I'm late." Demian laughed, and the two of them showered together quickly. He threw his robes back on, and left in a hurry, leaving Demian in his bed, alone.