Chapter 16: The Mark

TW: Abuse, Violence, Mild sexual content.Demian made his way to Malfoys room, his heart was racing from how nervous he was, and he jumped when the door was slammed behind them. His hands were trembling, just like the day when Lucius was in this same room, and he finally turned to face Malfoy whose hand was still clenched in a tight fist, his face remained emotionless. "Draco I-" but he cut him off, "Shut the fuck up Demian." He spat. Demian swallowed hard and looked down at his feet, he was leaning against Malfoys dresser for support and the nervous feeling ate at his stomach. One hand found its way to his pocket, and he rolled the key around in his fingers to comfort himself. Malfoy finally spoke. "Why the fuck do you keep doing this to me? You think I can't find someone else, in a second? You think you can just fuck around with Higgs whenever you want?" Before Demian could respond Malfoy approached him swiftly and pushed his back against the once shattered mirror, his hand was wavering around Demians neck, fingertips shaking as he tried to restrain himself. "Malfoy please..." He pleaded. "It's never enough for you, Demian. The things I've done, the people I've hurt. You always push me, further and further until I feel like I'm going to break." his hand found the chain around his neck, and he ripped the raven necklace off in a quick motion, tossing it to the ground. "You have no idea what I've endured for you." Demian felt the tears welling up in his eyes again as he felt his back against the mirror, Malfoys hand hovering around his throat. "Malfoy I...I didn't think I was going to be allowed to see you again." "And you move on this quickly? Without even speaking to me you try to run off with Higgs again?""He's always been kind to me..." He said softly. Malfoy gripped his face in one hand, firmly. "You listen to me. You're never going to be with that fucking man. Not while I'm breathing." The intensity of his eyes scared him, and Demian tried his best to look strong. "As if my punishment at home wasn't enough, you think you can just leave me for that pathetic git, Higgs. You will never leave me, Demian. Not until I'm through with you." Demian swallowed hard and tried to avoid his gaze out of fear, but Malfoys hand was still firmly gripping his face and he couldn't turn away. "Look at me. Don't you dare try to avoid this." He demanded. Demian could no longer control the tears, and they fell freely down his cheeks, "Oh now you're going to cry, are you?" Malfoy said, dropping his hand from Demians face. "Pathetic, when I'm the one who should be hurt right now. You have the audacity to pretend you're the fucking victim." Malfoy removed his jacket and tossed it on the bed, he turned to Demian who recoiled in fear and Malfoy sighed, seeing how terrified he looked. He finally rolled up his sleeve and revealed the symbol of the death eaters, it was etched into his left forearm, fresh. "This, this is my punishment for being with you." Demian cried softly and studied the mark on his skin, he felt a shiver up his spine as the truth set in more that Malfoy now served the dark lord. "I'm sorry...Draco." He said under his breath. He scoffed, "You're sorry, that's cute. If you had one ounce of respect for me, you would have seen me before you laid in his bed." The remorse was hitting him hard as Demian realized how serious this was, Malfoy was now a death eater in service of Voldemort, summonable at any instant to be at his side. He got up and walked towards him, taking his forearm in his fingers gently, he caressed the mark before it was abruptly ripped away from him. Demian bit his trembling lip, "Please....give me another chance.", he pleaded."Then swear to me you'll never see Higgs again, or I'll fucking kill him." Malfoy said without remorse. Demian paused for a second and remained silent, he just nodded his head. Draco stepped to him and whispered into his ear, "Fucking say it, Demian." "I promise...I won't see Higgs ever again." his stomach dropped, and he felt sick, he wasn't sure if this was the right decision, but he didn't foresee himself leaving this room if he didn't agree. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Malfoy said, he lifted Demians chin up and forced him to look into his eyes. Demian still had tears running down his cheeks and Malfoy felt a pang of guilt wash over him. He sighed quietly and wiped the falling tears with his thumb. "I'm sorry. For scaring you. I just...don't quite feel like myself tonight." Demian sniffled, he put his hand over Malfoys and whispered to him, staring into his eyes, "Please don't hurt me Draco..." Malfoy swallowed the lump in his throat as the guilt grew even bigger, he averted his gaze for a moment and caught sight of his forearm, seeing the dark mark made his stomach lurch and he rolled his sleeve back down before he spoke. "I'm not going to hurt you...but you have no idea how hard it is for me to control this rage I have inside me. After seeing you with him again, after enduring the torturous break with my father, thinking I was never going to be able to come back here..."Demian studied his face carefully, Malfoys hand brushed through his hair, his fingers were still trembling, he whispered, "But...won't someone just tell your father were together again?" "You let me handle Astoria." He replied. "No one else would dare say anything, especially after seeing the mark I bear." Demian nodded and the fear started to melt away as Malfoys touch became softer. He looked up, into his eyes, with the anger and hatred diminished that familiar gaze made him feel safe once more. Malfoy leaned in and kissed him slowly while Demians fingers started to undo the top few buttons of his shirt. Upon looking at his pale skin he saw he was littered with bruises and marks and his hands caressed them gently. Draco tried not to recoil but his face twisted as Demians fingers grazed his fresh cuts and bruises. "What did they do to you Draco..." He said softly. But Malfoy remained silent, he started to button up his shirt again but Demian stopped him, helping him slide it the rest of the way off. Malfoy stared down at him and before he could speak, arms were wrapped around his neck and pulling him in for another kiss. Draco felt his body relax and his arms fell to Demians waist, kissing him back. Before he knew it he was pressed back against the mirror adorned dresser, his legs hanging freely from each side as the kiss became fiercer and hungrier. Demian let out a soft moan that enticed Draco to forcefully pull Demians hips forward until they met his own with one hand, the other carefully placed the other against the mirror for balance. For a second, he caught another glimpse of the dark mark reflected back at him and suddenly his stomach dropped. Demian, still breathing heavily noticed this shift in his attitude and opened his eyes, studying Dracos face intently as he stared at the accursed mark in silence. "Draco...Are you okay?" he whispered. But he didn't answer. He just stared forward. After what felt like hours, the brief moment of silence as Draco studied the various marks on his body ended. "Demian...I care for you deeply. But I just can't do this tonight." "Do what?" He replied. "This." He picked up his shirt, slipping it back on and quickly unrolling the sleeves, hiding the mark he once thought would bring his wildest dreams come true from himself, and the rest of the world. "I just really need to be alone right now Demian." He said quietly, with little emotion. "Please, I'll send for you later." Confused, Demian just nodded in agreement. He gathered his things and stopped briefly before opening the door. "Draco can you tell me one thing?" "What is it?" he said, curiously. "What do you see when you look through this key?" He pulled it out from his pocket and handed it over to him. Draco scoffed, "What is this some sort of test? What am I supposed to see?" He said, picking the key up and holding it to his eye. He stared silently for a moment and quickly avert his gaze, trying to force a smile. "What did you see?" Demian said. "The day you gave me the ring." He lied. This made Demian smile, he walked out. Draco bit the inside of his lip, he lifted the sleeve of his shirt and inspected the mark once more before hastily covering it up. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*

Dracos POV

Fuck, fuck fuck. He thought to himself.What the fuck WAS that? Why did I see that inside the key? Draco went to the once shattered mirror again and leaned his palms on the top of the dresser, edging forward to stare deep into his own eyes. He could see small marks littered across his face and neck, not nearly as prominent as the ones placed in unsuspecting areas. His father made sure of that. He sighed heavily and backed away, the memory he saw flashing before him haunting his thoughts. He turned his palms face up and stared at them, flashes of them around Pansy's neck excited him more than he liked to admit. Why was that a happy memory for me? He thought to himself. Why wasn't it any night with Demian?Instead, it was that night. The last night he let the rage overcome him, in the prefect bathroom with Pansy. Hovering on top of her, these hands he couldn't stop studying wrapped so perfectly against her soft skin, sucking the life from her. And he felt no guilt. The excitement of it all actually turned him on, he knew this. Thinking about her writhing under him, desperately looking for salvation as he watched in his superior strength and position this weak human crumbling.You did it for Demian. He tried to rationalize with his mind. But you enjoyed it so much more than you should have. And he did enjoy it. So much so that he pleasured himself to the thought of Pansys suffering before bed that evening. Maybe I am evil. He thought, guilt overcoming him as he went to bed, confusing thoughts of Demian shrouded his mind while he mindlessly stared at the dark mark adorning his skin for as long as he could before things went black.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*Demians POVHe shut the door to Dracos dorm and headed back to his own room, countless emotions tormenting him during what seemed like the endless trek back to his own room. Why did he kick me out? He wondered to himself. He fumbled with the small key in his pocket, pulling it out and looking through it once more, only what he saw for the first time wasn't Draco. It was Higgs. A flash of their evening in the Hidden Garden was clear as day and he quickly took it away. The harsh words Draco spoke just earlier that day haunted him, Ill kill him. Dracos words echoed in his mind.I have to leave Higgs alone; I have to protect him. He finally entered his room and found it surprisingly empty. Even Silas was peacefully asleep perched in his windowsill taking a well-deserved catnap. Demian had always found the silence comforting, he carefully removed Silas from the windowsill and placed him on the bed, petting him several times until his eyes closed comfortably again before opening the window for a much-needed smoke. He fumbled with the lighter carelessly shaking and flicking it to no avail. He sighed audibly and pulled out his wand, recklessly using magic to light his cigarette like some sort of party trick with no audience before he heard a knock at the door. He sighed again, putting the cigarette in the windowsill before answering the door. Astoria stood before him, a smile on her face. "Well Hello there Demian, darling." Demian went to shut the door in her face, but she quickly ducked under him with her petite frame and entered anyways. "To what do I owe this fucking pleasure." Demian said as he annoyingly shut his door behind the two of them. Astoria just smiled at him, standing in the middle of his room her gaze shifted around, studying her surroundings. "Not what I expected at all, half-blood." she said, pointing to his window. "Hideous curtains by the way." Demian didn't even try to hide his dissatisfaction, he crossed his arms and spoke harshly, "What the fuck do you want?" "Oh come now, I just wanted to speak to you personally as it seems Pansy may have let it slip that I...well, let you slip." A small smirk broke out on her face. "Fuck you" He spat. "You're no fun Demian, I only did what anyone would do for the person they love. I have no doubt you would have done the same." "I am nothing like you." Demian chuckled lightly at the thought. "Oh, you're not? So, you wouldn't do anything to be with Draco?" He remained silent. "You do want to be with Draco, don't you?" He still chose to remain silent. "If it were me in the bleachers that day, and all you had to do was push me to gain your freedom, to have Draco for the rest of your life, to have Lucius accept you as one of his own, you wouldn't do it?" When Demian didn't respond she just put on that familiar smirk again, "Just know, that I would do anything to have Draco as mine. You might think I am some naive little girl, but if you took me back to that day, I would have pushed you all over again if it meant he would be mine. Just know that. You have an enemy in me, Demian. And if you want to win Draco, I suggest you re-evaluate how much you're willing to risk."And without even so much as an acknowledgment from Demian, she pushed past him and left. Confidently. Demian silently went to the window and picked the lighter up, this time it worked. He smoked slower than normal, watching the sun go down. Astorias words swirled around his head along with images of Higgs smiling through the blood-soaked pain for the rest of the night. He went to bed without dinner, the feeling of emptiness reminding him of a familiar battle with his depressive tendencies. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*The next day Demian woke up earlier than usual to a knock on his door. Peter and Mordred had come home at some point late last night, whatever festivities they reveled in didn't interest Demian, but it certainly made both of them sleep like a rock through all the knocking. He got up, opening the door but suspiciously there was no one there. He peered out into the hallway which had no one scattered about them yet. Curiously he looked down, no note. What the fuck was that then? He thought to himself. He threw on his clothes for the day and headed out to inspect the hallway. He felt around his neck for his protective necklace, but the raven had been casted off inside of Dracos room and he was saddened by this thought. He walked down the hallway, the common room was eerily silent, the fireplace casting shadows across the room in the early hours before the sun has had a chance to steal its talents away. He scanned the blue couches, walking slowly as he inspected every detail. But no one was there. The mystery ever elusive, down the hallway he heard the unmistakable sound of a door being opened down the hallway. Curiously, he walked back towards his room when he sees a shadowy figure exiting his own dorm. "Hey who the fuck are you!" He called out, but the person just lifted their hood and started running quickly down the hallway towards the exit. He started to chase them, but when he got to the end of the corridor and turned, they had completely vanished, leaving him confused and somewhat scared. He went back to his dorm where his friends were somehow still sleeping and roused them both awake. "You fucking idiots get up!" Peter lurched up out of his bed quickly while Mordred let out an exhausted groan, pulling the blanket up over his head. "What the fuck is going on mate, I'm tired." Mordred said, muffled from under the covers. "What's going on is I just saw someone snooping through our shit, they came in and out so quickly I didn't even have a chance to see who it was." "Where were you?" Peter said, still blinking a few times in an attempt to wake himself up more. "Someone knocked, when I answered the door no one was there so I thought I would see if there was anyone in the common room.""Why the fuck would you do that mate? Haven't you seen horror movies?" Peter said.Mordred laughed under the covers before replying, "Well I wasn't killed in my sleep by the home invader so I think I'll take that as a win and make sure the royal family jewels are still here after another 2 hours of sleep.", he said sarcastically. This time Peter laughed, and Demian tried not to smile, but even through his fears and worries he couldn't help it. "Alright well, if you guys see anything weird or notice anything missing, let me know." "Sure thing officer, I'll contact the station with the card you gave me." All of them laughed this time. Demian spent the next few early morning hours recounting for all of his things, but he couldn't find a single thing out of place. So, what were they after? He thought to himself. He watched the sunrise with Silas in his lap for a while before getting up dressing in his school robes for the day, eager to see if Draco was feeling any better. And maybe...if Higgs was okay.