Chapter 18: Curiosity Killed the Cat

TW: Mild violence, Language, Sexual Content Demian sighed heavily, after an uneventful week of school and Draco nowhere to be found his heart grew more confused by the day. Though he hadn't actually spoken to Higgs since he returned, he caught his gaze upon him frequently and tried to avoid eye contact best he could. It was the day before the Valentines party, and Demian tried to keep a smile on his face as his friends grew more and more excited for the adventure. "Fuck I can't wait for this." Peter said, he took a long drag off a cigarette and exhaled before tossing it out. "It's finally time boys, I'm going to lose my virginity." Demian rolled his eyes. "It's not all it's cracked up to you know, it only gets harder.""Mate I don't think I could be any harder if I tried." He raised his eyebrows a bit and they all laughed. "What about you Mordred?" "Me? Fuck I'm just happy to be getting out of the dorms. I haven't even smelled a girl since Viviana put on her grand show." The room remained silent for a moment."Peter watch out, you're next if things don't work out with Penny." This made them chuckle. Then there was a knock at the door. Forceful, and loud. It startled them all and Peter got up to answer the door. Malfoy stood in the entrance, and without a word he tossed in Demians raven necklace along with the thin silver band. It landed on the floor with an audible thud. Malfoy peered inside and locked eyes with Demian, "You left these where you shoudn't have." He spat."You know, I just remembered I needed to be somewhere." Peter said, slipping his shoes on. "Wow look at the time, me too." Said Mordred. They gave their friend a reassuring nod and left the room. Malfoy entered and slammed the door behind them. "Draco what is this all about?" Demian said. "Where have you been?" "That's none of your concern." He said, coldly. "I haven't got the time to play these games with you anymore Demain." He looked at him, stunned, and awkwardly rubbed his neck. "Malfoy, I don't understand, I haven't done anything or seen you in almost a week." "No, you haven't. But you've seen Higgs, haven't you." The day he went to the nurse's office flashed through his mind. He had only seen him briefly for a few moments. "I said goodbye to him." Demian said. "That's all." "Goodbye? Goodbyes come with fucking head nowadays?" Demian scoffed, "What does that fucking mean?" Before Malfoy could reply Demian was pressed against the wall, Malfoys forearm applying pressure to his neck. He pinned him in place and Demain grabbed onto his arm in protest. "M-Malfoy...please.." He pleaded. But he just put more pressure on him, Demian felt hot tears building up in his eyes as he stared into Dracos silver irises, hate reflecting back at him. "Just stay the fuck away from me, half-blood." He managed to choke out, before dropping his arm and letting Demian free. Demian gasped a bit and looked up, he tried to call out for Malfoy but he had already left. Demian cried freely now that he was alone, he picked up his treasured necklace and slipped it back around his neck, stroking it comfortingly between his fingertips as he searched for the silver band. His hands eventually found it, he rolled it around in his palm a few times before setting it up on his dresser, he wiped his cheeks free from tears and got up, heading to his morning classes, confused and saddened. .*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*Back in charms class, Malfoy didn't show up to class once again. Higgs however, smirked at him proudly tapping his lips a few times and mouthing the words "smile". But Demian couldn't conjure one and quickly looked forward. This lecture was going over his head, he studied Professor Valor and tried to focus on the words but his face showed little emotion. He took notes, silently while the rest of the class asked questions, participated, and practiced their incantations. When class was over he waited Higgs to pass before he felt safe enough to pack up his things and leave. A hand touched his shoulder. "Valentino." He turned and Professor Valor stood there, he was almost a foot taller than Demian, but he'd never noticed until today. "Professor I-" "Is something the matter?" He said. "You're normally so eager to participate. I know I've only been your teacher for a week or so, but you don't seem like yourself." "I-I'm fine." He lied. "Hmmm.." Professor Valor expressed. "Well if you need anything, my door is always open to you." "Thank you, professor." He said, before leaving and heading to the rest of his classes for the day. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*The next day, Demian's friends were excited for the party. He tried to shake the lingering depression keeping him from the celebrating mood but faking a smile grew harder these days. He floated through the day, attending his classes in silence and faking laughs with the rest of his friends. His eyes forever searching for a glimpse of remorse from Draco, who never gave him the satisfaction. He always faced forward, eyes fixated on someone, or something else. This drove Demian mad. He had no idea why Draco thought he was still sneaking around with Higgs, he had done everything to protect him. Never speaking to him, refusing to respond to his advances or even meeting his gaze half the time. When nightfall came, he began to dress for the party. It was still fairly cold during these months, he pulled out a black sweater from his trunk, it was adorned with a small red heart in the left corner. He matched it with some black fitted jeans, rolling the cuffs up at the bottom and pulled out his dress shoes. Small silver buckles decorated the front, and he slipped them on. He pulled the raven necklace from his sweater and let it hand freely outside before grabbing his thin banded silver ring again, rolling it in his palms a few times. What sort of trouble did you get into? He thought to himself before sliding the ring onto his middle finger. He looked at himself in the mirror, his hair had grown even longer and he brushed it away from his face. His dark locks fell behind him onto his sweater and he sighed audibly again. Guess it's time. He fell back into reality and the sounds of his room came back to him. "So are you ready?" Peter said. He had a rose in his hand, dressed head to toe in pink. "Holy fuck you look ridiculous." Demian said with a small chuckle. "Hey fuck you mate, Penny said pink so I'm wearing pink." "Yeah but like, don't you think she just meant a little bit? This is extreme." "Demian, listen to me. I'm getting laid tonight. If that means I wear every pink thing I could find in my trunk, or borrow from you lot, so be it." This made Mordred laugh. "Fuck yeah man, you're determined." "You're god damn right I am." He said confidently, smoothing his hair down.Mordred was dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt, his favorite video game character on the front."Is that really what you're wearing?" Peter asked. Mordred was just finishing tying his shoes. "Uhhhh, yeah, it is." "Alright well, good luck." Demian smiled, "Let's go." And they all left for the party. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*The Valentines bash was being held in the Hufflepuff common room. Their prefects made sure none of the teachers were aware of the commotion, it was a tradition of sorts for them to throw this party. Every year the Hufflepuff commons were used, and every year it grew a little more wild. This year was no exception. The walk up to the common room was surprisingly quiet. "Where is everyone?" Demian said. "I have no idea, it's like a ghost town in these halls." As soon as they made it up to the kitchen and stood in front of the barrels noise could be heard emanating from within. "Oh, hell yeah." Peter said, tapping the bottom of the barrels twice before the middle, exposing the secret entrance. As the corridor opened, the noise filled the kitchens and they quickly entered, shutting it behind them. "Holy FUCK!" Peter said loudly. "I can't hear anything!" The music blasted, people were gathered wall to wall, some kissing, some drinking, others smoking.A large ice sculpture was in the middle of the room, a rose-colored liquid being recycled in a circular fashion to run down it. Demian grabbed a cup and filled it up. The liquid smelled of a different array of fruits, he put it to his lips and a sweetness filled his mouth but burned on the way down. Wow that's strong. But it tastes so good. He sipped his cup, scanning the room for a familiar face as his ears adjusted to the sheer loudness surrounding him. He soon felt a pressure rubbing against his legs. He looked down, and saw an orange, fluffy cat rubbing against him. He reached down and pet it a few times. It purred and this made him smile, he turned back to the ice sculpture and filled up his cup once more before catching a glimpse of Higgs staring at him in the corner, a devilish grin across his face. He looked down and pretended not to notice, petting the cat again. When his gaze lifted, Higgs was standing there, he felt an unsettling pit in his stomach and he sipped his drink again. "Valentino, hey." He said. His brown locks looked surprisingly neat for him, he was wearing some ripped up jeans and a pink t-shirt with the words "lover boy" written on the breast pocket. "You love it, right?" He joked. Demian tried to contain his smile. "Come on, come with me." But Demian didn't respond. "Or follow, I guess?" He suggested. He walked away, towards the dormitory halls. I really shouldnt....I can't.Demian weighed his options. Malfoy wasn't speaking to him. Flashes of his forearm pressed against his neck came flooding back and he downed the rest of his drink, for courage. He made his way down the dormitory hall and suddenly, he was grabbed in the darkness, Higgs mouth pressed against his hungrily and with force. Demian was surprised, he kissed him back for a moment and then broke free wiping his mouth. "Higgs...what are you doing?" "What we both know you've been wanting. What I've been craving." He pressed Demian against the wall, pinning him in place with his body weight, Demian studied his face, a twisted smile forming across his lips. "Come now, don't be like that." He said before going back in for a forceful kiss. Demian felt the weight of his muscular frame against him and he writhed under him, the forceful kiss engulfing them both. Higgs was panting softly, his hands slipped under Demians sweater and pulled him forward. Higgs cock twitched in anticipation when it pressed against Demian. Demian looked up and saw a hunger in his eyes, he shook his head "N-not like this...not here." He protested. But Higgs didn't stop. He flipped Demian around and pressed his chest against the wall, his hips applying pressure so he could feel his swollen member resting against him. Demian blushed, he looked over his shoulder and saw Higgs fumbling with the button on his jeans and he took this moment for himself, he swallowed hard. "Stop, Higgs, please." He begged once more. "Tch...a waste of my time." He said, coldly. "How long do you think I'm going to wait?""Because it won't be much longer." He turned around, leaving him standing there with tears in his eyes.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*As the party went on Demian stood there for a moment, collecting himself. He wiped the sadness from his eyes and a familiar pressure could be felt against his legs. He smiled and leaned down once again to pet the friendly cat. Suddenly, it ran off, meowing incessantly down the halls. Demian was curious, and he followed through the dormitories and the cat led him outside of the party. He left through the kitchens, following close behind his meowing friend. As he reached familiar territory, the cat turned, heading straight for the Ravenclaw bathrooms. "hey!" Demian called out, but the cat kept running. The meowing stopped, and as Demian made it closer to the bathrooms he heard noises coming from within. He peered inside and saw Terrence in the baths, someone straddling his waist. Demian watched in silence as the slender frame grinded their hips against him, his fingertips trailing lightly up their back as his head fell back in ecstasy. Demian felt that familiar sting of jealousy and he tried to avert his gaze but couldn't. He hid in the shadows, creeping closer to the two as his curiosity consumed him. Higgs hands found their way to his lovers dark locks, tangling in them as his free hand held their hips in place. He rhythmically thrusted with quiet moans escaping his lips. Demian felt the sting of tears staining his eyes again, he got close enough to study the mysterious figure and Higgs pulled at their hair, exposing their neck and turning their head to the side. Demians mouth dropped open and he couldn't contain his words, "What the fuck?" "D-Demian?" Higgs said, stunned, he pushed off whomever was straddling him and they looked identical to Demian. The same dark locks, the same slender frame, the same pale skin, the same green eyes that haunted him every time he looked in the mirror. " is this possible." Higgs stammered. "I don't understand what's happening." Demian stood there, stunned. "You couldn't have me back at the party, so you conjured your own version of me is that it?" The possibilities ran rampant through his mind, and he felt a hatred he had never felt before. ""The party? I never even went to the party." Higgs said, confused. "You told me to meet you here, earlier. Just like we have been meeting here for the last few weeks, in secret." Demian stood there, confused, the doppelganger was sneaking out of the tub and attempting to dress when he looked over at them, a familiar smile broke out on their lips. Terrence jumped out of the baths in shock and gathered his clothes, covering himself as the water dripped carelessly from his body. "Alright someone start talking before I freak the fuck out." He said. The doppelganger simply smiled and bowed before getting dressed, turning around and leaving them both there stunned and confused. "Demian, that's really you right? God I hope so, but I swear to you I don't know what's going on. I thought that was you. And if it isn't, who the fuck is it?" Demian just shook his head, he knew something terrible was happening but he couldn't understand why, or what this accomplished. "Did anyone see you two together?" "I don't know", Higgs said." Maybe, once, in the charms classroom. The charms classroom? "That was you?" "Yes, the first night. After you came to see me in the nurses office you returned and told me to meet you there." "I never came back, Higgs." He replied. This saddened him and he sighed, still covering his naked body with his crumpled clothes. "So it was never you?" He said. "Not once?" "No...I don't think so." He said. Terrence sucked his teeth and went to a free stall, he dressed entirely and ran his fingers through his wet hair, ruffling it a bit before exiting. "Do we try to follow them?" "They're long gone." Demian said, "I should have followed them sooner, but I was too stunned to fucking move." "You're telling me." Higgs replied. "So, it was all fake?" Demian crossed his arms uncomfortably as he recognized that sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry...." He said. And Terrence just sighed, he tried to force a smile but this time, he couldn't hide his emotions. He scoffed a bit in an attempt to conceal it from Demian and shoved his hands in his pockets. "It was nice while it lasted." He said, before turning around and leaving. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*Demian kept his arms crossed as he walked back to his dorm in silence. What the fuck is happening...The events of the night kept playing on repeat in his head, confusing and scaring him. Why is someone pretending to be me?He remembered his moment in the hallway with Higgs, who claimed he never went to the party and a pit formed in his stomach. His nerves and anxiety brimming over. Why is someone also pretending to be him? And who was I kissing?He missed being able to find comfort in someone, he missed Draco. But their last meeting left a taste in his mouth he just couldn't shake. That familiar pressure against his neck, the anger in his eyes and the scared image of himself, reflected back in them. He swallowed hard. He didn't want to go back to the party, the idea of drinking anything anymore revolted in his stomach that was already twisted in knots. He decided he would go somewhere to be alone, somewhere to revel in the quiet. He walked silently passed the many paintings decorating the halls. The corridors were bare of life, with most people either in bed or attending the party. He finally reached the doorway to the library, and it opened with a soft creak. He walked inside and caressed the spines of several of the artworks, staring out one of the windows before he heard a book close. He turned and saw Professor Valor, placing it back onto the shelves. "Oh, Valentino." He said. "How unexpected to see you here at this hour. I've been coming here at night since my arrival to enjoy the peace." He lifted his hands and pointed around the room, "And the quiet." Demian tried to smile but again, his arms crossed in an uncomfortable fashion once more, remembering how the evening went before this. "Still struggling are you." He noticed immediately. Demian just shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head a bit. "You could say that." "You know, you're too young for these troubles. You should be focusing more on your studies than on any boy." Demian blushed a little bit, "How did you-" "I'm very observant you see, a little talent of mine." A smirk broke out on his face, "I see how you look around for approval from quite a few of them."Demians face turned even more crimson."It's not like's complicated." He said. "Too complicated, if you ask me." He retorted. "Things that are complicated are often hard to solve, remember that." Demian watched him inquisitively, "I will..." "Good." He said, he walked by him towards the exit and placed that reassuring hand on his shoulder again. "Keep your head up." He said before he flashed a devilish grin and walked out into the hallway. Demian was left there, flustered and embarrassed. He thumbed through books mindlessly for a while before heading back to his dorms, utterly exhausted from the night. He quickly fell asleep, eagerly awaiting the arrival of his birthday.