Tourney II

[a/n: only chapter for today, maybe one at midnight but idk. Enjoy]

(Third Person POV)

Borros took a step forth, "You stupid little bronze runt." He said as he lunged, "I'll bash your head in!!" 

He swung his hammer, aiming for Aerion's head who simply parried the attack. While both weapons were blunt, the impact of the parry caused sparks to fly as Aerion stepped to the side. 

"Hm.." Aerion's hand rattled as he readied another stance, "You're quite strong...." 

Indeed, Borros Baratheon's power was one to note, everyone in attendance knew that the power of a Baratheon is among the greatest in the Realm. But if there was one thing that everyone in the Realm knew, it was that Aerion Targaryen's power matched that of the Baratheon Lord. 

Aerion thrust his sword at Borros, who blocked the attack with his shield and countered with another swing, only for Aerion to immediately step back and avoid it completely. 

"Tch!" Borros said, "You're nimble for your size! All that steel doesn't encumber you?!" 

Borros then charged forth and went for a shield bash, hitting Aerion who blocked him with the broad of his blade. As he made contact, Borros swung his hammer at Aerion who merely spun towards Borros's left, causing the Baratheon to stumble forward. Aerion then took a step back as he reared his sword to his left while holding it with his right arm. 

In a swift motion, Aerion struck Borros in the chest with a counter-swing, hitting the Storm Lord hard and causing him to stumble back. 

Aerion readied a stance and went for another thrust and as Borros raised his shield, the young dragon pivoted to his left and swung his sword, striking Borros once again in the right shoulder. 

"Aghh!" Borros shouted as he swung his shield at Aerion

Aerion stepped back as the shield missed wildly and he countered, swinging his sword hard and striking the shield, wooden splinters flying out as the shield cracked. 

"Hm." Aerion said as he then swung his sword again

Borros, however, released the grip on his shield as it got struck, allowing it to be struck down to the ground. The force of the swing caused Aerion to swing the sword all the way down, as he had expected resistance. This caught Aerion by surprise and was unable to react to Borros's hammer that was swung right at his head. 

The crowd gasped as Rhaenyra covered her mouth, "A-Aerion!" she exclaimed

Aerion was struck by Borros's hammer hard, causing him to reel slightly. Borros then followed it up with a massive counter-swing, aiming right at his chest, colliding violently against the Valyrian Steel armor. 

Aerion's entire body was rattled, a bit of out of breath as he stumbled back. 

Borros swung his hammer once again and struck Aerion in the shoulder, reeling him even more back. 

"Fall!!!" Borros shouted

But Aerion did not fall. 

Sure, he was rattled by the impact of Borros's hammer, but Aerion was more staggered than anything.

Aerion then focused his sight as Borros brought the hammer right down to the top of his head; the Storm Lord intended to smash it straight down on his helm, Valyrian Steel and all. But, even if he was able to connect, the Valyrian Steel was not going to bend. 

Aerion deflected the hammer as he took a step back, seeing that Borros didn't care, and went for another wild swing. This time, instead of deflecting it, he swung his sword right at it, clashing both steel violently as sparks flew out. 

"Tch..." Aerion said as the clash pushed them both back

Borros took a step back, "Valyrian Steel Armor..." He said, "If it were not for that, your head would have been mush!! But if matters not, the force of the impact will be enough to bring you down! The steel may not bend or break, but your body beneath will succumb to my power." 

Aerion pointed his sword at him, "Oh?" He said gesturing at his hammer, "Was it supposed to bend like that?" 

Borros lifted his hammer, looking at it. It was completely bent from the handle, at a 90 degree angle. 

"What the hell...?" Borros said, "Curses!! This stupid thing is useless now!!" 

He tossed the hammer away. 

"Give him a weapon." Aerion called

A squire ran into the arena where they were, holding a blunt sword. 

"What in the seven hells is this?!" Borros bellowed

"S-Sorry, there are no more hammers...." The Squire said

"You mean to tell me there was only one?!" Borros took the sword 

"We didn't expect yours to easily be damaged..." the squire responded

Aerion looked at his side of the arena, "Get this man a hammer." He said

The squires on his side ran into the arena, holding a hammer, "Y-Yes, Milord!" 

He handed Borros the hammer who tossed the sword away and grabbed the hammer. 

"Get the hell out of here." Borros growled

The squires picked up the other weapons and ran out of the arena as quickly as possible. 

"How is your body?" Borros said as he pointed the hammer at him

"Fine." Aerion said as he twirled his sword

While Borros was right; Valyrian Steel is the reason that protected Aerion from the three hammer blows, any ordinary person would have succumbed to the immense power from the impact. Aerion, however, was no ordinary person. He was much more resilient than anyone in attendance and most of them knew it. 

Borros then charged at him, "I'll smash your head in!!!" He shouted as he swung the hammer down

Aerion sidestepped, allowing the hammer to be brought down. He then spun, switching his sword to his left hand and swinging it at Borros's head, hitting him at the top of the helm. 

In that split second that he hit Borros, he immediately tossed his sword back to his right as he reared it up and brought it down hard on the arm of the Storm Lord. 

"A-Aghh!!" Borros shouted in pain as he let go of the hammer

Aerion then reared the sword back and in a swift motion, he swung the sword at his chest, hitting the armor hard and causing Borros to be reeled backward. 

Aerion stepped forwards and swung his sword upwards, hitting the bottom of the helm with so much force that it was ripped off the head of the Storm Lord, the helm flying out as Borros stumbled onto the ground. 

The crowd gasped, seeing Borros Baratheon fall down to the ground as Aerion walked over to him. 

"Do you yield?" Aerion asked as he pointed his sword at him

Borros's head was bleeding, he had a massive gash on his forehead as he glared at him, "NO!!" He said as he immediately got up and went for a punch

Aerion side stepped and pushed him with his left hand, causing him to stumble forwards. 

"You wield no weapon." Aerion said, "I am not fighting an unarmed man." 

"Fuck off!" Borros said as he grabbed his hammer with his left hand, "I'll beat you senseless, boy." 

He then swung the hammer at Aerion who immediately swung his blunt sword at the left arm, hitting his forearm hard and causing him to drop the hammer once again. 

"Aghh!!" Borros said, "Y-You!!!" 

Borros stumbled as he looked at Aerion as he stumbled, an enraged look on his face. 

"I think that is enough." Aerion said as he circled around Borros, "Don't you, My Lord?" 

"No." Borros said as he stumbled to his knees, "I-" 

"That is enough." A voice said firmly

Aerion and Borros looked up to see Otto Hightower, The Hand of The King, standing in the front of the Royal Seats. 

"Otto..." Borros growled, "I...." 

"Lord Borros, you are in no condition to continue." Otto said with a serious expression, "Both your arms are damaged, Yield. We will not lose the Storm Lord in a simple Melee Tourney." 

"Fuck....." Borros said, "This is not allowed in the rules. I won't lose until I yield or die!!" 

Aerion sighed, "If you wish to die, then so be it." He said as he walked over to Borros

"Aerion, don't!" Otto shouted 

Viserys leaned forward, "Don't do it, boy!" He coughed

Aerion reached Borros and in a swift motion, he punched the Storm Lord right in the face, dropping him on his back as blood splattered everywhere. 

"Guuh!!" Borros said as his eyes went white

The force of Aerion's punch was so hard that the crack was heard everywhere, causing Rhaenyra to wince. 

The Lord of Storm's End was rendered unconscious as Aerion took a step back. 

"I suppose he yielded." He said as he turned around

"The match is over." Otto announced, "By Order of The King, any fighter who cannot continue in the fight will automatically forfeit and lose the match. Lord Borros is unconscious and therefore, has lost. Someone get him out of there and tend to his wounds." 

The Announcer stepped forwards as Aerion walked out of the arena, "The winner!!!" He shouted, 

"Aerion Targaryen!!!"