Bronze Wings

(Third Person POV)

[King's Landing, A Day Later]

"What should be done about The Vale?" Aemond asked Aegon, "Two dragons will cause some trouble." 

They were in the King's Chambers, sitting across from each other at the table. 

Aegon was looking at his cup, filled with wine, not saying a word. His eyes were devoid of emotions, merely staring into the cup's contents. 

"Brother." Aemond said as he leaned forth, "The Vale." 

"What of it?" Aegon said

"The more time that passes, the more forces House Arryn gathers to move in to Harrenhal." Aemond said, "In turn, they'll intercept Cole's Host and will give Daemon time to mobilize his own Host." 

Aegon placed his finger on the rim of the cup, "Okay.." 

"Okay?" Aemond said, "Brother. We-" 

When the doors suddenly opened, he was cut off. He looked up to see Otto walking inside and looking at them. 

"You two are here." He said as he walked up to the table, "We have received word that Lord Ormund has taken his Hightower forces towards Tumbleton, to meet with Lord Borros. It has also been relayed that Daeron has taken Tessarion to flight." 

"Mm." Aemond said, "About time." 

"Tessarion has been large enough to fly for some time now...." Aegon said, "Daeron is a rather skilled dragonrider...." 

"Nevertheless, Your Grace, with enough time, we can secure the majority of the Realm." Otto said, "The Tyrells have sent their vassal houses to attempt to intercept our Hightower forces, engaging in battles across the Reach. As we speak, we have taken victories in the Reach and in the Crownlands now with Cole's success." 

"All that remains is The Vale and The Riverlands." Aemond said, "With His Grace's permission, I will fly out to conquer them." 

"Caraxes resides in the Riverlands, Aemond." Otto said seriously, "A battle with Daemon will not be easy." 

"Then, the Vale it is." Aemond smiled, "I would love to burn the mountainous region where Aerion grew up." 

"I would advise against it." Otto said

Aemond stood up, "Fortunately for myself, I care not for what you advise against." He said, "All that matters is His Grace's words." 

Aegon didn't look up from looking at his cup, "Leave me." He said simply, "The both of you." 

Aemond and Otto looked at each other before The Hand nodded, "Of course, Your Grace." 

The Prince and Hand walked out the room and as the door closed behind them, they looked at each other. 

"You're keeping an eye on your brother, Aemond." Otto said in a low voice

Aemond nodded, "The death of his children has deeply scarred him." He said, "He's not himself. I never thought to see the day he would speak so harshly of Aerion." 

"Hm...." Otto said as he looked at the closed door, "Keep a closer eye on him. Do not let him out of your sight. For now, you and I will discuss some things. Come to my quarters in an hour."

Back inside, Aegon stared at the cup silently. 

He then began to hear a distorted whisper in his ear, causing him to wince slightly as he looked at the wine in the cup. 

"Burn..." a voice said, "Burn...."

Aegon looked at the cup, almost as if he didn't hear the voice speak. He kept hearing a slight buzzing sound in his ear, however, which bothered him. Despite this, he didn't react much. 

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around him as a woman draped in a black veil leaned in to his ear, "Do you wish to let them get away with murdering your children?" she said in a thick-accent, "Go and take your Sister's children, one by one. They owe you three..." 

Aegon widened his eyes and turned around, "What?" He said with surprise, "Who goes there?!" 

The woman had vanished into thin air, almost as if she was never there. But Aegon was sure he had felt her touch and warmth. It was as real as real could get to him. 

He stood up and panted, a bit shaken up as he looked around, seeing that nobody was in the room. 

"W-What..." He said

"The Vale..." the voice said, "Bastards are in the Vale...."

Aegon narrowed his eyes, ".....Hm...." He said, 




The town was occupied by the first wave of Lord Baratheon's forces, this was where Lord Ormund Hightower had told him to converge their forces together. The plan was to gather their armies and march upwards to Harrenhal and defeat Daemon's host. 

Lord Borros Baratheon had arrived first, making his way on his horse down the street of the town. 

"Send a letter to Lord Hightower." He said as he looked around, "I want that boy-prince's dragon here as soon as possible." 

"Yes, Lord Borros!" one of his horserider said

Borros cracked his neck as he stopped his horse in the town square, seeing his soldiers walking about. The town was surrounded by a massive camp where his forces rested. The wave that he had sent first was met with some resistance from Black-Supporters but they were easily taken care of. Now that Borros and his main forces were there, anyone who dared attack them were sure to be crushed with ease. 

The Storm-Lord dismounted his horse and walked over to a building, "Someone go get me something to drink!" He said, "And find me a woman to fuck." 

"Yes, Lord Borros." a soldier said

A cup-bearer walked over with a cup of wine and the Storm-Lord took with haste. 

"Hm." He said as he chugged the wine down, "Ahhh....that's the stuff....You, boy. You have a sister or mother?" 

The cup-bearer shook his head quietly as he looked down. 

"Shame." Borros said, "I would've fucked them. So much time on the road, gives the urge to put my cock into something. Has someone found me someone?!" 

"No, My Lord!" a soldier called out

"Fucking hells." Borros said something, "Well, make sure the town is surrounded and send scouts to scour the surrounding areas. We don't want the Tyrells to have their little scouts spying on us. I know they have tried to disrupt Hightower's mobilizing." 

A knight walked up to him, "My Lord." He said, "We just got word that the Lannister Army is nearing to converge with Cole's Host. The Black's resisting forces are taking losses left and right, retreating back to the Riverlands." 

"Good." Borros said, "That bitch-queen doesn't know how to command a war, eh? Serves her right. When we're done, she'll know that a woman is not fit for the Iron Throne. Aegon was wise to call for me, I am the Storm-Lord!" 

He had the cupbearer refill his cup and instantly chugged that wine down. 

"Yes, well, there is no movement on Aerion Targaryen from what we know." the Knight said

"Fuck him." Borros said, "I am not scared of that fucker." 

Almost in cue, there was a dragon's roar in the distance. Everyone immediately froze and looked up to the sky, wondering where the roar came from. It was difficult to tell, as the sky was filled with thick clouds that were perfect to disguise a dragon's assault. 

"Uhm...." the knight said

"That could be the boy-prince's dragon...." Borros said as he wiped his beard

"That did not come from the south-west, My Lord." the knight said

Borros raised his eyebrow and looked up, "Is that so?" 

"Dragon!!!!" a soldier shouted in alarm

Through the clouds, a massive dragon's figure broke through and every single one of the Bartheon soldiers caught a glimpse of bronze scales. Once they saw that, they immediately realized what that meant; Aerion Targaryen had descended upon them. 

"IT'S VERMITHOR!!!!!" a single shout was enough to scatter nearly a hundred soldiers into a stampede

In the sky above them, Vermithor let out a roar that was heard throughout the town of Tumbleton and its surrounding area. 

Borros scowled, "Fuck." he said, "Just my fucking luck....." 

Atop Vermithor, Aerion Targaryen sat, clad in his valyrian-steel armor, 

"Angos, Vermithos"