The Witch And The Warrior

Beatrix rode shotgun in front of Greta on the warhorse. She was in the worst of moods. Why did she always have to be carried around like a child? Of course, the little witch was a short girl with a height of four and a half feet. But they could always get her a pony or a younger horse!

Beatrix sighed, pushing her insecurities aside. She had bigger fish to fry right now. The Cromwell soldiers were about to enter a vicious battle with odds stacked heavily against them. With Athena and only a dozen Elves and humans, Beatrix was pitted against a hundred blood-thirsty monsters!

Orcs weren't to be taken lightly. They were carnivorous savages who especially enjoyed the meat of intelligent beings. They were also rapists and torturers, relishing violence just for the sake of it.

If you are fighting an Orc and losing, you better pray he kills you. Being caught alive would be a descent into the worst kind of hell.