Chapter 44: Ning Fengzhi, You Will Be Disappointed

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The main arena had a designated resting area for all the participating academies. This was a place where each academy could gather and prepare before the start of the tournament. Every academy waited in their own section, patiently anticipating the opening ceremony that would soon commence.

The Five Great Elemental Academies, known for their formidable strength and influence, were positioned close to one another, reflecting their prominence in the competition. Shen Feng Academy was flanked by the Blaze Academy on the left and the Tianshui Academy on the right, creating a powerful triad of elite institutions.

As team leaders, Feng Xiaotian, Huo Wushuang, Huo Wu, Shui Bing'er, and Xue Wu stood at the forefront of their respective teams. They were figures of authority and strength, representing the pinnacle of their academies' talent.

Meanwhile, Shrek Academy, whose uniforms were so unattractive they stood out for all the wrong reasons, chose a remote corner of the resting area to avoid drawing too much attention. They were well aware that their appearance might invite ridicule, and so they sought some distance from the crowd.

From a distance, Tang San, using his Purple Demon Eyes, observed the other academies. His sharp vision allowed him to see clearly across the arena, where he noticed Feng Xiaotian and his group. Their composed demeanor and the aura they exuded caught Tang San's attention. Earlier, Tang San had briefly locked eyes with Feng Xiaotian, and in that moment, he sensed something unusual—an intuition that Feng Xiaotian was not someone to be underestimated.

Dai Mubai, standing nearby, noticed the focused expression on Tang San's face and couldn't help but ask, "Third Brother, what are you thinking about?"

Tang San turned to Dai Mubai and replied, "Boss, it seems I wasn't wrong. Those people are indeed formidable. They seem to be the captains and vice-captains of their respective academies."

Dai Mubai nodded in agreement, his gaze lingering on the group Tang San had pointed out. "I noticed that too. Strong individuals have a special intuition about each other. The one with the long blue-silver hair—I don't recognize the academy, but there's no doubt they're not ordinary."

"Yes," Tang San agreed, his voice tinged with a hint of concern. "He might be one of our toughest opponents in the preliminaries."

Dai Mubai considered this for a moment before adding, "It's possible that he might challenge us not just in the preliminaries, but also in the qualifiers or even in the finals. We'll need to be prepared."

Their conversation, though quiet, did not escape the notice of their companions. Ning Rongrong, ever curious, couldn't resist asking, "Big Brother Dai, Third Brother, is that person really so strong?"

Tang San nodded solemnly. "Based on my intuition, his strength is at least on par with mine and Big Brother Dai's."

This revelation sent a ripple of surprise through the group. They had known Tang San and Dai Mubai to be among the strongest in their academy, and to hear that another competitor might match them was both startling and concerning.

Xiao Wu, always one to keep things in perspective, suddenly interjected, "What's the point of just one person being strong? In the end, victory depends on team strength. We, the Shrek Seven Devils, have been through so much together; our teamwork is unmatched. I believe Shrek Academy will make it to the end, no matter who we face."

Her words struck a chord with the group, igniting a sense of unity and confidence that had momentarily wavered.

"Yes! Shrek will win!" Ma Hongjun exclaimed, his fiery enthusiasm contagious.

"Shrek will win!" echoed Oscar, his voice firm with determination.

Tang San smiled at their rallying cry, feeling the warmth of camaraderie wash over him. "You're right," he said, confidence swelling in his chest. "The final championship will surely belong to Shrek!"

He exchanged a knowing look with Dai Mubai, both of them assured in their belief that their team, forged through countless trials and tribulations, would emerge victorious.

After a short wait, the time finally came for the academies to enter the arena. The competition venue was enormous, with a diameter exceeding 150 meters. It was a grand stage, befitting the high stakes of the Soul Master Competition. The audience, already filling the stands, was buzzing with excitement, their cheers and shouts echoing across the expansive arena.

At the center of the arena was a podium, and behind it was the VIP area, reserved for the most distinguished guests. This was where the elite of the empire would watch the competition unfold.

The Five Great Elemental Academies, as expected, entered early. Their arrival was met with admiration and respect from the audience, who recognized the power and prestige these academies represented.

Shrek Academy, however, was the last to enter. Their peculiar and unattractive uniforms drew immediate attention, but not the kind they wanted. The audience couldn't help but burst into laughter, mocking the bizarre appearance of the Shrek team. The ridicule was palpable, and the members of Shrek Academy felt their cheeks burn with embarrassment as they walked in. But beneath their discomfort was a simmering determination—one that would drive them to prove everyone wrong.

As all the participating academies took their places in the arena, Feng Xiaotian, ever observant, carefully scanned his surroundings. His eyes were sharp as he took in every detail, assessing both the competition and the important figures in the VIP area.

In the front row of the VIP seats sat three individuals whose presence dominated the space. Feng Xiaotian recognized them immediately from their attire and bearing. There was Emperor Xue Ye of the Tiandou Empire, a figure of immense power and authority. Beside him was Sect Master Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, known throughout the land as the foremost auxiliary soul master. Finally, there was Platinum Bishop Salas of the Spirit Hall, a man whose influence extended far beyond the walls of the arena.

The second row was occupied by Prince Xue Xing and several esteemed teachers from Tiandou Royal Academy, all of whom were here to support their students and witness the unfolding competition.

Following this came the opening ceremony—a necessary, if somewhat tedious, formality. First, Emperor Xue Ye stood and, with a commanding voice, announced the official start of this year's Soul Master Competition. His words were met with thunderous applause and cheers from the audience, who were eager for the battles to begin.

After the Emperor's announcement, Ning Fengzhi stepped forward to give a speech. As the most respected auxiliary soul master in the world, Ning Fengzhi's words carried great weight, and his presence at the opening ceremony was a testament to the importance of the event. His speech was formal, filled with polite remarks and diplomatic language, but there was an undercurrent of wisdom and expectation that everyone could feel.

When Ning Fengzhi finished his speech, the host took the opportunity to ask, "Sect Master Ning, which team from the preliminaries do you have the highest expectations for?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled warmly before replying, "Apart from the seed team, Tiandou Royal Academy's first team, I also have high hopes for another team, though it is not convenient to reveal their name at this time."

His words immediately sparked a wave of speculation among the audience. Whispers spread through the crowd as people tried to guess which team Ning Fengzhi was referring to.

Feng Xiaotian, however, had no doubts. He knew that Ning Fengzhi was talking about Shrek Academy. After all, his daughter, Ning Rongrong, was a member of that very team. It was no secret that a father's pride often influenced his judgment.

But as Feng Xiaotian watched Ning Fengzhi return to his seat, he couldn't help but think to himself, Ning Fengzhi, you will be disappointed. There can only be one champion, and it won't be Shrek Academy.

(End of Chapter)