'I don't bite'

I picked up the new phone by my side. The boss of the driver that hit us must be either too generous or really wealthy to do all that he did (probably obnoxious, most wealthy people are). I should thank him .

It might not be a he though. It could be a woman. Could she be in one of the rooms in the hallway? I would have loved to check but I really didn't want to bump into that man again.

I had embarrassed myself enough in this hospital already.

I looked up to see how much of the IV was left. It was moving pretty fast.

I took up the phone again, I had to call Paige to let her know that I was okay. And to ask for our address as well, I was still finding it hard to remember some things.

I'd call Mom and Karen when I get home.

That's if they aren't already on their way here. That duo. They know how to fuss around like mother hens alot. Wouldn't blame them if they appeared here. I'd do the same.

I put the phone on, and logged on my iCloud.

It was refreshing to know this phone was minee. Freaking mine. I was quite excited. Funny how such thing came from a quite ghasty accident. Who would have thought.

I called Paige and she basically screamed when she heard my voice.

"Oh my God, Anna. I'm so sorry that I'm not by your side at the moment. Had to come arrange your things and fix breakfast for us in case you woke up today. The doctor said you might not but I had to try. I'm so sorry "

"It's okay, Paige. Why would you be by my side?. I'm not dead or in comatose. I was sleeping and I've had breakfast...and no it wasn't hospital food. I meet a really nice doctor. He got me a really nice meal."

" Oh that's relieving. My cooking attempts haven't worked since I started trying. Was planning on ordering something then. I'm sorry I can't cook.-"

I laughed at her. Thank God I could cook or else our kitchen was going to be deserted. We were just gonna keep some sauce pans and the Microwave. We weren't going to need the rest.

"Yeah free to laugh. I'm an independent woman not a cook duhhh. How you feeling though? I felt terrible when I woke up. I heard you were the reason my injuries weren't that bad. Thank you so much, Anna. But you could have died from bleeding."

" Okay okay, Paige. It's okay. I'm fine and you are fine okay? That's what matters at the moment. It's been challenging but we can walk through okay?"

"Okay. Thank you still, Anna. No one has ever gone to such lengths for me since Pops died."

"It's okay. I'm here now."

" Yeah, you are. So when re you coming home?-" She asked changing the subject. I was glad it had changed. It was beginning to get too emotional for me. It wasn't something I need at the moment.

"I'd be discharged as soon as the IV is finished, which should be soon considering how fast it's going. Could you send our address to me? I'm having difficulty recalling it ."

"There's no problem. I'd send it to you right now."

"Thank you so much, I'd really appreciate. I'm hanging up now-"

"No wait. There was a man that came to the apartment asking for you. He said he was from your job and that you should call a number. He dropped a card for you."

"Hmm okay. When was this? What does the card say?" I tried to sound as calm as possible, but that couldn't work. My heart was beating really fast right now. Did he want to tell me that I wasn't needed anymore? I was so confused.

"This happened yesterday, his card says he is Mr Peters, and he is one of the senior supervisors at Brooks.co. "

This was hella confusing. What would a senior supervisor want with me. Scratch that, how did he even find out I existed.. And yesterday? I was supposed to have resumed earlier right? Why didn't he call then? Couldn't it be... No it couldn't be right ? I mean a lot would kill for this job... Naa I was overthinking.

"Anna are you there? Was the news too much?" Paige asked. I could hear through her voice that she was getting worried. I took deep breaths and tried not to think about the supervisor.

"No, Paige. It's fine. It just took me by surprise that's all "

"Are you sure, Anna?" Pure concern lacing her voice. I didn't want her worried.

"Yes, Paige. I'm good..really" My voice was quite calm now.

"Alright, I'm hanging up now. Please take care okay? I'd text you the address "

"Yes please. I'd really appreciate." With that she hung up. I released a breathe I didn't know I was holding. I've been doing that more frequently of recent. I have been sighing frequently too.

I relaxed into the impossiblely strong mattress closing my eyes. Trying to see if I could will all these away and I could start afresh but I couldn't.

It was annoying...really annoying.

There was a knock on the door. I didn't open my eyes or tell whoever to come in. The person came in. I looked to see that it was the doctor. I instantly felt bad but the look changed to bewilderment as soon as I saw the person that came in after him.

It was the man. The man I carried out my perverted acts on.

Yep. That man.

I felt my self shrink into my bed pulling my covers over my body.

Did they find out what I did? Was that why the bubbly doctor wasn't smiling? Today was already really bad as it is. Please I don't want more headache.

The man was even better than I had envisioned him to be. He was about 6'5-if not more- his legs where really long. His hair still had a tousled look. But it didn't look scattered. More like it was put that way on purpose. He looked so edible.

He gave off this vibe that was really intimidating but it felt like a real turn on to me. His hands were tucked in his pocket but I knew they were really wide. I had seen them before. When he held my-

'Anna!!!, get it together. You are staring '

"Shit" I cursed out. Hiding myself further inside the duvet. I know I looked stupid but I couldn't help it. I was caught. Classic Anna.

"Miss Annabeth, you can come out. I don't bite, but you know that already, don't you?

I froze.