Raymond Brooks

** Raymond **

Seeing her lean on me, so damn close was like a breath of very fresh air. One you feel when you are around a waterfall that is hidden in a Virgin Forest unperturbed by global warming and shit, but the messages it sent straight to my cock were not so peaceful.

She weighed almost nothing and she looked really comfortable, I couldn't dare shift my legs. I didn't want to disrupt her peace although she didn't look peaceful at all, more like she was running away from someone.

She was finally awake. I had waited two days for her to wake up. Steele wasn't sure when she was going to wake up, he just knew she was gonna be waking up soon. It was really annoying because he gave her the drugs despite my dismissal which was why I was pissed as fuck at him. I asked Daniel -who was atleast the only one of my friends who wasn't going to try to fuck her- to keep an eye on her while I recovered.

The accident wasn't exactly a curse to me. We were supposed to overtake her vehicle so that I could have a glimpse of her looking at New York all stunned and in love with it.

Maybe sneak a photo but it seemed like my driver wasn't really paying attention and the next thing I knew we were head-on with another.

It happened in seconds. But I'm so happy she made it out and here she was sitting beside me on my hospital bed

Her scent filling my nostrils, like an elixir making my feel giddy and hot.

I had finally felt the warmth I had been craving since I found her.


She was mine.

I found her 3 years ago while I was on in a business trip in a small town with an old friend, I saw her. Her scent was so sweet and intoxicating I couldn't control myself, I immediately pursed. I followed her.

She was rushing off to somewhere so she didn't notice me follow her. All I needed was her name and I was never going to let her go. Ever. I had waited so long.

She's my queen.

I felt her eyes turn towards me taking in my looks. I knew I looked good but under her gaze I couldn't help but feel apprehensive. Would she like what she sees? Did I look too huge to her? Too dark? In all the years I kept tabs on her, I've never really understood the kind of men she liked. She was always so nice to them, giving them all the same reaction. I really wanted her to like me. No, I needed her to like me.

I couldn't imagine living without her again.

Instinctively, I felt something graze my shirt and her scent was stronger now. She was coming closer. Why, what's happening? It was then I noticed that her hands were very close to my lips.

As much I wanted that to happen, I couldnt trust Ritchie. He was wild and strong and on edge. If I had let her touch me, I was a hundred percent sure that I was going to loose control.

I looked at her.

Her expression was priceless. Her cheeks were crimson red, those lips -fuck me- they were pink and soft and they were parted alittle. Her hazel eyes with a cat- like shape were wide open staring at me in embarrassment and shock.

"You are only allowed to look, Anna. No touching" yet. I didn't tell her that part though.

She was really smart and calculating. I had to be careful of the things I did to her and around her to make it seem less intrusive and more .... mysterious.

She bolted out of the room, looking flushed. I didn't mean to sound aloof or scare her off, but Ritchie can be very animalistic. Couldn't risk it.

Now that she was awake, I could leave this hospital. It was a good one and I paid a lot of money for this room but it didn't change the fact that I still hated them. Too many bad memories.

It was time to meet her formally.


Steele currently stood before me, relaying her movements since she woke up to me.

She was really worried about the driver and her friend. The girl was her roommate and I had already compensated her the very next day after she woke up, the driver's family too. I had only got her a new phone.

I'd wanted to extend help to her family because of the incident but I wasn't sure if she was going to like it if her mother found out what had happened to her so I had someone pacify their thoughts till she was able to call them.

Steele also mentioned she was worried about loosing her job. What she didn't know was that the job was meant for she and she alone. To me no one else was fit for it at all.

I told Steele to write the report anyway and make sure she was convinced that she'd be accepted. Honestly, I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she realizes I'm her boss.

When Steele was done writing, we both trotted to her room.

"By no mistake should you tell her who I am, understood?" Steele visibly shuddered at the sound of my voice coming from right behind him.

Steele was one of my very good friends (he doesn't know that though), he just thinks he is my employee. But I admire him alot. His softer and warmer. Unlike me, dark and cold.

My cock twitched in my very tight boxers and pants as we got to her door. I had to wear something tight because for some reason it has a mind of its own and Ritchie, well all he wanted to do was eat up those soft cherry lips and make her private garden all his.

And I was tasked in keeping these assholes in place. It wasn't easy or fair at all. It was a mighty two against one fight. Not fair at all.

Steele looked at me for permission to open the door. I gave him a small nod as we walked into the room.

Her shyness wasn't helping my matters at all. Ritchie kept leaping around and I was working overtime to keep him in check but he wasn't an ordinary wolf so that was really hard.

I tried to keep a very stoic front and not show any of the things I was feeling. She looked so cute shy and petrified. I had to threaten her twice to get her out of her duvet.

I was standing really close to her at that moment, towering above her. She had very silky looking brown hairr that looked really nice to feel. Although it was messy. She still looked perfect to me.

I apologized to her about the incident and she was saying something about it being okay and that I had paid the bills and given her a new phone. Then gave me some advice about the driver.

But Ritchie wasn't listening. He was looking at the way her lips moved, the movement she made with her hands, imagining how she was going to fit in his embrace. How her nipples perked through the hospital gown..

Images of her waking up in my bed, with her hair all over, her legs on mine and her head in my chest and my hands somewhere kept flashing through my fucking head.

Ritchie wanted to take her here and now. We were fighting for control. When I finally got some I took two steps back.

I took in a deep breath to regain some fragments of my sanity.

Thanking her for her advice and assuring her that she'd be fine, I bolted out of her room. I didn't stop until I got into my car .

This was going to be tougher than I thought.