Royally Fucked II


"Okay." I started, taking a deep breath I downed my glass of wine and poured another in my glass. Paige took the bottle away from me before I could fill it.

"I asked you to tell me what happened, Not to get shit faced drunk. It's Monday remember??" She said taking the bottle of wine and put it back in the fridge.

"You can continue." She said sitting down and facing me squarely. She was just like like Karen.

"Shit Karen!!" I screamed and went inside to get my phone. I was supposed to call Karen earlier but I was tired and got carried away in thoughts. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"You bitch! I know you aren't just closing from work so what kept you?!" She screamed at me and I was so glad the phone was on loudspeaker on the table, unable to damage my fragile little ears.

"I'm so sorry, Karen. I was so tired. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. Now how was your first day?" She asked. I could hear the expectation and excitement in her voice. As if this was the biggest news of her life.

"Hi Karen!" Paige screamed to the phone giving me an 'I will kill you' look. I gulped.

Handling one Karen is a lot but handling two... God, please come to the rescue.

"Is that Paige?" Karen asked me seeming surprised.

"Yep, the one and only."

"Damn, I've never imagined that you could be that loud. How are you doing? I hope Anna hasn't misbehaved yet? I can help you give her some quality ass whooping."

" Oh yeah she has, and.. I think that's why she called you" she said to Karen. "I see you haven't called Jason yet, you really want to get your ass beaten" she said turning to me.

Shit Jason.. what the fuck is wrong with me... Sheesh, I can't imagine that I'm about tell my friends how I graciously embarrassed myself. I'm better than this for fucks sake.

I dialed Jason's no and he picked almost immediately.

"So you were about to have a group call without me, Anna. I'm wounded." He said as soon as he picked.

" How did you know that-"

"How did I? Have you forgotten already that we always hang out at Karen's every Monday night?! Wow Anna, you are really good at this. I'm double wounded-"

"Alright alright, that's enough roasting for one night. I'm pretty sure our Anna has been through a lot lately. So tell us miss Anna, what the fuck happened " Classic Karen. Shutting everyone up so she could spill her venom.

I sighed. This was it. My judgement day.

"Well, the day I woke up at the hospital, I left my room to search for Paige and the driver. I was worried about them and didn't know where they put them. So as I sneaked out of my room, I saw some people coming. I ran into the closest room to hide so that I wouldn't be sent to my room. "

And here it comes....

" The owner of the room I entered into is Raymond Brooks "

"Woah" Karen and Jason said at once.

" What did you do? "

"Did he see you?"

Karen and Jason asked again at the same time.

"What the fuck, Jason" Karen snapped at him.

"What did I do now?, it was a mere coincidence. Don't over think it...geez-"

"Can we....can we please let Anna continue.. I'm itching to know what foolish thing she did in that room" She said giving me a knowing look and a sly smile. Yep, just like Karen.

"It can't that bad, Paige " Jason said defending me

"Alright if you say so, let's hear you, Annabeth." She sat on the stool smiling at me.

I took in another deep breath for the 20th time tonight.

"I didn't know who he was. I didn't even look at his face until I had calmed down and was sure none of my stitches were opened.-"

"- When I looked to to see who it was.. I was speechless because he looked so good. The finest man I have ever seen. His face was soo detailed and pretty that I couldn't help but reach out to feel his...face." I can't tell them lips.. I'd be dead.

"And then I got caught. He was like 'You are only allowed to look, no touching " He knew my name.. he knew who I was. I bolted out of the room immediately.-"

"- Apparently he was the owner of the car that hit us and came to apologize later on in my room.. it was so I don't know.. awkward."

Everywhere is silent. They are all silent. That's a really really bad thing. What do I do now? I thought of going to my room and locking the door behind me but that wouldn't work. Jason and Karen would hype Paige to break down the door. It happened in highschool. I can't let it happen again.

"Guys, please say's getting really awkward right now." I said looking at Paige and down to my phone.

"Annabeth, are you okay?" Jason asked, breaking the silence.

"Uh...yeah. That has nothing to do with you speaking up. Guys!"

"Alright fine! What the fuck, Anna? Is he that fine?.. I mean there are no photographs of him online so I do not know what he looks like.. but tell me Anna, is he fine?" Karen asked.. or screamed. I'd say it's the latter

"Yes, Karen. He is fine. Like top notch fine. Out of my league fine." I said putting my head in my hands.

"- and since we started working together-which is practically today- he's been driving me nuts. I can't look at him straight mindedly. I'm always imagining things. Things I could do to him and me him-"

"You are falling for a guy you molested?!! Who happens to be the guy who's driver killed you, who also happens to be your boss?! Haha, I swear this is some romcom shit."

"Falling? I didn't say anything about falling for him here, Jason. I just said-"

"It means the same damn thing, Anna. The way you described him... and talk about him. You are attracted to him. It's okay to admit you are." Paige said placing an arm on my shoulder.

" So wait. Your boss's driver was the one that hit you that day, and you almost molested your boss who would have been a total stranger?" Karen asked and I nodded.

"Wow, Annabeth. I'm so proud of you." She said wipining fake tears from her eyes. "You are getting older and wiser. Gosh I'm so happy."

" Karen, you are seriously not excited about this now, are you?" Jason said lifting an eyebrow.

" Of course I am, my baby is growing. Jason, remember when we had to force her to take her first sip of alcohol at prom! She was beet red and shit faced drunk that she kissed Kevin on his lips then slapped him afterwards-"

"-She hasn't gotten that loose since then. But now, my baby has landed a really wealthy and handsome fellow, on her own!!! Hell yeah I'm excited." Karen was looking at me with genuine pride plastered on her face.

"Uggh this is crazy." Jason said putting his head in his palms. " Well, Anna. I must say I'm really proud of you...just be careful okay? Rich people can be bastards sometimes." I glanced quickly at Karen to see if she'd snap at Jason but she didn't.

"Yeah they can. And you obviously like him too-"

" I don't like him guys!!! I'm just attracted to him not in love with him-"

"Mmhmm whatever you say" Karen muttered but I heard her.

"I heard you Karen!!, you guys are meant to be mad at me, not... proud. What are you proud of? My foolishness?! " God , I need new friends.

"Oh please... It's okay to like someone.. besides you are human. You got attracted and wanted to feel it. Sounds perfectly human to me....out of your league but human." Paige said giving me a sly grin.

"Yeah, I'm with Paige on that." Jason said shrugging his shoulders.

"Now, you see why I am proud?." Karen asked rhetorically, grinning widely. " So tell me what are you putting on tomorrow?" She asked grinning from ear to ear.

I looked at Jason and Paige to see if any of them think that question was completely unnecessary but they too were waiting for my reply.

"I..uh.. My white shirt with the stripe blue and white ski-"

"No way!!!" They all screamed together in disapproval.

I was dumbfounded.

Yep, new friends it is.