I Admit Defeat

Sakayanagi showed no sign of concern as she gazed into Hikigaya's eyes, seemingly lost in thought.

"The person you're referring to is Katsuragi-kun, isn't it?"

"Ah, so you've noticed him too."

The Katsuragi they were discussing, full name Katsuragi Kōhei, was an exceptionally outstanding student even within Class A. Known for his strict self-discipline, Katsuragi also had little tolerance for leniency in others.

Whenever he witnessed classmates engaging in disputes with other classes or acting in ways unbecoming of their student status, he was the first to step in and put an end to it.

The remarkable discipline within Class A could largely be attributed to Katsuragi's influence. Hikigaya held a particular respect for Katsuragi, driven by personal reasons.

Due to his deadpan eyes, Hikigaya had often been the target of ridicule since childhood, leading to a lingering inferiority complex and a reluctance to engage with strangers.

Katsuragi's situation, however, was even more extreme. Not only was Katsuragi tall, but he also had a completely bald head. To those who didn't know him, he might appear to be some kind of gangster boss.

In reality, Katsuragi didn't choose to shave his head—it was a result of alopecia. His condition left him without hair, including eyelashes, eyebrows, and even facial hair, creating a rather intimidating first impression.

Despite this, Katsuragi never allowed others' stares to bother him and carried himself with dignity. He would point out mistakes without hesitation and never let the mockery he faced for being bald shake his resolve.

This was something Hikigaya could never do.

"As expected of you, Hikigaya-kun. Your insight is as sharp as ever."

Sakayanagi lightly clapped her hands, genuinely impressed.

Just as Hikigaya had observed, Katsuragi was indeed the backbone of Class A's discipline.

Although Sakayanagi had quickly grasped the system of the school, her personality didn't incline her to concern herself with such trivial matters as disciplining others.

"It's nothing. I just have a peculiar interest in observing people."

"Haha, what a frightening hobby."

"…I won't deny it."

Hikigaya had always felt that something was unsettling about himself.

No matter who he was interacting with, he couldn't help but analyze their words, trying to decipher the true meaning behind them. This habit, born from years of solitude, had nearly become an instinct.

"By the way, Hikigaya-kun, why do you and Katsuragi-kun seem so familiar with each other?"

Sakayanagi asked casually.

"I've never seen you two talk. Do you have contact in private?"

There was an undercurrent in her words, one that made the other three present suddenly become solemn. Hikigaya wondered if something had happened between Katsuragi and Sakayanagi.

Although Hikigaya seemed to know Katsuragi well, the truth was that the two had never exchanged a single word since entering school. Only Hikigaya knew Katsuragi; Katsuragi likely didn't even know of Hikigaya's existence.

It was almost stalker-like behavior.

However, Hikigaya had a legitimate reason—his work with the student council.

After President Horikita's stern speech at the club recruitment meeting scared off many of the new students, only two first-years dared to sign up. The difficult task of investigating them naturally fell to Hikigaya.

Katsuragi was one of those students.

Fortunately, both Katsuragi and the other candidate—a girl from Class B—were exceptional talents.

Katsuragi had considerable influence in Class A, while the girl was a central figure in Class B. Based solely on their abilities, there was no doubt they would excel in the student council. Hikigaya was also pleased at the prospect of gaining two more capable colleagues in the future, which would free him from endless work.

"It's nothing."

Hikigaya decided to share the situation with everyone, as there was no rule that student council matters had to be kept confidential. More importantly, if he didn't tell Sakayanagi, who knew what mischief she might concoct?

"Katsuragi signed up to run for a position in the student council, and the president asked me to investigate his background."

"I see. I heard about that… But wait," Sakayanagi suddenly realized something was off.

"When did you join the student council, Hikigaya-kun?"

Before Hikigaya could respond, Kamuro shook her head vehemently.

"Impossible. There's no way this guy would join the student council."

Indeed, anyone who knew Hikigaya even a little could assert that someone as averse to work as him would never take on such a thankless job.

"Exactly, and the student council recruitment isn't even over yet. The results won't be announced until next month."

Though it was Hashimoto's first-day meeting with Hikigaya, he refuted his claim with logic and reason.


"You must understand one thing: this world itself is unreasonable."

Hikigaya wore a sorrowful expression. If he had a choice, why would someone as lazy as him join the student council? Wouldn't it be much nicer to stay in his dorm, watching cartoons and snacking?

"Kamuro, think about it. If this world really made sense, why would you be working under Sakayanagi? Why would I be eating with you all here? This is all just the acting of force!"

"…It does seem that way."

Kamuro quickly conceded, having felt similarly over the past two weeks.

"How rude! Masumi-san is my dear friend," Sakayanagi muttered in mock dissatisfaction.

Naturally, neither Kamuro nor Hikigaya paid any attention to her joke.

"Ahem, we've strayed off-topic. Let's get back to Katsuragi-kun."

Sakayanagi coughed lightly, bringing everyone's attention back to the matter at hand.

"As you can see, Hikigaya-kun, Katsuragi-kun has gathered quite a following. While everything is fine now, I fear that once the S-system is officially announced, Class A might split into two factions."

"...I can't imagine you would willingly take a backseat to anyone, would you?"

"Haha, Hikigaya-kun, you do know me well."

Indeed, Hikigaya couldn't picture Sakayanagi submitting to anyone. She was someone with a strong desire for control.

"By the way, if you don't mind sharing, how many people have you managed to win over?" Hikigaya asked out of curiosity.

"There are about ten people on each side. Katsuragi-kun has a few more supporters, and the rest are neutral."

Hikigaya couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at Sakayanagi's response. He hadn't expected her to actually lose ground to Katsuragi.

But then again, it wasn't surprising. While Sakayanagi was undoubtedly intelligent, she hadn't yet had the opportunity to fully display her talents. Coupled with her physical disability, it was already impressive that she had managed to gain the support of so many.

In contrast, Katsuragi, with his dignified appearance and sense of responsibility, naturally earned the trust of his classmates. As time passed, it wouldn't be surprising if the neutral faction eventually sided with him.

After all, he exuded a sense of security.

"Hikigaya-kun, you seem eager to see me fail," Sakayanagi said with a fearless smile.

"But unfortunately, you won't get the chance. Katsuragi-kun is merely a toy to pass the time."

"Ah, yes, yes, you're amazing. Happy?"

Hikigaya didn't doubt her words but found little interest in such things.

Besides, he was feeling rather down at the moment.

"Hey, Sakayanagi, do you remember our bet?"

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

Sakayanagi smiled, glancing at Kamuro.

"I've heard from Masumi-san that you've been working quite hard these past two weeks. I'm looking forward to a surprise."

To her surprise, Hikigaya flatly refused.

"No, I give up. Just tell me what you want."

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

Kamuro seemed more agitated than Sakayanagi, shouting in confusion, "Why are you giving up? You've won so much already—you have a chance to beat her!"

It was clear she harbored some resentment towards Sakayanagi.

"Hikigaya-kun, can I ask why?"

Sakayanagi, too, seemed curious.

"Don't ask me something you already know the answer to," Hikigaya replied, exasperated. "You have more than a dozen supporters now. When the points are distributed in May, you could easily borrow a few points from each of them and crush me."

The moment Sakayanagi mentioned forming a faction, Hikigaya knew his defeat was sealed. There was no way to turn the tide.

"Hehe, as expected of Hikigaya-kun, you figured it out early."

Sakayanagi looked as pleased as a little fox, her triumphant expression practically inviting a punch.

There was nothing he could do—it was his fault for being careless.

Currently, Hikigaya has nearly a million points. If he had set the date for the bet on April 30th, just before the points were distributed, he might have had a chance to turn defeat into victory.

But with only a week left, and everyone in Class A set to receive at least 90,000 points in May, no matter how resourceful Hikigaya was, he couldn't surpass them all alone.