A Summon

"Wait, what are you saying!?" Karuizawa's anger was barely contained.

Hikigaya noticed the underlying insecurity behind her outrage. Her bravado was just a façade, hiding a fragile ego.

It seemed that Karuizawa's strong exterior was merely a cover for her insecurities. The situation revealed more about her character than she probably intended.

Generally speaking, women like Karuizawa will only retreat when faced with someone they believe has the upper hand.

Take Yumiko Miura. She's typically quite tough, but she becomes visibly weaker when she argues with Yukinoshita. It's not that Yukinoshita's arguments are necessarily superior or that her grades are better.

The real reason is simply that Yukinoshita is prettier.

Hikigaya didn't quite understand the mentality of such girls, but he grasped the dynamics of their interactions.

If it were Karuizawa, she would be very proud to have Hirata as her boyfriend, which in turn elevates her status in the class. Therefore, her retreat seemed unusual. Hikigaya didn't think Karuizawa was superior to Hirata in the eyes of others.

"Can you two just calm down?" Kushida's voice cut through the tension as she intervened, playing the peacemaker, true to her usual personality.

"Everyone in the class is short on money right now, but Karuizawa-san must have run into difficulties, so she had to ask her friends for help."

Hikigaya almost laughed out loud at Kushida's disingenuous words. He could tell she was lying through her teeth.

But since she was a popular beauty, even her absurd statements somehow seemed more believable. The boys around her nodded in agreement, adding to the farcical nature of the situation.

"And you, gloomy guy," Karuizawa snapped, her tone hardened. "I didn't ask for your points, so why are you making such a fuss?"

Before Hikigaya could respond, an announcement crackled over the classroom speakers.

"Hikigaya-kun and Ayanokouji-kun from Class D, your homeroom teacher, Chabashira Sae, requests your presence in the teacher's office. Please come immediately."

Hikigaya packed his bag and left, faintly hearing Karuizawa's complaining voice behind him. It didn't matter; he was eager to leave the classroom.

"Hey, wait up."

Ayanokouji jogged to catch up, clearly also summoned to the office.

"Hikigaya, do you have any idea why Chabashira-sensei called us?" Ayanokouji asked.

"I have no idea," Hikigaya replied, "but it's probably because they want us to report Karuizawa for blackmailing our classmates."

"Don't joke around," Ayanokouji said, visibly irritated. "Let's not get into whether it's blackmail or not. The person involved isn't complaining. Besides, I don't think you've done anything wrong, but is it appropriate to handle it like this?"

"Handle what?" Hikigaya inquired.

"Offending Karuizawa, for one thing," Ayanokouji replied.

"And also, you have a good relationship with Matsushita, don't you? She and Karuizawa are friends. If you fall out with Karuizawa, it will put Matsushita in an awkward position."

Ayanokouji seemed unusually concerned for Hikigaya. However, Hikigaya didn't feel particularly cared for. It seemed Ayanokouji's concern was more about investigating him rather than genuine empathy.

"You're overthinking it," Hikigaya said dismissively.

"Matsushita and I only talk because we sit at the same table. It's similar to your relationship with Horikita."

"That's different," Ayanokouji countered. "Horikita is either silent or mocks me when she speaks."

Hikigaya agreed. Horikita had a temperament somewhat akin to Yukinoshita's, and her sharp tongue was as cutting as Yukinoshita's. The only difference was that Horikita's physical appeal overshadowed Yukinoshita.

The two arrived at the teacher's office, only to find Chabashira-sensei absent and a female teacher, Chie Hoshinomiya, checking her makeup in the mirror.

Hikigaya glanced at Ayanokouji, who was pointedly avoiding eye contact.

With no other choice, Hikigaya approached the teacher. "Excuse me, is Chabashira-sensei here?"

"Huh? Sae-chan?" Hoshinomiya-sensei exclaimed, recognizing Hikigaya. "Oh, you're Hikigaya-kun!"

Hikigaya was puzzled.

He knew this teacher, Chie Hoshinomiya, the homeroom teacher of Class B and the infirmary teacher.

Despite her friendly demeanor and popularity among students, Hikigaya didn't recall any interaction that would make her recognize him.

"I'll wait in the hallway," Hikigaya said, sensing that engaging with Hoshinomiya-sensei would be complicated.

Ayanokouji seemed to share this sentiment and stepped outside. Hoshinomiya-sensei followed them, her curiosity piqued.

"I'm Chie Hoshinomiya, the homeroom teacher of Class B. Sae-chan and I have been close friends since high school. We even call each other 'Sae-chan' and 'Chie-chan'—"

Hikigaya was skeptical. He couldn't imagine Chabashira-sensei, who appeared so stern and vengeful, being on such familiar terms with Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"Hey, Hikigaya-kun, you didn't seem surprised by me calling your name?"

"Isn't it normal for teachers to know their students?"

Hikigaya replied though he was more interested in avoiding unnecessary complications.

Hoshinomiya-sensei seemed to read his thoughts. "Well, why did Sae-chan call you out? Is there something going on?"

Before Hikigaya could respond, Chabashira-sensei arrived, striking Hoshinomiya-sensei on the head with her clipboard.

"It hurts! What's the meaning of this?" Hoshinomiya-sensei protested.

"You're bothering my students," Chabashira-sensei said firmly.

"Hikigaya, Ayanokouji, it's not appropriate to stay in the hallway. Come with me to the counseling room."

Ayanokouji frowned.

"I haven't caused any problems. I've always been low-profile at school."

Hikigaya shot Ayanokouji a glare.

This bastard!

He was annoyed by Ayanokouji's sudden shift in attitude from nonchalance to self-preservation.

"Stop talking and follow me," Chabashira-sensei ordered.

Hoshinomiya-sensei attempted to join them, but Chabashira-sensei quickly halted her with a stern expression.

"It's fine for me to listen, right? Also, Sae-chan's behavior has been a bit odd lately. Could it be that she's trying to overthrow her superiors?"

Hikigaya found the idea odd. This wasn't the Warring States period. But then he realized: that perhaps Chabashira-sensei was unhappy with being the teacher of Class D and wanted to prove herself by elevating the class to Class A.

Hence, Hikigaya and Ayanokouji were summoned to contribute to this goal.

Hikigaya wasn't sure about Chabashira-sensei's plan, but he doubted his ability to make a significant impact. As for Ayanokouji, he seemed disinterested in the class or anyone in school, giving him a robotic air.

Hoshinomiya-sensei tried to follow them like an overly attached friend but was interrupted by the arrival of Ichinose Honami from Class B. With her striking strawberry-blonde hair and impressive figure, Ichinose was also a candidate for the student council.

Hikigaya's heart raced at the thought of working with such a beautiful girl, though he planned to avoid any extra effort.

"Hoshinomiy-sensei, could I have a moment of your time? I have some questions about the student council."

Ichinose glanced briefly at Hikigaya and Ayanokouji. Hoshinomiya-sensei suddenly approached Hikigaya, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"This is Hikigaya-kun, the only first-year student selected for the student council. If you have questions, he's the one to ask."

Chabashira-sensei promptly intervened, hitting Hoshinomiya-sensei on the head again with the clipboard.

"Don't reveal my students' private information. If you do this again, I'll report you to the school."

Hoshinomiya-sensei protested, but Chabashira-sensei's irritation was clear.

"See you next time," Hoshinomiya-sensei said, taking Ichinose with her as she left.

Chabashira-sensei led Hikigaya and Ayanokouji to the counseling room.

"So, why did you call us?"

Ayanokouji asked.

"Before I explain," Chabashira-sensei said, glancing at the wall clock, "let's get comfortable."

She opened a door revealing a small tea room with a kettle on the stove.

"Tea or coffee?" Chabarisha-sensei asked, handling the tea set with practiced ease.

Hikigaya, feeling it would be awkward to refuse, decided on coffee.

"Coffee, with plenty of milk and sugar, please."

Chabashira-sensei gave them a stern look.

"Behave yourselves. Don't make noise or you'll be expelled."

Hikigaya was baffled by Chabashira-sensei's sudden authority. Could she expel students at will? Maybe Ike was right, she missed her period or something.

Ignoring their protest, Chabashira-sensei shut the door behind them. The two sat down at the table, and Ayanokouji immediately pulled out his cell phone.

Ayanokouji: [What do you think Chabashira-sensei wants?]

Hikigaya: [No idea. You seemed more interested in saving yourself than helping me.]

Ayanokouji: [You misunderstand me. I was securing my safety first but will help you later.]