A Menace in Society

After much deliberation, Hikigaya decided to refuse, feeling increasingly exasperated by the relentless pressure from the teacher.

"If you refuse, you will be expelled," Chabashira-sensei reiterated, using her usual threat.

Hikigaya scoffed, his expression vacant.

"Is that true? Then let me ask, what reason will you use to expel me? Is it because I refused your order? Or will you conceive some random reason to force me out of school?"


Chabashira-sensei was slightly taken aback.

Most high school students wouldn't dare speak so defiantly to a teacher, especially not to their homeroom teacher. Such behavior was typical only of those who disregarded authority—often labeled as troublemakers.

While there were indeed some problematic students in the school, Hikigaya didn't fit that mold. He was generally a well-behaved student with excellent academic performance, though his demeanor was somewhat gloomy and reserved.

Chabashira-sensei had not anticipated Hikigaya's outright rejection and unfriendly tone. Had she been aware of the classroom's true dynamics, she might have approached him more gently.

"Are you sure you want to proceed this way?" Chabashira-sensei attempted to sound calm. "Consider carefully; your choice now could impact your future school life."

"Are you done? Then I'll be leaving," Hikigaya replied, unyielding.

After being willing to concede to Hiratsuka's iron-fisted love in junior high, he wasn't about to let just any teacher intimidate him.

"Wait a moment."

Finally, Chabashira-sensei couldn't hold her frustration any longer and called him back.

"I didn't expect you to be more troublesome than Ayanokouji," she sighed once more.

In most schools, a class teacher's evaluation is critical for a student's future. However, in this specialized higher education institution, teacher evaluations had little real impact.

No matter how well or poorly a student performed, the class system remained rigid. A student in Class D would stay in Class D regardless of praise, while even a problematic student in Class A couldn't be demoted easily.

The rules protected students, and even homeroom teachers had limited power over them. Teachers never explicitly explained such situations to students, leaving them to discover these truths on their own.

Chabashira-sensei had expected that a few threats would suffice to make students comply. Yet, Hikigaya's understanding of the school's system seemed deeper than anticipated. His fearless attitude suggested he had recognized the homeroom teacher's limited influence.

Realizing her misjudgment, Chabashira-sensei adjusted her approach.

"Despite your problematic behavior, it makes sense. After all, it was you who identified the S-system on the first day and received an invitation to join the student council from the student council president himself. I shouldn't have underestimated you."

"No, I'm just an ordinary student with a good insight."

Hikigaya felt Horikita's gaze—marked by surprise and jealousy—and grew increasingly frustrated. Before criticizing others, perhaps the teacher should reflect on her actions.

"Really? Then who started taking free items from the first day on?"

"I just like to take the free stuff."

"And who immediately surveyed the school's surveillance cameras after the opening ceremony and memorized all their locations within three days?"

"I was just walking around campus."

Hikigaya was growing increasingly frustrated. Disclosing personal information about others was unethical, and he wondered if any regulations were in place to prevent such behavior.

"Forget it. Let's get to the point. What will it take for you to reveal your points?"

It seemed Chabashira-sensei was determined to provide Horikita with a shocking lesson. Her words alone weren't enough; only seeing the reality would make Horikita realize she wasn't as capable as she thought.

"Then let's make a deal," Hikigaya proposed after a moment of hesitation, mostly due to the teacher's persistent demands. He was also curious to see whether Horikita could lead the class and whether she justified Chabashira-sensei's efforts.

"A deal?" Chabashira-sensei's interest was piqued.

"Sure, tell me the details. If it's reasonable, I'll consider it."

"I'd like the teacher to offer some points as rewards based on your ranking in each midterm and final exam."

Hikigaya's proposal surprised Chabashira-sensei, who looked puzzled.

"Do you want points? But you're not... Never mind, let's discuss the specifics."

"If you rank in the top three in any of the five main subjects in the class, you will receive 20,000, 10,000, and 5,000 points, respectively. If you rank in the top 30 across the whole grade, you'll receive 10,000 points."

"Is that all?"

When Hikigaya nodded, Chabashira-sensei agreed without further negotiation.

"Alright, this should also serve as motivation."

She was aware that Hikigaya had earned hundreds of thousands of points through betting, and with only six exams per year, she didn't consider such a small sum significant.

The request seemed unusual to her.

Hikigaya, unfazed by Chabashira-sensei's thoughts, kept his promise. He pulled out his phone and displayed the point balance to Horikita, who looked astonished, alternating her gaze between Hikigaya's face and the screen.

"So, Horikita, you now understand. Ayanokouji is mysterious. He managed to solve such a challenging math problem. His intellect might surpass yours."

Horikita twitched in response to Chabashira-sensei's comment, clearly displeased.

The teacher's provocation was blatant.

As Hikigaya watched the scene with indifference, Chabashira-sensei abruptly shifted the focus to him.

"And this guy—though there were students aware of the S-system before May, Hikigaya is the first to understand it and take proactive steps on the first day of school. He excels academically, ranking among the top students in his grade. Overall, he might be several levels above you."

Horikita, already irritated, became even more discontent.

Unfortunately, Chabashira-sensei didn't give her a chance to respond. She promptly pushed them out of the room.

"Alright, the faculty meeting is about to start. You three should leave."

After ushering them out, Chabashira-sensei lingered for a moment, deep in thought. She then retrieved a document from a folder.

Name: Hikigaya Hachiman

Class: Grade 1, Class D

Clubs: Student Council

Academic Ability: B+

Intelligence: A-

Judgment: A+

Physical Fitness: C+

Coordination: D

Interviewer's Comments: Academically, except for mathematics, Hikigaya's performance is among the best in his grade. His physical fitness is also above average. Notably, he excels in understanding human psychology and nature. Despite having few friends in class, he engages in public welfare activities and assists the student council without being an official member. Therefore, his coordination is not a major issue, though he needs to improve communication.

Additional Remarks: Based solely on his abilities, he is a candidate for Class A. However, due to a significant incident in junior high and his deliberate underperformance during the interview, we assigned him to Class D, hoping to provide him with an opportunity for change.

"I initially thought I had hit the jackpot."

Looking over the familiar information, Chabashira-sensei covered her forehead and sighed deeply.

"Oh, I didn't expect him to be the most problematic student I have ever dealt with."