The Midterm Gambit

Hikigaya was confused.

Could a girl be so casual about inviting men to her room?

Kushida's actions were baffling. She was neither naive nor did she harbor any ulterior motives, yet she proceeded with such audacity. In a way, it was a testament to her formidable nature.

Hikigaya couldn't deny that, despite understanding the act for what it was—a mere performance to improve her image—he found himself feeling oddly pleased.

Such was the nature of men, endlessly uncertain and predictable.

After receiving a bandage from Kushida and resting overnight, Hikigaya woke the next morning feeling somewhat better. The pain had subsided, the swelling had reduced, but the wounds on his face remained noticeable, some still wrapped in gauze. He hoped no one would pay him any mind.

Unfortunately, reality had other plans. As he made his way to school, he could already feel the stares. It wasn't merely curiosity; it was mockery, mostly from Class C. Ryuuen, with his need to assert dominance, had likely spread the story, turning Hikigaya's public embarrassment into a spectacle.

Ryuuen, ever the opportunist, used the incident to undermine his rival, reminding everyone of his so-called reign over Class C. Hikigaya's misstep had given him the perfect chance to reassert his authority, and soon the whole grade would be buzzing about it.

Despite this, Hikigaya couldn't help but appreciate Ryuuen's approach. At least he wasn't dismissive of the student council's influence, even if he had an overblown sense of his power.


The voice was unmistakable. He turned to see Shiina approaching, her face a mask of distress.

"Good morning, Shiina," Hikigaya greeted her with a forced calmness, though he was apprehensive.

"I-I'm so sorry, Hikigaya-kun. I didn't mean to..."

Shiina, her physical condition strained from the run and her anxiety, was out of breath. Hikigaya quickly reassured her.

"There's no need to apologize," he said.

"You're not to blame for any of this. You were dragged into it."

Shiina, though, seemed unsettled by the whole situation.

"I just wanted to ask... If my actions caused your classmates to leave school, would you be upset?" Hikigaya winced internally. It was a question he regretted asking. He had meant to ask if she would hate him, but had changed it to avoid sounding self-centered.

Shiina, her gaze lowered, replied, "I don't care much about whether I make it to Class A. I just want to graduate with everyone. But I know Ryuuen-kun is going too far, and with his nature, he won't stop."

Hikigaya admired Shiina's strength. Her willingness to speak candidly about Ryuuen confirmed his suspicion that Ryuuen would exploit her as a pawn in his schemes. This, Hikigaya realized, was likely to escalate further.

Determined, Hikigaya asked, "Can you give me Ryuuen's cell phone number?"

Shiina nodded, pulled out her phone, and sent him the contact details before they parted ways. Hikigaya watched her leave, contemplating that this might be their final conversation. Disappointment lingered, but he harbored no regrets. Shiina would eventually find her place among friends and work towards her goals.

"Hey, Hikigaya-kun, what are you doing standing around like that?"

Matsushita's voice broke his reverie. Hikigaya turned to see her approaching, her gaze falling on his injuries.

"Nothing much," he began, but Matsushita interrupted, "Were you beaten by Class C? Planning to retaliate?"

Hikigaya was caught off guard. "How did you know?"

Matsushita's response was calm and confident. "I saw you scolding them in the library. You're not one to attract unnecessary attention, so when you do, it's usually for a reason."

Hikigaya frowned. "How can you be so sure?"

Matsushita continued, "Remember the cultural festival during our second year of junior high? You insulted the chairman to divert attention and help Sagami-san. I was there, and your behavior struck me as deliberate."

Hikigaya's surprise was evident. Matsushita, it turned out, had been a committee member and had witnessed the events firsthand. The impression Matsushita had of him—one of someone who would sacrifice himself for others—was rooted in a misunderstanding.

Hikigaya had no intention of helping Sagami, and he knew he needed to address this misinterpretation at a later date.

"Matsushita, are you free after school today?" he asked.


Behind the dormitory building lay a secluded path, rarely frequented and notably devoid of surveillance cameras. Hikigaya had chosen this isolated spot for its privacy and lack of oversight.In the afternoon, Hikigaya sent Ryuuen a text message, inviting him to meet at this location after school. Along with the message, he attached a video, certain that it would pique Ryuuen's interest.As expected, Ryuuen arrived, flanked by his usual entourage. To Hikigaya's surprise, Ryuuen was accompanied not only by Ibuki, Yamawaki, and the others from the previous encounter but also by two of his bodyguards. Albert Yamada, a formidable mixed-race fighter, and Ishizaki Daichi, known for his combat prowess. The group exuded a menacing, almost brutish presence.Ryuuen, with his signature smirk, took the lead as they surrounded Hikigaya."Look at you, pretending to be a king," Hikigaya remarked, his voice edged with sarcasm. "I didn't expect you to bring such an army."Ryuuen's smile remained unchanged. "You don't seem to grasp the situation, do you?"Hikigaya continued, his frustration evident. "Or is it that your IQ matches that of a common thug?"Ryuuen's only response was a dismissive snort, signaling Albert to take action. Albert wasted no time, landing a solid punch to Hikigaya's stomach. The force of the blow left Hikigaya doubled over, clutching his midsection as pain shot through him."Hikigaya, you're the one who's clueless here," Ryuuen said, looking down at him with disdain. He pulled out his phone and waved it dismissively."Do you think this video will intimidate me? I'm not even in it. It's laughable. I expected you to be smarter, but you're just another fool."Ryuuen's confidence was infuriating. It was clear he had no concern for the repercussions his subordinates might face, knowing full well that no one in Class C would dare defy his authority."So, what if I report this to the school?" Hikigaya challenged.Ryuuen continued, mocking Hikigaya's predicament. "Suspension? Point deductions? Or do you believe that, as a student council member, you have the power to expel them? If you think you can pull that off, then go ahead."Ryuuen's arrogance was based on a thorough understanding of the school's policies. As he pointed to Ibuki and the others, it became apparent that Hikigaya's injuries were minor and could be dismissed as the result of a scuffle rather than a premeditated attack.Yet, Hikigaya's disappointment grew with Ryuuen's arrogance. This was all Ryuuen had to offer?"Even if your subordinates face some consequences, as long as they're not expelled, it doesn't seem to bother you, does it?" Hikigaya stood up slowly, meeting Ryuuen's gaze with a calm resolve."There's something crucial you've overlooked," Hikigaya said."Oh? And what might that be?" Ryuuen sneered, clearly dismissive of Hikigaya's claims."The midterm exams are approaching," Hikigaya said, his tone steady and unyielding."Midterm exams?" Ryuuen's initial amusement faltered, replaced by confusion. "I thought you had something significant to say. What's a midterm exam..."His laughter died abruptly as he realized the implication. Hikigaya's expression was one of cold satisfaction as Ryuuen's smirk faded, and the surrounding goons remained oblivious to the gravity of the situation.