You Messed with the Wrong Person

"…You saw everything, didn't you?"

Kushida's voice was dangerously low.

Hikigaya sighed inwardly, feeling his patience rapidly wearing thin. "Yeah, I've been waiting for you to drop the act."

There was no point in pretending any longer. The look on Kushida's face confirmed that this confrontation wasn't going to end smoothly. Her once cheerful expression had darkened into something far more dangerous, and Hikigaya knew this was no simple misunderstanding. It was about to get ugly.

He wasn't particularly surprised, though. He had sensed Kushida's animosity toward Horikita long ago, back in the library. That deep, simmering hatred had been impossible to miss, though the reason behind it still eluded him. People faking friendliness only to gossip behind someone's back was nothing new. Hikigaya had seen it plenty of times before.

Take Matsushita, for example. She often complained to him about Shinohara, calling her ugly and arrogant. Even Haruno, with her charming façade, occasionally let slip her jealousy toward her younger sister. Hikigaya had grown accustomed to these contradictions in people.

But Kushida was different.

Normally, if someone got caught badmouthing a classmate, they'd just laugh it off with a weak excuse, like "I was in a bad mood." No one cared. It was just venting, after all—better than those who spread vicious rumors behind closed doors. But Kushida, with that murderous glare over something seemingly so trivial, made him uneasy.

It was hard to reconcile this menacing girl with the image of the kind, considerate angel she projected in Class D.

"What do you mean?" Kushida's voice was low, a dangerous edge creeping into it. "What do you mean by 'drop the act'? What has Horikita told you?"

Horikita? So there was something between them after all. Hikigaya's mind raced as he realized how much more complicated things were becoming. This was no ordinary quarrel. Provoking her any further could have serious consequences.

"It's not about what I know," Hikigaya replied calmly. "I've just always seen through your façade. You don't like the people in our class, do you? But you force yourself to befriend them anyway. Honestly, I kind of admire your determination."

For a moment, Kushida's face faltered. Hikigaya saw a brief flicker of uncertainty cross her features, giving him a glimmer of hope. He decided to push his advantage and try to extract himself from the situation.

"You don't need to see me as an enemy," he continued, his tone measured. "I get it—you're just letting off some steam. I won't say a word to anyone. Besides, it's not like I have any friends to tell."

With that, he shoved his hands into his pockets and began to slowly back away, hoping to escape this mess without further incident.

But to his surprise, Kushida suddenly lunged forward, her footsteps heavy and aggressive.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

"Shut up and stay where you are!" she snapped, her voice sharp and threatening.

Hikigaya clicked his tongue in frustration. Only an idiot would stay put in this situation. He should run. Now.

But before he could move, Kushida's voice rang out again, colder this time. "If you even think about running, I'll tell everyone tomorrow that you tried to assault me."

Hikigaya froze. He wanted to retort—You don't have any proof!—but the words died in his throat. In the court of public opinion, it would be her word—Kushida's, the sweet, popular girl—against his, the gloomy, unpopular guy with dead fish eyes. The outcome was obvious.

Suddenly, Hikigaya felt a pang of sympathy for those unfortunate office workers falsely accused on crowded trains. In his next life, he vowed to be born a woman.

Resigned, he sighed heavily and stood still, waiting for her to approach.

"Listen," Kushida said, her voice icy as she reached him. "If you breathe a word about this, I won't let you off the hook."

"I already told you, I don't have any friends to tell."

"Maybe, but I still don't trust you."

The fact that she didn't even bother denying her earlier threats stung Hikigaya slightly, but he let it go.

Then, without warning, Kushida reached out as if to grab his hand. Startled, he instinctively pulled back.

"I said don't move!" she growled, her glare sharp enough to cut.

"Uh..." Despite the absurdity of the situation, Hikigaya couldn't help but find it almost comical. If their roles were reversed, this could easily be a scene out of some questionable manga.

Kushida yanked his hand out of his pocket and spread his fingers, pressing his palm firmly against her chest.

"There," she said coldly. "Now your fingerprints are on me. That's evidence. Do you understand how serious I am?"

"...Was that really necessary?"

Hikigaya stood frozen, stunned. This was the first time he had ever touched a girl's chest, and it was happening like this?

"Of course, it was necessary."

Kushida's voice was steely, filled with conviction. "I've worked hard to make everyone like me. It's the only way I feel like my existence has meaning. I won't let anyone threaten that."

"I see..." Hikigaya murmured.

"Don't act like you understand," Kushida sneered. "You, who hide away from everyone, could never understand how I feel. I despise you and Horikita. Both of you act so high and mighty."

Hikigaya sighed inwardly again. She was spiraling, and at this rate, she would destroy herself. He had to put an end to this.

Suddenly, Kushida screamed and shoved him hard, clutching her chest as tears welled up in her eyes.

Hikigaya felt a small twinge of guilt—he had groped her chest just hard enough to cause pain. It was his desperate attempt to break her out of her tirade.

[T/N: Bro no horny! (.ㅅ .)ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)]

"Kushida," he said, his tone shifting, "you're smart, athletic, and socially adept. But have you ever wondered why you were placed in Class D?"


Her expression twisted in confusion and anger. "Mind your own business! And if you try anything again, I'll hand it over to the police!"

Hikigaya ignored her outburst and walked calmly to a nearby vending machine. He grabbed a bottle of water, twisted off the cap, and took a few sips before turning back to her.

"The reason is simple," he said, his voice cool. "It's because your idiocy fits right in with Class D. That's all."


Kushida exploded in fury, storming toward him with rage in her eyes.

"You think I'm joking? Say one more word, and I'll—"

"In my opinion," Hikigaya interrupted, his tone cold and emotionless, "you're beyond stupid. When you threaten someone, you need to plan. And now, you missed an obvious detail."

"...What?" Kushida froze, her anger momentarily replaced by confusion.

Hikigaya pointed behind her. "You thought this area was safe because there were no visible cameras? How naive. The school installed hidden cameras here. Everything you've done is already recorded."

Kushida's face paled. "No way..."

Before she could react further, Hikigaya splashed her chest with cold water from his bottle.


"I told you to pay attention," Hikigaya said with a shrug, ignoring the sight of her drenched uniform.

"And now for the second point." He pulled a small voice recorder from his pocket. "I've been onto you for a while now. Did you think I wouldn't be prepared?"

He pressed play, and the earlier conversation, including her incriminating threats, echoed back crystal clear.

"Lastly," Hikigaya said, his face devoid of emotion as he met her shocked gaze, "you picked the wrong person to mess with."