Familiar Actions

Despite having evidence that could spell social ruin for Kushida, Hikigaya found himself increasingly at a loss. Over the past month, their interactions had grown more frequent, and Kushida's behavior had become progressively bolder.

Her antics were especially noticeable in public, and Hikigaya was keen to avoid drawing attention.

Even a casual conversation with her seemed to attract unwanted scrutiny.

"Um, that…"

Hikigaya's frustration was palpable when unexpected help arrived.

"Sakura-san?" Kushida looked up, surprised.

"What's going on?"

"Actually, I… I came across something unusual recently, but I'm not sure if it's useful…"

Sakura's sudden interjection stunned everyone. Her willingness to speak out was unexpected.

Kushida's reaction was swift.

"Yes! Any detail might be useful!"

Sakura, however, seemed unnerved by Kushida's enthusiasm. She looked down, hesitating before continuing.

"Um, well, I wanted to visit the special building and take some pictures… of the scenery."

Her emphasis on "scenery" felt odd, but no one dared to probe further at the moment.

"But… as soon as I got close, a very fierce girl stopped me…"

"A fierce girl?" Kushida asked, intrigued.

"What happened next? Why did she try to stop you?"

Sakura shook her head, her voice barely a whisper.

"I don't know. I got scared and ran away… I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, Sakura-san," Kushida said reassuringly.

"It's not your fault."

Despite her attempt to console Sakura, the surrounding group sighed in collective disappointment. The information seemed rather trivial.

"Sakura-san, can you describe the girl who stopped you?"

Horikita suddenly inquired.

Sakura responded hesitantly, "Um, she had short blue hair… I'm sorry, that's all I remember."

Horikita's eyes shifted toward Hikigaya, a look of realization dawning on her face.

"Wait, wasn't there a girl from Class C with short blue hair who came looking for Hikigaya-kun last time?"

"Oh, you mean Ibuki-san!" Kushida recalled.

Hikigaya was taken aback. He had assumed Horikita was solely focused on her studies, but it seemed she had been paying attention to class dynamics as well.

"Damn it!" Sudo erupted.

"So it's those Class C bastards behind this! I won't let them get away with it!"

"Even if it is Ibuki-san, it doesn't necessarily prove anything," Kushida said with a resigned smile.

Hikigaya privately agreed. Ibuki was likely acting on Ryuuen's orders, ensuring no disturbances.

Nonetheless, Ryuuen's caution was apparent.

Horikita turned to Hikigaya.

"I heard you're somewhat close with Shiina-san from Class C. Could you ask her about this?"

"…Shiina is not interested in class affairs. There's no point in asking her," Hikigaya replied, his tone edged with irritation. He had intended to say his relationship with Shiina wasn't significant, but he found himself mocking Horikita instead.

Horikita, however, took his words at face value and, seeing no further leads, directed her attention to Sudo and the others.

"It seems we're at an impasse. You should accept the consequences as Hikigaya-kun suggested and learn from this experience."

"Ah… how did it come to this?"

Ike and Yamauchi hung their heads, dejected.

Only Sudo remained defiant.

"What, Horikita? You won't help me either?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Sometimes, no one can help you," Horikita responded brusquely.

Sudo, frustrated, slammed his fist on the table.

"Damn it! You're all useless!"

Hikigaya kept his thoughts to himself, avoiding further conflict. Ryuuen would not let this slide, and the trio was in for a harsh reckoning.

Horikita sneered, "Sudo-kun, it's rather amusing that you criticize others. Perhaps you should reflect on yourself before casting blame."

"What are you implying?"

If not for Horikita's calm demeanor, Sudo would have lunged at her. Instead, Koenji Rokusuke, the most flamboyant student in the class, chose this moment to intervene.

"Redhair-kun, perhaps it's time for you to consider dropping out. Your presence here is less than admirable."

Koenji, engrossed in adjusting his hair while gazing into a small mirror, spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear without directly addressing Sudo.

"Ah? Say that again!" Sudo fumed, glaring at Koenji.

"Repetition is futile. If you're unclear, I can explain again," Koenji said with an air of indifference.

Sudo's rage exploded. He kicked the table away and stormed toward Koenji, determined to confront him. Hirata and Kushida moved quickly to intervene, but Hikigaya was already ahead of them.

"Forget it, Sudo." Hikigaya sighed, stepping in front of Sudo.

"If you escalate this, you risk expulsion and losing your chance to play basketball."

"Get out of my way!"

Sudo, blinded by anger, tried to shove Hikigaya aside. However, Hikigaya deftly sidestepped, maneuvered behind Sudo, and pinned his arm behind his back.


Sudo struggled in vain as Hikigaya forced him down onto the table.

The classroom fell into a tense silence. Hikigaya, typically uninterested in conflicts, had not only intervened but had also subdued Sudo with surprising efficiency.

Horikita observed her expression as one of shock.

"This action… why does it seem so familiar?"

She suddenly realized something and bit her lip in frustration.

"Stop it! Calm down, both of you!"

Hirata, the class's peacemaker, stepped in, and Hikigaya reluctantly released Sudo.

"Damn you!"

Sudo tried to lunge again but was restrained by Hirata.

"Stop it, Sudo-kun!"

Hirata's voice was firm as he grabbed Sudo, holding him back with surprising strength.

"If you keep this up, you'll get expelled!"

"Maybe that's exactly what he wants—get kicked out and be a hero to his friends," Hikigaya muttered dryly.

"Hikigaya-kun, that's enough!"

Hirata snapped, his usual calm demeanor cracking slightly. Sudo's anger flared even more at Hikigaya's jab, but before he could react, Hikigaya's next words cut through the tension.

"Isn't that what you're aiming for? You got into this mess trying to defend your friends, right? Getting expelled would make you a martyr. Maybe Class C would back off then."


Sudo froze, his rage giving way to confusion as he glanced at Ike and Yamauchi, who stood silently on the sidelines.

The classroom fell into an uneasy silence.