Useless Knowledge Once Again...

"Come on, Chihiro-chan, stop that already."

Ichinose noticed the change in Shiromi's demeanor and could only smile helplessly as she patted the girl's head, like trying to soothe a child.

"I have an appointment with Hoshinomiya-sensei in a bit. You go and have fun with Mako-chan and the others for now."


Chihiro responded reluctantly, her voice tinged with reluctance. She was practically dragged away by her friends, with each step she took, her gaze still fixated on Hikigaya, her eyes filled with a mixture of emotions.

"Honestly, give me a break already."

Hikigaya sighed, feeling a twinge of discomfort. Being disliked by Chihiro didn't bother him much, but did she have to keep staring at him like that?

Seriously, this sort of behavior only made things more awkward, especially for those who weren't in on the situation. It would only fuel more misunderstandings.

After all, apart from a few people in Class B, it seemed that no one else knew that Chihiro was, well, more interested in girls...

"Ahaha, sorry about that, Hikigaya-kun. I didn't mean to put you in an awkward position again."

Ichinose laughed apologetically, though a slight hint of loneliness flickered across her face.

"I guess it's because I haven't seen my sister in so long. I've been projecting that feeling onto Chihiro-chan, and I just can't leave her alone... You get where I'm coming from, don't you, Hikigaya-kun?"

"Yeah, I think I do."

Hikigaya nodded in agreement. He missed Komachi... Wait a second.

Something about Ichinose's words felt off.

Just as Hikigaya was starting to puzzle over her odd phrasing, Ichinose broke through his thoughts.

"By the way, have you been discussing the upcoming exam with your classmates?"

Ichinose lowered her voice slightly, "Thanks to you, everyone in Class B is feeling confident. We've been so fortunate in so many ways because of your help. I'll repay you someday."

She was as earnest as ever, to the point of being a headache.

"Hmm... And to be honest, the only reason I helped Class B was because I owed Hoshinomiya-sensei a favor, so don't feel too burdened by it."

After careful consideration, Hikigaya decided to mention Hoshinomiya-sensei.

He hadn't wanted to bring it up, but if he didn't, Ichinose's guilt would likely never end. It was better to address it sooner rather than later.

However, there was one thing Hikigaya had overlooked.

"Huh? Why would Hoshinomiya-sensei be involved in that?"

A look of unease crossed Ichinose's face.

"I know she's been showing favoritism towards our class, and I'm grateful for that, but... dragging someone from another class into it is a bit much, don't you think?"

"...No, really, you don't have to worry so much."

Hikigaya sighed again, this time in resignation. Most students would be thrilled if their homeroom teacher provided a little extra help during exams. Only someone like Ichinose would feel guilty about it.

"And even with all the help I've received if I still can't..." Ichinose's voice trailed off, her expression growing serious. It was clear she lacked confidence in herself.

"Are you worried?" Hikigaya asked, noticing the shift in her demeanor.

"Yeah... But everyone in Class B is so nice, I have to pull myself together and lead them... right? Hang in there, Honami-chan!" Ichinose raised a small fist in a show of determination, though it seemed more for her encouragement than anything else.

Still, Hikigaya couldn't help but think that she was just putting on a brave face.

"Don't worry," he said earnestly.

"If anyone can unite their entire class, it's you. I'm sure you'll shine in this exam."

Though it might have sounded like empty reassurance, Hikigaya meant every word.

"Thanks, Hikigaya-kun. Hearing that gives me more confidence." Ichinose offered him a gentle smile.

"But it's almost time. I need to meet with Hoshinomiya-sensei. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you."

As he watched Ichinose walk away, Hikigaya decided he didn't want to linger on the deck any longer—especially since staying there would likely attract more troublemakers.

Heading back to his cabin was an option, but that was out of the question for now.

His three roommates were Hirata, Ayanokoji, and Koenji—arguably the most peculiar group of guys from Class D. The mere thought of it left Hikigaya at a loss for words.

On the last day of the first semester, the class had to decide on room assignments for the upcoming trip. Since elementary school, Hikigaya had always been the last one picked for teams, often ending up paired with the teacher during gym class. So, when Hirata asked him about his preference, he'd just casually replied, "Put me wherever there's space."

Who would've thought that would lead to this nightmare?

Never mind Koenji, but why didn't Hirata have any other offers? And wasn't Ayanokoji good friends with the trio of idiots? Why did he have to end up in the same room as these guys?

Of course, Hikigaya wasn't clueless. It was obvious Hirata had arranged things to make sure no one was left out. Still, if possible, he wished Hirata would mind his own business.

Especially when it meant being stuck with these three. How could anyone enjoy a trip like this?

Sighing, Hikigaya wandered around for a bit before deciding to relax in the hot spring. After all, there weren't many people there, and with the grueling time on the deserted island ahead, this was the perfect chance to unwind.

He pushed aside the curtain for the men's bath, stripped off his clothes, and stepped into the steamy bathhouse.

Just as expected, it was nearly empty.

Given the luxury of the cruise ship, it was unlikely many would choose the ordinary hot spring right away. Most of the students were probably busy indulging in other amenities.

In the steaming bath, Hikigaya first washed his hair, then his body, before sinking into the warm water.

"Ahh... this is the life," he sighed, feeling the perfect temperature of the water seep into his skin. The vast blue sky outside the window completed the picture of serene solitude.

This, he thought, was what a vacation was supposed to be.

Since starting at this school, he'd met so many different people and gotten caught up in so many things that he'd hardly had time to think about life. Sometimes, a person just needs to spend time alone to reflect and recharge.

"This place is wonderful, don't you think? Zombie Eyes," a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Yeah, it's comfo—what?" Hikigaya turned, stunned, to see who had spoken.

"Heh, it's nice when it's not crowded. Otherwise, everyone would be too busy admiring my beautiful body to enjoy the hot spring," the voice continued.

"...Koenji?" Hikigaya recognized the figure lounging in the adjacent bath.

"Oh? Have you been captivated by my beauty as well? I am quite the sight, aren't I?" Koenji preened, clearly pleased with himself.

Somehow, Koenji had appeared in the nearby tub without Hikigaya noticing. The fact that he hadn't sensed Koenji's presence at all filled Hikigaya with a strange sense of defeat.

This guy was something else.

"Zombie Eyes, you've done something quite remarkable," Koenji said suddenly, his tone conspiratorial.

"I knew you were popular, but to think that your admirer is a teacher... I'm impressed. You've even surpassed me."

"...What?" Hikigaya's heart skipped a beat, though he kept his expression neutral.

"Didn't you have a date the other night? I happened to witness it," Koenji said with a smug smile.

Hikigaya was taken aback but maintained a poker face.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Heh, nice poker face. Have you been practicing?" Koenji praised him, though his tone remained teasing.

"I understand your desire to keep it under wraps. But don't worry, I'm not the type to gossip. I'm not that kind of man."

"Good to know..."

Although Koenji had misunderstood his relationship with Haruno, Hikigaya saw no point in correcting him. Even if he tried, it would be futile—Koenji wasn't one to listen to reason.

"Rest assured, Zombie Eyes," Koenji continued, "as a fellow gentleman who values women, I find your actions commendable."


Hikigaya was lost. He knew Koenji was often surrounded by girls, thanks in part to his background, but also because of his impeccable manners and understanding of how to treat women. That explained his popularity, but what did any of this have to do with Hikigaya, a self-proclaimed loner?

"Didn't you take extra care with your appearance that night? That shows how much you valued that date," Koenji said, his tone shifting from playful to serious.

So, Koenji had seen him that night. And here Hikigaya thought he'd been unrecognizable, even to himself.

"I admire your choice to pursue older women, but!" Koenji suddenly turned stern, his voice taking on an authoritative edge. "While you do respect women, you're also quite reckless. A true gentleman never lets a lady down."


—No, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Hikigaya had known Koenji was a free spirit, but this conversation was something else entirely.

"By the way, Zombie Eyes, you've been working out, haven't you? You've got more muscle than an average guy," Koenji observed.

"Mostly since I started at this school," Hikigaya replied, not particularly eager to discuss it.

"Heh, keep it up. If you maintain this until graduation, you might just achieve a physique as beautiful as mine."

Though Koenji's words were meant to be encouraging, Hikigaya couldn't help but feel a lack of enthusiasm. Then, for some inexplicable reason, Koenji stood up from the tub, chest puffed out and walked over to Hikigaya.

"And I happened to notice earlier—you've got something rather impressive yourself. While it's slightly inferior to mine, I think the ladies will still be very pleased."


Hikigaya quickly averted his eyes, not wanting to sully his vision.

And could Koenji stop commenting on other people's lower halves?

Seriously, this guy was just showing off! Don't brag about your experience in front of a virgin! It's so frustrating!

"You've got a decent face too, though your eyes are the biggest problem. I like the look, but most young women might find it intimidating. That's why your attire that night was spot on."

Koenji flashed a victorious smile before sinking back into the bath.

"But the most important thing is how you treat women. Consider this a free lesson from me, so listen closely."

[T/N: Koenji taught Hikigaya about Sex. Now think about it.]


Hikigaya was astonished. Was Koenji really this open? Yet, as much as he wanted to say he wasn't interested, that would be a lie. After all, Hikigaya was a normal teenage boy, and of course, he was curious about these things!

Ah, more useless knowledge... or maybe, someday, it'll be useful?