The Stolen Seven Warlords

The next stretch felt particularly grueling for Hikigaya, though it wasn't because of the exam itself.

Matsushita's unpredictable mood was what made things uncomfortable.

On the surface, she kept smiling, but it wasn't the kind of cheerful smile that Hikigaya was used to. If anything, it was unnerving.

"Uh, Matsushita?" Hikigaya ventured cautiously. "I don't have my phone right now, but I promise, as soon as the exam is over, I'll transfer the money—uh, is a hundred thousand okay?"

Matsushita's smile remained, but her eyes sharpened. "Hikigaya-kun... You're not seriously thinking of me as some cheap woman who can be bought with money, are you?"

"No, no! Not!" Hikigaya frantically shook his head. "This is purely payment for your help!"

What did she mean by "bought with money"? It wasn't like that at all!

She was the one who had suggested a deal in the first place!

Of course, Hikigaya only dared to voice those thoughts in his mind. Saying them out loud would just complicate things further. Better to endure it.

"Oh?" Matsushita drew out the sound, clearly enjoying his discomfort. "So, it's just payment, is it? And what about your thanks, Hikigaya-kun? Do I not deserve that? I was out there crouching in the bushes for you, you know. Bugs were jumping on me!"

"Ah, I see… I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you," Hikigaya replied, understanding that as a girl, Matsushita would naturally hate insects.

But what did she mean by "personal thanks"? Was it something like a bonus?

Hikigaya pondered for a moment and then cautiously suggested, "In that case, how about I add another fifty thousand points? Would that work?"



"If you keep talking, I'm going to get angry."


Money alone wasn't going to improve Matsushita's mood.

They say the best way to thank someone is to give them something you cherish yourself. But the problem was, besides his points, Hikigaya had nothing of value. Komachi and MAX Coffee weren't available in this school either.

...Maybe he could compromise and give her a case of KEY Coffee?

While Hikigaya wrestled with his thoughts, Matsushita sighed and gave a small cough. "Forget it. I knew you wouldn't come up with anything good. Just take me out for a meal when we get back to school."

"Oh, that's no problem," Hikigaya replied, feeling relieved. All she wanted was a meal. That was easy enough.

"One thing, though," Matsushita added, looking at him suspiciously. "No cafeteria food. You're not getting off that easy."

"Of course. I'm not that stingy," Hikigaya assured her.

"That's not the point, idiot."

Matsushita muttered under her breath, even calling him an idiot.

How rude.

As they neared the camp, Hikigaya told Matsushita to go ahead while he stayed back for a few moments. Even though she said it didn't matter, it was better to be cautious in times like these and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Thankfully, nothing happened in the end. Matsushita, as usual, joined her group of friends, laughing and chatting like nothing had changed. Hikigaya felt relieved.

No matter what, he didn't want to cause any disruptions in Matsushita's social life because of his actions. Even if, in Hikigaya's eyes, those relationships seemed shallow—things that could be easily formed and just as easily broken.

Still, some people treated even those fragile connections as something precious. Unless someone was extremely arrogant, no one could outright dismiss their value.

At least, Hikigaya didn't want to be that kind of person.

The island exam continued, but Hikigaya felt like there wasn't much left to do. Now, all he had to do was wait until the day after tomorrow to negotiate with Katsuragi. Those guys were probably still dreaming about their impending victory.

Hikigaya couldn't wait to see their expressions when the exam ended. The thought alone put him in a good mood, and he began to consider fishing again.

Yesterday had been a bust, but that was just a minor technicality. There was no way he'd come up empty-handed every time.


"Is it the fishing rod or the bait that's the problem?"

After roll call that night, Hikigaya lay in his hammock, mulling over the day's failure. He wasn't a bad fisherman—quite the opposite. The owners of fishing spots often praised him, encouraging him to come back more often.

But today, not only had he caught no fish, he'd been mocked by Yamauchi and the others, who passed by and sarcastically called him an "avid fish enthusiast." Even Ayanokouji had given him a strange look.

It was a complete and utter humiliation.

At that moment, Hikigaya wanted nothing more than to throw his fishing rod at Ayanokouji's face. He was curious to see if the so-called "masterpiece" could catch fish as well as he played piano, brewed tea, or practiced calligraphy.

...The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Better to let it go.

But his brain refused to cooperate, flooding him with one negative thought after another. After a long time, Hikigaya finally drifted off to sleep.

Just as he was getting comfortable, a loud shout jolted him awake.

"What the hell?! Why are my clothes and toothbrush gone?!"

"...Shut up."

Hikigaya groaned, rolling over in his hammock, too irritated to even open his eyes. Not even the gods could disturb his sleep at this point.

But soon, the entire camp erupted in noise. It seemed like someone's belongings had been stolen.

Despite the distance, Hikigaya could hear the commotion clearly, and it was starting to get on his nerves.

"Damn it!"

Resigned, Hikigaya got up and made his way over to check on the situation.

"Everyone, please calm down!" Hirata was doing his best to soothe the crowd, though this time, it was all boys gathered around.

Most of the girls were still in their tents, with only a few watching the chaos from a distance.

"Everyone, check your belongings. Let's see how many of us are missing items."

...Wait, how many people?

Hikigaya was startled by Hirata's words. He had assumed someone had simply lost something in a moment of carelessness. However, this time, it turned out to be a case of widespread theft.

Not that Hikigaya was particularly worried. Every night, he used his bag as a pillow, and during the day, it was always strapped securely to his back. There was no way such an incident could happen to him.

In the final tally, it was revealed that seven boys had fallen victim to the theft.

The unlucky ones were Hirata, Ike, Sudou, Okitani, Yukimura, Hondou, and Ayanokouji.

"Seven Warlords of the Sea, huh?" Hikigaya mused to himself, making a mental jab at their misfortune.

While he appeared indifferent, watching from the sidelines as if the whole ordeal had nothing to do with him, Hikigaya couldn't help but feel a growing curiosity. This situation promised to get interesting, and he was always up for some entertainment.