Wish Me a Happy Birthday

At first, everything was going just fine.

After parting ways with Ichinose, Hikigaya returned to his room for a quick nap. When he woke up, it was already 6:00 PM.

In the room, except for Kouenji, both of his other roommates, Hirata and Ayanokouji, were present.

"Hikigaya-kun, good evening. You must have been really tired; you were sleeping so soundly," Hirata greeted him warmly as soon as he woke up. Ayanokouji, on the other hand, remained by the window, staring out at the night sky like a statue.

He must have something on his mind related to the exam, Hikigaya thought, amused.

"Yeah, I guess I was," Hikigaya replied.

If he could, Hikigaya would have preferred to be completely ignored. But this time, he quickly dismissed that thought.

"You must be hungry after sleeping all afternoon. How about grabbing something to eat?" Hirata asked in his usual gentle tone. "Actually, Class B—no, now it's Class A, Ichinose's class—is hosting a celebration party. A lot of our classmates have been invited. How about joining us? The atmosphere should be pretty lively."

The liveliness of the atmosphere was secondary; the key point was that this invitation couldn't have come at a better time.

Hikigaya had been fretting over how to slip into the party without drawing attention. Going alone would have been too weird, but following behind the most popular guy in the school? That would allow him to blend in without any trouble, and all eyes would be on Hirata instead. It was the perfect plan!

However, when Hikigaya didn't respond immediately, Hirata mistook his hesitation for reluctance and added, "Not just us—Karuizawa and her friends will be there too."

...What was this guy talking about?

Why did he suddenly bring up Karuizawa? Was he trying to show off his popularity?

But seriously, at this point, did he even need to show off?

The whole grade, possibly the whole school, already knew Hirata was the ultimate popular guy!

As Hikigaya silently ranted to himself, Hirata finally got to the point.

"There will be four or five girls, including Matsushita."

"...And?" Hikigaya wasn't sure why Hirata mentioned Matsushita, but something about the way he said it felt... oddly significant.

Wait, was this guy trying to set him up?

"Nothing much," Hirata continued to smile warmly. "I just thought you seemed to get along with Matsushita, so you might enjoy yourself more."

The way Hirata said it still felt strange to Hikigaya.

"...Whatever, I'm a bit hungry anyway," Hikigaya finally relented.

He could already predict that Karuizawa and the other girls wouldn't be too happy about it, but he had already promised Ichinose he'd be there.

Besides, Hikigaya couldn't care less about what they thought.

"That's great... Oh, by the way, Ayanokouji-kun will be joining us too."


Hikigaya nodded, trying to act nonchalant, though he was... no, he was super surprised.

Ayanokouji didn't seem like the type who'd be interested in group activities. Maybe he had an ulterior motive.

On further thought, it was likely reconnaissance.

This time, Ichinose's class had come out on top in the island exam. If Ayanokouji wanted to lead Class D to rise up the ranks, it made sense that he'd want to check out the competition.

Though, in the end, he probably wouldn't find much useful information...

The party was being held in the banquet hall on the top deck of the ship. Everything was provided for free, so splurging a bit to celebrate the exam victory seemed like a great idea.

The three of them left the room as the time approached and took the elevator to the top floor.

Once they arrived, they discovered not only Karuizawa and Matsushita but even Horikita was present.

Was she here to gather intel too?

Hikigaya was tempted to ask Horikita about what happened earlier, but considering the location and Ayanokouji's presence, he decided against it.

As it turned out, there were a lot of students present. In addition to Class A, there were students from Class C and Class D as well.

Even some of the biggest losers from the exam, Class B, had a few representatives. For instance, Hashimoto was mingling with a group of girls, laughing and chatting, though there was no sign of Kamuro.

But that made sense. There was no way she would come.

Even Hashimoto was probably here just to network and keep his options open.

Come to think of it, this party wasn't just a celebration; it felt more like a social mixer.

The stronger students seemed to have their hidden agendas, while the more carefree ones were genuinely here to have fun.

"Hirata-kun! Come on, let's go dance!"

Karuizawa and her group of girls quickly surrounded Hirata, and within seconds, he was whisked away. They didn't even glance at Hikigaya and Ayanokouji, making them feel completely out of place.

But to be fair, they were out of place.

"Hikigaya-kun, um..."

"It's fine, go hang out with your friends."

Matsushita noticed Hikigaya's discomfort and was about to suggest staying with him, but he politely declined, knowing she had her circle to socialize with.

"Well, it does feel like we've been left behind," Ayanokouji commented suddenly.

"You've still got Horikita, though," Hikigaya teased.

As expected, Ayanokouji immediately looked exasperated. "Please don't joke about that. Horikita and I are just ordinary friends. If Sudou hears that, he'll..."

"What shouldn't I hear?"

Before Ayanokouji could finish, Sudou himself appeared, accompanied by Ike and Yamauchi.

"What else? Of course, it's about Horikita!" Ike and Yamauchi were quick to stir the pot, and Sudou, being as clueless as ever, started pestering Ayanokouji for details the moment Horikita was mentioned.

It seemed their 'misunderstanding' still hadn't been cleared up.

Sigh, I wonder who started that rumor in the first place—

For a brief moment, Hikigaya's eyes met Ayanokouji's, who seemed to be pleading for help.

Who would have thought that even this so-called 'masterpiece' was helpless against a blockhead like Sudou?

Hikigaya sighed, feigning ignorance, and turned away without hesitation. No way he was getting involved in this messy love triangle.

After wandering around the venue without encountering anyone he knew, Hikigaya decided to focus on the food. Even though he had eaten plenty for lunch, after a week of surviving on instant food on the island, everything tasted exceptionally delicious now.

Especially when paired with a tomahawk steak and cola—it felt like his living standards had finally caught up to some pampered pet.

"Hikigaya-kun, why are you alone?"

"…Because I'm always alone."

At that moment, Ichinose approached him in the corner. Hikigaya had noticed her earlier, but she was the kind of person who could surpass even Hirata in popularity, always surrounded by a crowd, leaving no chance for casual greetings.

Of course, even if there had been a chance, Hikigaya probably wouldn't have taken it.

"Is that so… But isn't it a bit lonely to be alone at a party?" Ichinose smiled wryly. "But don't worry, Shiina-san has already agreed to come. She should be arriving any moment now."

It seemed Ichinose had successfully invited Shiina without Hikigaya even knowing. Her initiative was truly impressive.

"Oh, and by the way, did you know? Several couples came out of this exam."

No surprise there—a week of cooperation between boys and girls on an uninhabited island was bound to be a great opportunity to develop feelings. Of course, some classes, like Class D, might have ended up with a gender divide instead, but that's another story.

Seeing the look of longing on Ichinose's face, and her genuine happiness for the couples, Hikigaya's response was predictable.

"Sure, great, let them all blow up."


Seriously, why even ask? It's common knowledge that normies should explode, right?

Hikigaya couldn't help but sigh. Who would've thought that the seemingly perfect Ichinose could be so lacking in common sense? No one's perfect, after all.

"Really, you shouldn't curse others out of jealousy! Besides… I think you're the one who should explode the most, Hikigaya-kun."

Ichinose's voice trailed off at the end, but Hikigaya still caught her muttered words.

What nonsense was this kid spouting? At least wait until Hirata explodes before even considering me!

"Good evening, Hikigaya-kun, and Ichinose-san."

"Ah, Shiina-san, you finally made it!"


After a brief chat, Shiina finally arrived. She seemed to have taken a bath beforehand, as a light scent of shampoo lingered around her.

Hikigaya was somewhat surprised. He had expected her to find an excuse not to come… No, Shiina wasn't him.

And so, Hikigaya accompanied Shiina as they wandered around the venue, grabbing some food, and then sat in a corner to discuss some recently released books.

How should he put it… It felt no different from their usual interactions at school.

But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Compared to not knowing what to talk about with a large group of unfamiliar people, this was much more comfortable.

The best part was that Shiina soon suggested leaving early.

Hikigaya agreed without hesitation, eager to leave as soon as possible.

"Well, I'll send a text to Ichinose-san then," Shiina said.

"Okay… wait, what?"

Hikigaya struggled to comprehend Shiina's words. As someone well-known, Ichinose had left midway through the event, so it made sense that the two of them would leave early as well. But texting? Since when did people stop having face-to-face conversations?

"Alright, let's go." Shiina smiled as she put away her phone. "Hikigaya-kun, there's a place I'd like to visit. Would you accompany me?"

There was a look of satisfaction on her face, as if everything had gone according to her plan.

Wait, did I agree to this? Hikigaya thought, somewhat confused.

"Uh-huh, okay."

Despite sensing that the situation was unfavorable, Hikigaya found himself agreeing involuntarily, unable to muster the courage to refuse. Was he hypnotized?

Regardless, he had already agreed, and there was no going back now.

He followed Shiina, taking the elevator to the fourth floor where they arrived at a large room. A sign on the door read "Health Spa."

The word "spa" could mean many things, but here it clearly referred to beauty treatments. The pleasant scent that greeted them upon entering only reinforced that. Hikigaya glanced around at the descriptions of various services, feeling as though his horizons had been forcibly expanded.

Wait… how did I end up here?

Hikigaya took a deep breath, his heart pounding with confusion and mild panic.

Damn it! Didn't Ichinose say that after Shiina attended the party, she wouldn't remember anything about going to the spa? Yet here they were, in a spa, and Shiina seemed perfectly aware of it.

"Hikigaya-kun, I'm sorry," Shiina said with a smile. "There's another person joining us. She'll be here soon. Please wait a moment."

If you're truly sorry, why not let me leave? Hikigaya thought bitterly. And what did she mean by "another person"?

"She helped me make the reservation, so I had to use her phone," Shiina explained.

"...I see."

At this point, Hikigaya had given up trying to understand the situation. He just wanted the meddlesome person to disappear.

Before long, the third person finally appeared.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay, we haven't been here long," Shiina replied with a smile, while Hikigaya stood there, utterly dumbfounded.

"...Is that you, Ichinose?"

Suddenly, Hikigaya understood how Caesar must have felt before his betrayal. Why was Ichinose the one who orchestrated this?

This traitor!

"Wait, Hikigaya-kun! You can't blame me for this!" Ichinose quickly defended herself. "I invited Shiina-san earlier, but somehow I ended up helping her make a reservation for the spa. She agreed to attend the party, so I couldn't back out."

"...It's hopeless."

"What do you mean, 'hopeless'? You're here too!" Ichinose retorted.

"Uh..." Hikigaya was at a loss for words.

Shiina had an ethereal, almost otherworldly presence. She appeared to be someone who didn't care about the world around her, but she had a way of subtly guiding the conversation, seizing control without anyone realizing it. Even Hikigaya had been led astray by her on several occasions.

All he could think was that she was indeed a formidable child.

Well, whatever… let's just get this over with.

By this point, Hikigaya had resigned himself to the situation. He had promised Shiina he would go to the spa with her… Wait, when did I agree to that? Come to think of it, I don't recall ever agreeing to this…

His only memory was Shiina suddenly bringing it up, and now, here they were.

Was he really hypnotized?

…Forget it. None of this matters anymore.

When he was on the uninhabited island, Hikigaya had mastered the art of suppressing his thoughts. He just needed to focus on counting prime numbers when the time came.

As long as you stay focused, nothing bad will happen!

Just as he steeled himself for what lay ahead, Ichinose approached the front desk, her phone in hand.

"Excuse me, I'm Ichinose, and I have a reservation for three people at eight o'clock."

"Of course. Please, follow me."

Wait… three people?

Hikigaya's neck felt stiff, as if it had rusted, as he slowly turned to look at Ichinose, who gave him a sheepish smile.

"It's a rare chance to experience something like this, and I wanted to try it again… plus, it's safer with three people!"

"That's obvious! Of course, it's safer!" Hikigaya grumbled.

With three female technicians on hand, there was no way anything strange would happen. But the embarrassment… there was no escaping that.

"That's not the point." Ichinose tried to put a positive spin on it. "With more people, it might not be as awkward… maybe."

"Hikigaya-kun, it's a rare opportunity, so make the most of it."

Shiina showed no signs of being unsettled at all. In fact, the fact that she could remain so composed in such a situation was what made her truly unusual.

"I've always thought that if Hikigaya-kun paid more attention to his appearance, he'd be quite popular with the girls. That's why I wanted to bring you here to experience it for yourself."

"...No, that's impossible."

Hikigaya had no idea why Shiina would think that. Even if he did become popular, what would be the point?

Ichinose, standing beside him, seemed equally surprised by Shiina's statement, but then she smiled.

"I see. I agree with Shiina-san's opinion." She nodded knowingly. "If Hikigaya-kun took care of his appearance, he wouldn't lose to anyone!"

"No… this isn't a competition."

As they continued their strange conversation, the technician brought over a screen to provide some privacy.

But even with the screen in place, Hikigaya found himself blushing as he caught glimpses of the two girls undressing.

There was nothing he could do about it. After all, he was just a normal, healthy high school boy!

The room was filled with the soft hum of music and the soothing scent of essential oils. Hikigaya lay on the massage table, his body sinking into the plush cushion as the technician worked expertly on his tense muscles.

Despite the serene atmosphere, the groans of discomfort emanating from the adjacent room were anything but relaxing.

To be fair, the massage techniques at this spa were top-notch, and the essential oils did wonders to calm the mind. It was an indulgence Hikigaya rarely allowed himself, and under normal circumstances, he might have found the experience genuinely enjoyable. But the exaggerated sounds of agony from the next room made it difficult to fully relax.

"Now," Hikigaya thought to himself, "Is all that moaning necessary?"

He felt a mix of embarrassment and amusement, glad that the dim lighting concealed his flushed face. The only thing keeping him from bolting out of the room was the solace that came with solitude, a rare commodity in his life these days. He'd counted to 997 this time, nearly breaking into the quadruple digits, just to distract himself.

After what felt like an eternity, the massage finally ended. Hikigaya let out a small sigh of relief, his body limp with relaxation and fatigue. He used the excuse of needing a moment to rest, politely asking Shiina and Ichinose to leave without him. They obliged, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

The technician smiled at him as he lay there, unmoving. It was a kind smile, yet Hikigaya wished she hadn't done it. If she could avoid speaking or even smiling, that would be ideal.

"Well... thanks for not saying too much," he thought. "But if you could, please don't even smile."

It took a while, but Hikigaya finally mustered the strength to get up. He dressed quickly and left the room, eager to escape before anyone else decided to strike up a conversation.

As he stepped into the hallway, he nearly bumped into Kouenji, who was strutting around shirtless. Hikigaya blinked in surprise.

"Why are you naked?" Hikigaya muttered under his breath.

Kouenji, ever the peacock, flashed him a dazzling smile. "Oh, if it isn't Dead-Eye Boy! What a delightful coincidence," Kouenji exclaimed. "You're here to pamper yourself too, I see. You've got good taste, my friend. The way your skin glows—it's clear the service here is of the highest standard, even by my impeccable standards."

"Ah?" Hikigaya replied, his tone flat. This was the last conversation he wanted to have, especially with someone like Kouenji, whose self-absorption knew no bounds.

"And by the way," Kouenji continued, as if Hikigaya's indifference hadn't registered, "give me your cell phone number."

Hikigaya groaned inwardly. There was no escaping Kouenji's relentless charm offensive.

"Heh, well," Kouenji said, striking a pose of supreme arrogance, "even though our statuses are not equal, you're still my schoolmate. So, I'll tell you my number, but only once. Make sure you remember it well."

"I just want to… never mind. Go ahead." Hikigaya had learned that arguing with Kouenji was a futile endeavor, so he simply surrendered.

After scribbling down Kouenji's number, Hikigaya transferred the promised 10,000 points as a reward. Finally, a weight lifted off his shoulders. He despised owing anyone anything, and this cleared that particular debt.

With the points transferred and his conscience clear, Hikigaya felt a strange sense of calm. Yet, sleep remained elusive. The afternoon nap had left him too wired to sleep, and returning to his room would mean facing Ayanokouji and Hirata—an interaction he wasn't ready for just yet.

Instead, he decided to explore the cruise ship. He craved solitude, a moment to recharge his depleted "loneliness index," as he liked to call it. Recently, he'd been surrounded by people, and it was starting to wear him down.

But finding a quiet spot on the ship proved difficult. No matter where he went, either staff or students were milling about. Just as he was about to give up and return to his room, his cell phone rang.

"Hmm? Who's calling at this hour?" Hikigaya wondered.

He pulled out his phone and checked the caller ID. To his surprise, it was Haruno. His heart skipped a beat.

"Could it be...?"

Hikigaya took a deep breath, calming his nerves before answering.


"Happy birthday, brother!" came the cheerful voice on the other end.


He had expected a birthday greeting, but the voice wasn't Haruno's. It was his beloved sister, Komachi! Even after four months without hearing it, Hikigaya could never mistake that voice.

In that moment, Hikigaya's mind flashed back to the premonition he'd had before the exam. It seemed that fate had decided to give him the best birthday present after all.