The Past of Ichinose

Honestly, being mistaken for a stalker isn't exactly amusing.

Hikigaya had previously faced accusations of being a stalker simply because he frequently happened to walk home at the same time as a certain girl. It was just a coincidence of timing!

But then he realized this time, he was entangled with someone else's family.

Although Ichinose's reaction might have seemed a bit excessive, it was understandable given that it involved her adorable younger sister.

If Hikigaya were in Ichinose's shoes—say, if Komachi had asked someone to deliver a gift to him—he would probably end up as a murderer.

Fortunately, Ichinose quickly recovered, forcing a smile at Hikigaya.

"Ah, sorry, I just got a bit of a shock."

"…It's nothing, no need to apologize."

Normally, it would be quite odd for a boy from the same grade to know his sister, and even more so if their sisters were classmates. It would be perfectly reasonable to harbor some suspicion.

However, Ichinose's reaction seemed more like she had been caught hiding something.

It appeared Hikigaya's earlier guess was correct; Ichinose had known about this situation all along but had deliberately avoided mentioning it.

Though something felt off, it was none of his business, so he decided not to pry further.

"Anyway, the package has been delivered successfully… Shall we call it a day?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean… about our meal today. Since Kanzaki and the others can't make it, maybe we should reschedule."

"Eh?! No, it's fine! I'm sorry if I worried you!"

Ichinose's laugh was overly cheerful, and her demeanor suggested she was forcing herself.

"But I am okay. I'm just too excited… Hehe, I had prepared myself mentally for not being able to contact her for three years, so receiving a birthday gift from Maki-chan was a wonderful surprise. Thank you so much, Hikigaya-kun!"

She then playfully tapped her head.

"Honestly, I invited you to thank you, but once again, I ended up receiving your help. I'm pathetic."

"It was just a small favor," Hikigaya waved his hand. "Besides, this was a request from my sister. Even if the delivery was to Siberia, I'd go out of my way to ensure it reached its destination safely!"

"Hehe, Hikigaya-kun, you are a sis-con… even more than I heard."

By the end, Ichinose seemed to retreat a little.

But that was fine. Hikigaya's love for his sister was straightforward and unashamed. He wouldn't feel embarrassed if the whole world knew!

Then Hikigaya remembered something and quickly added, "Oh, and your sister wanted me to pass on a message."

"Hm? What is it?"

"She said 'thank you.'"


Noticing Ichinose's momentary daze, Hikigaya hurried to clarify.

"That's all she said, not that I forgot any part of it."

"No, no, I wasn't doubting you," Ichinose forced a smile. "I just… well, let's not dwell on that. When people are happy, they get hungry, don't they? Let me treat you to something to eat!"

The topic shifted abruptly, but everyone had their untouchable subjects, and there was no need to dig deeper.

As for Hikigaya's response, there was only one possible answer.

"Huh? Aren't we supposed to head back home?"

"Not at all!"

"Uh…" Hikigaya couldn't help but grumble internally. This wasn't the time for sarcasm; he should go along with the offer.

Although he knew Ichinose was just trying to avoid making him worry by putting on a brave face, with her current state of mind, heading back to the dorm for a good rest would be more appropriate.

But Ichinose was the kind of person who prioritized others over herself. While this trait wasn't inherently problematic, it made her incredibly gentle to everyone.

That was both her strength and her weakness.

For example, when sitting on a bus and an elderly person or pregnant woman boarded, most people would willingly give up their seat as a gesture of sympathy. It's a common, though not extraordinary, act of kindness.

However, this often hinges on one's well-being.

If someone was feeling unwell or extremely tired, they might ignore the situation, leaving the act of giving up a seat to someone else.

That's not wrong or unexpected.

But in rare cases, some individuals prioritize others' happiness even at their own expense. Ichinose might be one of those rare people.

Such individuals are a blessing whether they are friends or foes.

If one becomes friends with them, they can rely on their kindness wholeheartedly, and they will gladly accept it.

If one becomes their enemy, they can exploit their kindness without them holding grudges.

Unfortunately, Hikigaya was neither Ichinose's friend nor her enemy. So… He wouldn't indulge in such 'kindness.'

"By the way, Ichinose, since earlier… you've been glancing at that box."


"Wouldn't you rather head back to your dorm to open your gifts?"

"Umm... what's this about...?"

"There's no need to deny it," Hikigaya said with a slow shake of his head. "Remember, you're not anyone's guardian; you don't need to constantly consider other people's feelings. Besides, you're a young high school girl in the prime of your life—being a bit selfish now and then is perfectly acceptable."

Too well-behaved a child often receives no affection, as it is everywhere in the world.


Ichinose fell silent for a moment, her face showing a faint, resigned smile.

It seemed she had realized that her inner struggle had been somewhat forced; Hikigaya's advice was indeed sound.

"That's quite cunning of you…"

"Wait, what do you mean by 'cunning'?" Hikigaya said, exasperated. "Anyway, let's just head back for today. We'll have plenty of chances in the future."

"Hmm… but can I open my gift first? Is that okay?"

"Huh? Here?"

Seeing Ichinose nod, Hikigaya could only sigh in disbelief.

"No, no, it's better to enjoy such moments in the comfort of your own room, where you can savor the feelings. Or… are you trying to show off to me?"

"Yes, exactly!" Ichinose said with a cheerful grin. "I really want to show you the birthday present my cute little sister gave me. Is that not allowed?"


"Yay, then I'll be a bit rude."

Ichinose's face lit up with joy as she began unwrapping the gift, her excitement almost tangible as if a tail were wagging behind her.

Ah… Is this what they call shooting oneself in the foot?

Hikigaya felt a mix of helplessness and a strange acceptance. It wasn't so bad this time, but he vowed it would not happen again—especially since Komachi hadn't given him a birthday gift!

Though she had called to wish him on his birthday, he couldn't help but feel a bit unsatisfied. Humans are indeed greedy creatures.

As Hikigaya mused, Ichinose had already opened the small box, revealing a delicate silver hairpin.

Hmm? That looks a bit familiar... Wait a minute!

Isn't this the hairpin I bought for Komachi?!

Hikigaya was stunned. To accidentally buy the same gift was even more awkward than a fashion faux pas.

No wonder Ichinose's sister had looked at him strangely that day; he had thought it was just suspicion about whether he and Komachi were siblings. It turned out it was because of this!

Damn, why did I pick this... Wait, this was chosen by Kushida!

Come to think of it, this hairpin style seems quite popular. It was endorsed by some celebrities, so it's not surprising that it's a common choice. Fortunately, Ichinose didn't know about this, which was a small blessing in this unfortunate situation.

Hikigaya resolved to keep this secret forever—at least until graduation.

However, Ichinose, upon seeing the hairpin, displayed no joy or any other emotions but stood there, seemingly transfixed.

Could it be… overwhelmed with surprise?

"Um…" Hikigaya said, waiting for a reaction, but Ichinose remained silently standing still.

Then, tears began to roll down her cheeks.


This was completely unexpected for Hikigaya. He couldn't understand why Ichinose was crying over a gift—wasn't it a bit extreme to be overwhelmed to the point of tears?

"Uh, Ichinose? Are you alright?"

Hikigaya tried to call out to her, but his words seemed to act as a trigger.

Ichinose, who had been silently crying, now began to sob softly.

Hey, hey, hey… This isn't good.

Hikigaya, who had always been at a loss with women's tears, wasn't moved by sympathy but rather by the uncomfortable stares from everyone around them.

Especially since they were in a shopping center, where every passerby seemed to be looking their way.

This is bad, this is bad!

Hikigaya, usually calm, felt panic rise within him. If it were Komachi crying, he would hug her and promise to do anything she wanted. But if he dared do that with Ichinose...

The only outcome would be a future full of accusations.

No wonder people say women's tears are highly impactful; indeed, they're quite formidable.

…Well, there's no escaping reality now.

The pressure from the gazes around nearly overwhelmed Hikigaya, but he steeled himself.

The men who had been eyeing them earlier were now approaching.

Hmm… Are they planning to play the hero in a rescue-the-damsel scenario?

Though part of him wanted to commend their cleverness, he wished they wouldn't cause trouble at a time like this!

"Hey, beautiful lady, is this guy bothering you…"

"S—Sorry, Hikigaya-kun, c—could you just... give me a moment?"

One of the men seemed eager to show his chivalry, but before he could finish, Ichinose, seemingly oblivious to him, hugged Hikigaya tightly as she choked on her sobs.

The scene fell completely silent… or rather, it was a complete cold freeze.

"Um… I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine."

Hikigaya felt he had done nothing wrong but decided to apologize.

For the first time in his life, he felt a twinge of sympathy for these frivolous suitors… After all, if he were in their shoes, he'd probably never leave the house again!

What to do now?

Feeling Ichinose trembling in his arms, Hikigaya couldn't push her away and could only quietly endure the embrace.

As for the stares around them… Let them look!

After Ichinose had calmed down somewhat, Hikigaya spoke up gently, "Shall I walk you back?"


No need to question why; this was not a realm to enter lightly.

Hikigaya's mind repeatedly warned him of this.

They walked slowly back to the dorm area, where the lobby was almost deserted at this hour, providing some relief.

Arriving on the sixth floor and reaching Ichinose's room, Hikigaya saw her at the door.

"Well then, take care and rest," Hikigaya said, raising a hand in farewell. "I'll be leaving now… Ichinose?"

Suddenly, Ichinose took hold of his hand. Hikigaya instinctively pulled back a little. Normally, Ichinose would have let go easily.

But this time, she only looked up at him with a hint of sadness.

"Please, Hikigaya-kun… there's something I want to tell you… can you listen?"


Ichinose's grip tightened, and Hikigaya felt her trembling more intensely than before. Her voice was anxious, making one wonder if she might break down completely.

Yet, despite it all… she desperately exposed her vulnerable side.


Hikigaya couldn't bring himself to ignore her courage.

If she truly needed it—

"I'll listen carefully."

"...Thank you."

Ichinose, either out of fear or a refusal to let go, pulled him into the room. Her forceful attitude would probably surprise and confuse anyone else who saw it.

But Hikigaya understood that he might be partly to blame.

Still, he didn't think it was a bad thing.

"Sorry… Is it alright if I sit on the bed?"

Ichinose asked quietly, still not letting go of his hand.

"Ah, yes."

Even though it was his first time alone in a girl's room, Hikigaya felt calmer than he expected.

In fact, he was so focused that he couldn't even observe his surroundings properly.

If he left now, he couldn't even describe what the room looked like.

"Hikigaya-kun… please, let me speak."

"Mm, I'm here."

Hikigaya had never been to a church, but he knew there was something called a confessional.

Ichinose seemed like she was confessing her sins.

…No, it seemed to be more than just an appearance.

"…I… I am… I have sinned… I…"

Ichinose spoke in fragmented sentences.

Though slow, her words were resolute, each one spoken clearly.

"…I… I am… a sinner."