Importance of Body Forging!

Indeed! The realms below master are not considered much in the Wang clan, and even difficult to gain any reliable status even in handling the family's businesses for those that can't continue to pursue martial arts.

But upon hearing this words, Mei Lin's smile faded. Her face become serious, as she turned to face her husband, "When will you men of the Wang clan come to an awakening about the importantance of Body forging stage. Sigh! It's a good thing you have not yet had time to influence that good grandson of mine."

She lamented as she looked at her husband.

"Wife you always say this, but isn't said that the most important thing is grasping artistic conception at this stage, what else could there be?" He was also puzzled.

She looked helpless and said, "Foundation! Do you really not understand this world!"

"But what is the point? I mean, it would be pointless to spend more time on this stage right? After all regardless of how strong you are at this stage you can't fight against a master!" He stated a fact.

But she rolled her eyes at him, and complained.

"Fighting! Always about fighting with you old thing!" She indeed complained, but one could see a smile on her face.

Seeing this he hurriedly said, "Isn't this how I was able to snatch to snatch your heart back then!" He was very proud of himself when saying this.

They looked at each other and laughed helplessly.

"Actually, foundation is very important.

"What do you think the source of a cultivator's strength lies in?" She asked her husband with a smile, and seeing how dazed the old man looked while watching her, she slapped his palm.

"Oh! The foundation of strength should be their Realm right?" Actually what he said was not wrong, as she could find a reason to refute. You can't defeat someone in this realm, then fight them when the realm difference is greater.

"For any living creature foundation lies in the body, and other aspects come later, but regardless of how grand this aspects are, they can't escape from the fact that the body is their foundation. If you have a stronger body, the more of this power that can be unleashed. You must know that the Wang clan has been able to control this domain because of some geniuses over the years that have even surpassed my level, but when fighting against those on the same level, physique matters more. Of course there are exceptions and that is the martial arts being used have reached an even greater heights than the enemy. It is the case with the Wang clan, but this doesn't change the fact." She looked at him and said.

Actually what she had not said was that not everyone will have the ability to grasp a higher level of martial arts and even cultivate it to a higher level. If the martial arts is the same and in the same realm, the one with advantage is the king. She didn't care about the whole Wang clan, but she at least has to make her grandson stand out among those in the same level.

Physical advantage starts from the body forging stages, and most don't like to continue improving or strengthening the physique due to the resources, time and even more so, pain involved. But the Wang clan could afford resources and the excuse about time, it was unrealiable because the moment one enters the master realm, breakthrough is based on comprehension and understanding more than anything else. It might sound shocking, but at this stage, it didn't require months or years to improve, but a single enlightenment could allow one to ascend to the heavens.

It was just that even if one has enlightenment, it would not be that effective to allow them to ascend to the heavens, but if they really met the requirements in understanding of the world, then their cultivation would not be blocked by anything. The energy from nature would be enough to allow them to rise upwards faster, after all foundation is in the understanding of the world.

It is also why she didn't think that the path of training in the body would take up or waste time. On the contrary, it could keep up with cultivation as one was dedicated enough.

She didn't ask for his grandson to practice his physique to a higher level, just on the body forging Stage should be enough.

She looked up at her husband and said, "Tomorrow I'll send some resources and a instructor over to guide him in the next two years. It should be enough to ensure when he returns back at twelve years old, he has already reached the 9th stage of body tempering."

"I haven't seen my grandson for a long time, he might have even grown into a young man by the time I set my eyes on him." She seemed to be complaining.

He looked at her and said, "Why don't you just visit him? It's not like it anything will go wrong right? You can just be away for a day or two."

Mei Lin shook her heard. "You think I don't want to. The situation is far more delicate than you think. If only I can take another step forward, I should be able to form incarnations. But I am a step short! Do you think it is just for show that the clan has all of us stay closer to the core of the Wang clan? Not just this clan, even the Mei clan was the same. The core of the clan was the place with the highest concentration of energy and at the same time easiest to understand the world, but at the same time, require more guidance."

She was indeed helpless. The world was very different from what Wang Lu had initially thought. The strong people seemed to have more responsibilities than he could imagine.

Mei Lin could feel that some peeping was always happening from the void. As long as her presence was absent, something would definitely walk through, and at that time, it would be difficult to say what the consequences would be for the Wang clan.

She was lucky that her husband had yet to reach the same level as her, or it might be difficult to meet each other. Thinking of this, her eyes softened greatly, as she looked at him.

"Husband! Come sit! Let's talk about something else! I heard that our son's wife is not bad..." The couple started to gossip.


Back in the training camp, Wang Lu's figure had walked back to his residence.

"Xingyue! How many movements can you withstand?" He asked the young man before him.

"I can't even complete the first one!" He said in a dejected manner.

"Me too! How about we compete!" He had an idea, and decided to implement it. The best motivation in any world was competition.

"Alright! What are we competing?" Xingyue asked with excitement.