Visit to the Martial Pavilion(II)

When he arrived, he didn't even find anyone guarding the Martial Pavilion. He just looked up and could see words 'Martial Pavilion' giving him a profound feeling.

He walked towards it, but couldn't see anyone guarding the entrance. "How come there is no one?" He murmured to himself.

As he walked forward, he stood at the entrance for a while, before walking inside. To his surprise, there really was someone guarding in the Pavilion, and even more importantly, he was shocked at massive it was. He at first thought there would be only a few techniques on the shelf, but he looked around and saw numerous techniques.

Most of them where low level, but even so the number was staggering. The good thing was that stairs were present close to the books. Even more importantly, he could see the books had been arranged based on those within the same category.

"How the hell did they gather so mant martial arts manuals? The most important thing is that this are body forging level. Is this the reason the clan doesn't care about us having access to them, they are just too much." He might be lamenting, but his eyes were very honest.

He was wondering what would happen it practiced all of them. But before that, he wanted to deal with something important. He was going to select the bone forging technique first.

The old man sleeping in the Pavilion seemed to have been used to people having the same expression as Wang Lu.

You can check the manuals, but can't damage them. After making a selection, being them up so that I can make a copy for you." The old man spoke lightly as he continued to close his eyes.

Looking above, he could see numerous techniques, and even some were balanced techniques focusing on the entire body.

The muscle section appeared in his sight, then the liver section, then the lungs section. Before he knew it, he had seen a lot of them. Reaching the bone section, he finally relaxed.

"Damn! How come the good things in this place are just too many. I almost got tempted to go with the other sections." He thought as he moved closer and looked into the bone section.

Titles of books started to appear in his eyes.

*Golden bone refinement

*Demonic Bone technique

*Bone Ascension sutra


The number was just endless and his breathing was quick. He barely managed to suppress himself.

He couldn't help but be shocked, as for the bones alone, more than hundreds of techniques. "If I started to practice them all, how long would it take?" He wondered silently.

But his eyes didn't stop looking at the introduction of the techniques, as he had to choose one.

When he looked through them, only one of them got his attention, and it was the Comprehensive Tai Bone records the reason was simple. The technique focused on Refinement of the bones and strengthening of muscles. Only it was very easy to get started as long as one was practicing in an extremely cold environment.

The moment he saw this technique, he suddenly thought of the cold pool he hadn't visited for a long time. But that was not all, he was already holding another technique in hand, the Yang Movement Bone Scripture.

The nature of this two seemed to oppose each other, but he didn't think twice before taking them. The reason was simple. One technique was able to increase the bone density in the process of tempering, while the other was able to transform it's Quality.

He didn't think much about the difficulty in learning this techniques, and decided to focus on them for the next week. He couldn't continue to practice the Indestructible Demon Body because he had already reached the human soldier stage.

He would have to wait until the end of the month to get the other part. That arrangement suited him best. As for the two, he was going to practice one during the day and the other during the night. If done correctly, he didn't think he it would take more than two weeks. With this plans in mind, he walked toward the entrance.

"Senior! I need a copy of this two!" He put the techniques on the table before the old man, and spoke respectfully.

"Hmm! The old man opened his eyes, and looked at them, then without even realizing what had happened, Wang Lu realized two scrolls had appeared beside the old man.

"Take it!" The old man didn't even bother to continue talking as he closed his eyes.

Looking at the scrolls, they had the same information as the books, but it just seemed slightly vague, as though it couldn't last long. But he didn't plan on keeping it for months anyway. He collected the two scrolls and walked away, still not understanding how the old man made a copy so fast.

"Is there something I missed? Don't tell me he used some kind of martial arts trick?" He kept doubting himself. What he didn't know was that the old man had a few copies of each techniques stored. The moment someone requires them, he would just pass on the copies. He wasn't the one that made the copies, rather the clan had people that could do this work. All the copies collected during the day would be refilled with the same people.

But with Wang Lu thinking too much, he failed to realise such a simple truth. Even until he left the Martial Pavilion, he kept looking back at the old man with awe. He even made the old man blush a little. He didn't expect his actions to make a little junior look highly upon him.

But after walking away from the Martial Pavilion, his figure walked away resolutely. He had no plans on going back to chat with the old man to ask about how he copied the book so fast. He knew what was important. He walked toward Xingyue's residence and the reason was simple, the little guy failed to show up. The bet they had was already over, but that was not the only reason he visited. He was wondering what would make Xingyue not visit.

"Let's hope I'm just overthinking!" He thought to himself.