Realization:Changing plans!(I)tion:Changing plans!(I)

This time Wang Lu was more familiar with the process and entered the library without stopping. Instead of heading for the martial arts section, he headed straight for the general knowledge section. It was also the place that he had overlooked the first time. But now he was very sober, as something kept bothering him. He just realized that he couldn't finish practicing all the body forging techniques in this place. In that case, he had to at least make sure that this decision would not cost him and just waste his time. But the general knowledge section was enough to allow him to understand somethings about that path of martial arts. A lot of things needed one to experience themselves, but others he could use the experience of the seniors before him to make his path smooth. He didn't have any desire to show off after he suffered and learned a lesson. Perhaps in the future he might learn things on his own, but currently he was just an ant. He has been thinking about it for a long time and couldn't understand why the focus of the Wang clan has never been on the Body Forging techniques. The clan clearly wanted them to just reach the Ham general stage. He didn't think much about it, but after seeing the difference between techniques, he had doubts.

The reason he didn't raise them with the old woman his grandmother sent over, was that she was she was a moody person. He didn't have time to deal with her mood swings.

He even suspected that his grandmother might have been trying to get rid of her,but he didn't have any evidence to support this. Getting back on serious business, his eyes focused on the cultivation experiences written down in the General Knowledge section.

He picked a grandmaster handbook. It talked about their experiences along the journey of martial arts. He could see that most of them were from grandmasters and some even from the Wang clan. In that case, he didn't rush. He was after all just a junior that had set foot on the path of cultivation. What he wanted was just the information on the Body forging stage.

He made himself comfortable, as he rested his back against the wall. On the book it was clearly titled (( Grandmaster Li Zheng's Path to Invincibility!))

He just picked it up because of the title and his intent was to see if anything about the body Forging stage was mentioned. He wasn't aware of the Grandmaster by the man Li Zheng, and probably he didn't care. He was more interested in what the other party might have written.

He read through the entire page and didn't find any information he wanted, but at least learned something important.

From the book he could see that the Grandmaster had mentioned the time one used to practice in the body forging stage. Apparently the shorter the time, the more advantageous.

The reason was also mentioned, and that was being discovered by the Phoenix Tower. The rules in the tower where also explained slightly. What attracted him most was that, all the strongest people in the world had a connection with it. But the Grandmaster didn't explain, he just claimed that it would be advantageous to become even an outer member.

The advantages would become apparent the stronger one became. He thus realized the entire first page was dedicated to promoting the Phoenix Tower. He didn't bother with it, and looked at the second page, to that finally mention about his cultivation experience.

He started to read seriously, after all the experience of others in martial arts practice was not a bad thing. The more he read the more he realized the old man was bragging about his talent. The thing he realized was that he never mentioned the number of body Forging techniques he practiced.

After reading through the fifth page, and seeing nothing he wanted, he put it back and collected another one. Just like before, it also had some experiences, but the most important thing mentioned was the age. It seemed that reaching the human General stage before fourteen was advised. But the most important thing was that the martial arts combat skills used had to be trained from early and perhaps it would be possible to accumulate more so as to reach the Artistic conception stage. It was the as the others, and he was already starting to suspect that nothing about body forging was written by Grandmasters.

He looked through the books one after another and he has already started to think he couldn't gain much.

But an old voice sounded just behind him. "Young man! What are you looking for?"

"Huh!" Turning his head he was shocked to see an old man standing just a few meters away.

"Senior is?" He didn't answer, but asked a question first.

The two of them were strangers, and he had only met the old man once. It was already good enough that he didn't ignore him. But he knew this was probably someone from the clan.

If the other party didn't answer, he obviously would also not reply to their question.

"I'm the one that knows almost everything in here! Who do you think I am?" Instead of answering, the old man also asked a question.

He was clearly bored and saw this junior looking through the general knowledge, but there was disappointment on his face the whole time.

Who would have thought when he wanted to help, the kid actually dared to question his identity with a straight face.

Hearing the old man's reply, he didn't react differently, but complained instead.

"Senior! Do you know why none of this grandmaster records talks about the Body Forging stage. Each of them is boating and promoting their reputation, but I didn't see anything I seek from their experience."

He didn't ask a question, but made it more like a conversation. He didn't know if the old man had any weird temper. But what he didn't expect was that the old man, looked at him differently after hearing what he had said.

"Not bad! Not bad! Child can be taught." He started talking with a smile.

But when Wang Lu heard the old man's words, he had a question mark in his head.

"Child can be taught? Old man! What have you taught me?" He indeed was curious about this, but didn't ask.

"Actually what you want can't be found in this place! Follow me!" He finally become very approachable.