Thrill And Spoils

The dragon man's golden eyes glanced at the girl, bracing himself for an unhinged response from her.

"I find these instant kill toys awfully boring. It's not going to help my dexterity. And if it runs out of bullets, what can I do then? A blunt weapon at best and I would still prefer a blade."

Alright, that wasn't so bad…

The young dragon girl's lips curled into a chilling smile. Ah, there it was, the unhinged smile of his junior. Venom wondered which god he offended from his previous life to garner such a bloodthirsty and unstable underling.

"I crave the thrill of piercing my opponent's flesh watching them writhe and plead for mercy," whispered Mavislin, her voice laced with dark amusement.

"One clean shot might be enough to kill, but where's the fun in that?"

Venom was certain that he caught her crimson eyes flashing with a sudden, fierce glow that illuminated the darkness for an instant.

"You're undoubtedly destined to be a part of the Corrupted Syndicate. I'm certain Beast will take a liking to you. A person with no remorse, no mercy—acting with unwavering resolve and a singular passion for combat, purely for the thrill of it."

The little happy dragon girl was delighted to hear those words as she joyfully skipped alongside Venom as they went out of the area. 

Back in the present day, Mavislin was so captivated by the gun's beauty, that the poor bunny had to snap his fingers in front of her to get attention.

"Hello? Are you good?"

"Sorry, I was too entranced with the gun… What were you saying?" asked Mavislin, as she disarmed the gun and placed it back down.

"I was asking you about the daggers in your arsenal… You seem to only collect them, are they all gifts given to you?"

"You could say that they are my spoils of war and combat throughout the years…" replied Mavislin, taking a purple blade dagger and twirling it around.

"Throughout the years? You make yourself seem older than me…"

"Out of the 23 years I've walked this reality, a decade and a quarter was spent on the battlefield. Whether it was a small assassination attempt or a bar brawl, I tried to collect any shiny new weaponry that fit my style."

"Can you believe that I've got more back in Headquarters? I just chose not to bring the previous ones out for this mission," said the happy dragon girl, examining her blades.

"Wait, scroll back for a moment… You've been with the Syndicate for how long?!" exclaimed the bunny as he caught onto the earlier point Mavislin had made.

"I've been with the organization for at least a decade, I rose to this title not long before I met you. And you sound so surprised, did you not know the foundation of our little group was made from young souls?"

"Fresh meat, as they called it when the group was changing both leaders and titles, from the Southern Cartel to the Corrupted Syndicate."