Chapter 74: New Features in the Life Simulator

[You have become the hope of the Uchiha clan, and everyone expects you to quickly reach Kage-level strength!]

[A week later, the Night of the Massacre commenced. Due to the aftereffects of the Eight Gates, you were unable to resist and were saved by Keiko, who fought desperately to get you out of the village. Keiko awakened the Three Tomoe Sharingan!]

[Within a month, you faced three assassination attempts, all of which were thwarted by Keiko!]

[Two months later, you encountered Orochimaru, but fortunately, your Eight Gates aftereffects had recovered by 70-80%. You reopened the Sixth Gate and escaped from Orochimaru's clutches!]

[Two years later, you and Keiko became S-Class missing-nin from Konoha, with a bounty of 30 million ryō. You were attacked by Kakuzu and Kisame. Keiko was gravely injured while creating a chance for you to escape. You furiously opened the Seventh Gate, killing both Kakuzu and Kisame!]

[Six years later, Orochimaru found you again and invited you to join him in his plan to destroy Konoha. You agreed!]

[The Konoha Crush plan failed, but you personally killed the Third Hokage!]

[Seven years later, you transplanted some of Hashirama's cells, greatly increasing your chakra reserves and touching the threshold of Kage-level power!]

[Eight years later, you and Keiko encountered Naruto Uzumaki and Jiraiya on a journey. Jiraiya entered Sage Mode, and you opened the Seventh Gate, overpowering him!]

[Naruto repelled Keiko and hit you with the Rasenshuriken!]

[You died. In your final moments, you saw Keiko's Sharingan evolve into the Mangekyō Sharingan!]

[Please choose one of the following rewards from the simulation:]

[Option 1: All acquired knowledge, skills, and combat experience!]

[Option 2: Increase in chakra reserves!]

[Option 3: Bloodline enhancement status!]

This life simulation left Uchiha Akira both amused and frustrated.

Of course, from this life simulation, Uchiha Akira was able to discern many important details!

First, the Night of the Massacre is supposed to happen in a week?

According to previous simulations, the Night of the Massacre was supposed to be a month away, right?

So, it's happening earlier than expected?

Why the change? After thinking it over, Uchiha Akira understood.

It must be because he killed Danzo and showcased the power of the Seventh Gate, which likely pressured the Third Hokage to act sooner.

If they truly waited a month and he recovered, he'd be a solid Kage-level fighter with the Seventh Gate.

Next, there's the fact that Keiko somehow managed to risk everything and get a crippled him out of the village?

That seems unlikely. After some thought, he realized there must be more going on here.

The most probable explanation is that Itachi was secretly helping him!

As for encountering Orochimaru two months later, becoming an S-Class missing-nin, and opening the Seventh Gate to kill Kakuzu and Kisame...

Those details didn't matter as much!

What was surprising was that Orochimaru would invite him to join the Konoha Crush plan!

In the simulation, he was able to kill the Third Hokage, so that was some form of revenge!

However, after the Konoha Crush, he ended up transplanting some of Hashirama's cells?

It seems that by that point, he and Orochimaru had quite a good relationship!

Otherwise, why would Orochimaru help him with the cell transplantation?

And after successfully receiving the transplant, his chakra reserves skyrocketed, bringing him to the threshold of Kage-level power—it all makes sense now!

But what he didn't expect was the encounter with Jiraiya and Naruto eight years later!

The protagonist's plot armor activated, and he ended up dying to the Rasenshuriken?

Still, what was truly surprising was that his death actually triggered Keiko's Mangekyō awakening!

That was a real shock!

On one hand, he hadn't realized he was that important to Keiko.

On the other hand, who knew Keiko had the potential to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan?

Upon closer inspection, it's clear that during the encounter with Kakuzu and Kisame, Keiko risked everything to create an opportunity for him to escape. Could it be that in this simulation, Keiko valued him even more than before?

Could it be because he saved her by taking down Danzo in this timeline?

If so, that might explain her increased attachment.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Akira pushed these thoughts aside.

This life simulation spanned eight years, and as usual, he had three options to choose from!

First, the bloodline enhancement—his Sharingan remained at the Three Tomoe stage, so there was no point in selecting this.

Next, there was the knowledge and jutsu—based on the simulation, it didn't seem like he learned any particularly powerful new jutsu.

And the Eight Gates didn't reach the Eighth Gate either?

That leaves only the increase in chakra reserves!

Given that he merged with Hashirama's cells in the simulation, his chakra reserves nearly reached the Kage-level threshold!

So, after some thought, Uchiha Akira chose to increase his chakra reserves!

As soon as he made his choice, Uchiha Akira immediately felt a change in his chest.

A burning sensation spread through him, causing Uchiha Akira to let out a groan.

Lifting his shirt, he noticed a patch of skin on his chest that was distinctly different, an eerie pale white!

"So, this is Hashirama's cells?"

Seeing the starkly different patch of skin on his chest, which resembled vitiligo, Uchiha Akira realized that these were indeed Hashirama's cells!

It seems that in the original series, both Uchiha Madara and Obito, who had Hashirama's cells, had a similar pale patch of skin?

He didn't expect that choosing to increase his chakra reserves would also grant him Hashirama's cells.

But when he thought about it, it made sense. The reason his chakra reserves reached Kage-level in the simulation was due to the Hashirama cell transplant, right? So, selecting the increase in chakra reserves would naturally include the cells as part of the process.

Chakra—endless streams of chakra surged through his body.

Uchiha Akira could clearly feel that his chakra reserves had increased significantly at that moment!

More importantly, Uchiha Akira realized that his injuries had completely healed!

Normally, the aftereffects of opening the Seventh Gate would have left him bedridden for two to three months before fully recovering.

But now, after choosing the chakra increase, he had completely recovered from the aftereffects of the Seventh Gate?

"I didn't expect the life simulation to work this way! Instantly healing all injuries and restoring chakra?"

Feeling the complete recovery of his body, Uchiha Akira was inwardly astonished!

In the past year, he had gone through dozens of life simulations, but he had never done one while injured, especially not while choosing to increase chakra reserves.

So he didn't realize this was possible!

But after thinking it over, Uchiha Akira found it understandable!

It's like leveling up in a game.

If you're low on health, leveling up would instantly refill your health and mana bars, right?

Similarly, choosing to increase chakra reserves in the life simulation would restore his body to its peak state when his chakra reserves were at their highest.

This was an unexpected surprise! For Uchiha Akira, it was truly an unexpected benefit!

In the simulation, he was left crippled, which led the Third Hokage to initiate the Night of the Massacre early.

As a result, he was forced to flee the village with Keiko's help, unable to do anything.

But now, his injuries had fully healed, and his chakra reserves had surged dramatically. On the Night of the Massacre, he would be able to do a lot more!

Moreover, this effect could potentially allow him to exploit a loophole!

Originally, he had planned to combine the Eight Gates and Izanagi to exploit a loophole, but now, with this new ability from the life simulation?

On second thought, maybe it's not possible!

The life simulation requires that you survive first and foremost.

For example, if he used the life simulation after opening the Eight Gates, the result would likely be, "You opened the Eight Gates, so you died!"

"Wait, hold on, maybe it's not impossible after all!"

After dismissing the idea, Uchiha Akira suddenly had a realization and reconsidered.

If he opened the Eight Gates and then used the life simulation, it wouldn't work.

But what if he used the life simulation first, then held off on choosing a reward?

After that, he could open the Eight Gates and, once everything was over, select his reward.

In theory, he could exploit the loophole that way, right?

This would not only restore his health but also instantly replenish his chakra!

It's similar to how Naruto used shadow clones to store Sage chakra while fighting Pain.

When his Sage chakra was depleted, he dispelled one of the clones, instantly restoring his Sage chakra!

Now, it seems I've discovered a similar trick I can use!

Overall, this life simulation has been incredibly rewarding.

First, my chakra reserves have significantly increased, and I've even gained Hashirama's cells!

Second, I've learned a valuable loophole I can exploit to instantly recover my chakra and heal any injuries.

Finally, I've discovered that the Night of the Massacre has been moved up.

This means I can start preparing right away.

Of course, I won't be telling anyone that I've fully recovered from my injuries.

I'll use this to my advantage, and from now on, I'll focus all my simulation efforts on mastering the Eight Gates.

Opening the Seventh Gate still feels risky; achieving the Eighth Gate will be the real safety net.

By then, even if Uchiha Obito himself comes after me, I'll have nothing to fear!