Chapter 82: Using Kotoamatsukami Against Me?

Daytime Tiger—this is an advanced taijutsu technique that can only be used when the seventh gate is opened.

Indeed, despite its wide attack range and the enormous size of the tiger, it is not a ninjutsu but a taijutsu technique.

In the original series, Might Guy used this technique only three times.

The first time, he used it to defeat the so-called tailless Tailed Beast, Kisame Hoshigaki, who wielded Samehada.

The second time was during the Fourth Great Ninja War, when he crashed into Uchiha Madara's Susanoo.

The third time, however, it was blocked and shattered by the Sage of the Six Paths Madara's staff.

So, out of its three appearances, the Daytime Tiger had excellent results in the first two instances, except when it faced the Sage of the Six Paths Madara.

Now, as this colossal Daytime Tiger is unleashed, its destructive power is yet to be seen, but its sheer size alone has shaken the entire Konoha Village.

What on earth is happening here with such a massive disturbance?

"This disturbance... Is it coming from the Sarutobi Clan's territory? Has Akira's assassination plan already started?"

In the Uchiha district, despite the distance, Uchiha Fugaku could still feel the impact of the Daytime Tiger. He knew that the battle on Akira's side must have already begun and was likely in a critical phase.

"This disturbance... Could it be? The reason you were stalling for time is because of this!?"

Itachi, too, noticed the commotion from afar and quickly connected it to the Uchiha's strategy of stalling for time. "Is that... Daytime Tiger!?"

Might Guy also noticed the disturbance and, upon seeing the massive tiger, showed a look of astonishment on his face.

Of course, Might Guy recognized the Daytime Tiger—it's a technique that requires opening the seventh gate to use.

However, although he had recently managed to open the seventh gate, he had not yet fully mastered the Daytime Tiger technique, and yet someone else could already use it?

"Could it be... Uchiha Akira!?"

Looking at the enormous Daytime Tiger, Might Guy immediately thought of Uchiha Akira.

After all, apart from himself, it seemed that only Uchiha Akira in the entire ninja world could open the seventh gate, right?

But logically, since he opened the seventh gate just a few days ago, he shouldn't be able to fight again so soon. Why is he even using the Daytime Tiger this time?

Moreover, even though he taught Akira the Eight Gates, he didn't teach him the accompanying taijutsu techniques.

So how could Akira use the Daytime Tiger?

With so many questions swirling in his mind, Might Guy quickly rushed toward the source of the commotion.

It wasn't just Might Guy; many others noticed the disturbance and began rushing toward the scene as well.

"Kakashi, you're up too?" On his way, Might Guy encountered Kakashi and greeted him.

"Guy, don't you feel that something is off tonight?" Kakashi asked.

"Of course! With such a big commotion in the village, something must have happened!" Might Guy rolled his eyes at Kakashi in exasperation.

"No, what I mean is, have you noticed that despite all this noise, the Konoha Police Force hasn't shown up, nor has the Anbu?" Kakashi shook his head and replied.


Hearing Kakashi's words, Might Guy finally looked around more carefully.

Indeed, not only had the Konoha Police Force not shown up, but even the Anbu were nowhere to be seen. What's going on? What's happened to the Police Force and the Anbu?

It wasn't just Kakashi who noticed this; as the Daytime Tiger caused such a massive disturbance, others began to realize that something was amiss as well.

But for now, they all needed to get to the scene of the battle to see what was going on.

One after another, the ninjas quickly arrived at the battlefield.

And then, one by one, they were shocked to discover that the battle was happening within the Sarutobi Clan's territory!

It must be remembered that the Third Hokage is the leader of the Sarutobi Clan!

Who would dare to cause such a ruckus in the middle of the night on Sarutobi territory?

While the Daytime Tiger had shaken the entire village, Uchiha Akira was breathing heavily. Opening the seventh gate was a significant burden on him.

After fighting for so long, Uchiha Akira was physically and mentally exhausted.

Then he looked at the Third Hokage.

A massive crater had formed on the ground, and the Nyoi Staff had reverted to its original form as Enma, lying unconscious from severe injuries.

As for the Third Hokage, he too was badly injured, lying in the center of the crater with his head bleeding, struggling to stand but unable to get up.

Just now, when faced with the Daytime Tiger, the Nyoi Staff had thickened and shortened, acting as a shield in front of the Third Hokage. But Enma's strength wasn't enough to fully block the Daytime Tiger's attack.

As a result, Enma had fallen into a coma from his injuries!

And the Third Hokage was in no better shape, lying on the ground, heavily wounded and seemingly unable to continue fighting.

Strike while the iron is hot!

The Daytime Tiger had caused such a huge commotion, and Uchiha Akira knew that if he delayed any longer, more and more people would arrive.

Since the Third Hokage could barely stand, it was time to finish him off!

Without further ado, Uchiha Akira raised his hand again and delivered a punch toward the Third Hokage.

There was no need to use any ninjutsu. In the seventh gate state, a casual punch from him had the power of an A-rank ninjutsu.

There was no need for any flashy techniques!

However, just as Uchiha Akira's fist was about to strike the Third Hokage, he suddenly felt a sense of impending danger.

This sudden sensation made Uchiha Akira's hair stand on end!

Almost reflexively, he changed the direction of his punch, aiming away from the Third Hokage.

A sharp pain shot through his fist—this was from a highly compressed Wind Release technique, known for its sharpness.

This highly compressed wind blade had cut into his fist, but thanks to the powerful chakra surrounding his fist, it only caused a minor injury.

Otherwise, even the strongest steel would have been sliced open by this Wind Release technique!

After blocking the Wind Release attack with his punch, Uchiha Akira looked at his fist. The injury was superficial, like a small cut from a knife.

He then turned toward the source of the attack.

Seeing the figure that had just attacked him, Uchiha Akira's face showed a look of shock.

"Danzo!?" Uchiha Akira exclaimed in disbelief as he recognized the figure.

Indeed, the person who had just ambushed him was none other than Shimura Danzo, whom he had killed just a few days ago!

Yet here he was, standing perfectly fine in front of him!

"Damn Uchiha! Are you so surprised to see me alive? Did you really think you could kill me so easily?" Danzo sneered, noticing Uchiha Akira's shocked expression.

"Izanagi?" Uchiha Akira muttered as he scrutinized Danzo.

There was no doubt that he had killed Danzo just a few days ago!

In Uchiha Akira's mind, there were only three possible ways for someone to come back to life.

One was the Rinnegan's Outer Path — Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique, but Nagato would never use that technique on Danzo!

The second was the forbidden technique of Chiyo from Sunagakure, Reanimation Jutsu, but Chiyo wouldn't sacrifice her life to revive Danzo!

So, the most likely option was Izanagi!

Uchiha Akira wondered if the Sharingan Danzo had sacrificed to use Izanagi was the one he had stolen from Shisui.

Seeing Uchiha Akira immediately identify the method of his resurrection, Danzo, who had planned to make a grand reveal, felt a bit embarrassed.

He hadn't expected Uchiha Akira to figure out his secret so quickly!

"No matter..."

From Danzo's expression, Uchiha Akira could tell that he had guessed correctly.

Although Danzo's resurrection was unexpected, it wasn't a big problem.

With his power, even in the seventh gate state, killing Danzo wouldn't be difficult.

If he could kill him once, he could kill him a second time, a third time, a fourth time...

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Akira raised his fist again. With the Third Hokage already out of commission, a quick battle to finish off Danzo shouldn't be too hard.

However, just as Uchiha Akira raised his fist and prepared to strike again, Danzo calmly unwrapped the bandages covering his right eye.

He revealed a Mangekyō Sharingan with a four-point shuriken pattern in his right eye socket.

"This time, I didn't come back unprepared. I've successfully transplanted Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"Uchiha Akira, do you know about Shisui's Kotoamatsukami, the most powerful genjutsu?" Danzo said confidently, as if victory was within his grasp.

As he spoke, the Mangekyō Sharingan in Danzo's right eye began to rotate.

Seeing Danzo's Mangekyō, Uchiha Akira immediately understood that Danzo hadn't used Shisui's eye for Izanagi; instead, he intended to use Kotoamatsukami against him.

Just as Danzo's Mangekyō Sharingan began to activate its genjutsu, Uchiha Akira's expression remained calm. With a thought, there was a sudden puff of smoke, and a pitch-black crow appeared, perched on Uchiha Akira's shoulder.

This crow's eye socket also contained a Mangekyō Sharingan, with the same four-point shuriken pattern as Danzo's.

P/S: If you are interested, you can read up to chapter 123 at

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