Ch 1-the hidden evil.

[Star eyes] I wonder how long it's been, 1000 years? Not that little but, around 10k years of waiting and watching. Something had started to peak my interest, some of the creatures started to use human, bodies to blend in. Why I'm back is due to the interesting aspect, of this particular monster.

He has long wavy hair, with black damp eyes, so does his hair. A very tall body comparable to a truck and, the width is very wide, not of fat using my star eye vision. Which has a red type of hue when I activate it. The muscles are very thick and, expanded. Now where I'm observing is a mid high building.

Which is pretty nice to chill on, I fetched a nice Grey jacket from a dead homeless man, sadly this world has changed for the worse. Humans are more greedy and, idiots.

[Monster p.o.v] So this body, not as flexible as my main body. But good enough to hide amongst humans, this specific day is my day, to exterminate on of the dangers of us monsters. We usually appear with a slender Grey body with jagged horns coming out of our heads. Tall in height, and we get more power with age, but as we as a species stopped aging because of our sleep. We need to go out and kill other powered humans.

Name of human Zakan

Power level 2.9

Location Rich building.

I need to kill him, as he is getting more powerful the more he trains with his ability.

[Ability]: Matter erasure blast.

(After walking for a few minutes his target comes into view, A gigantic smirk comes up on the monsters face)

Ch end